संत संग अपबर्ग कर कामी भव कर पंथ। कहहि संत कबि कोबिद श्रुति पुरान सदग्रंथ

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

बंदउँ गुरु पद कंज कृपा सिंधु नररूप हरि। महामोह तम पुंज जासु बचन रबि कर निकर

बिनु सतसंग बिबेक न होई। राम कृपा बिनु सुलभ न सोई- सतसंगत मुद मंगल मूला। सोइ फल सिधि सब साधन फूला

बंदउँ संत असज्जन चरना। दुखप्रद उभय बीच कछु बरना- बिछुरत एक प्रान हरि लेहीं। मिलत एक दुख दारुन देहीं

The world is a river of suffering and the God is ocean of bliss

washout the blemishes of self to reach at the ocean of bliss, true name of Lord is the path

This fragile and transient human life may come to an end soon, it is high time to relocate self in context with supreme reality

Gone is the time and lost is the opportunity, where shall find this philosopher stone which turns mortal to immortal that once for all

while alive one may struggle to liberate self which is very hard for hereafter, here in this wonderland one may find the true master

O traveler, today or tomorrow, will have to depart, like the birds come to perch in a tree for the night, be wakeful and wise to make it before the sunset

O traveler, be warn of the flower of the silk cotton tree especially designed net for you by Maya, beware and be warn

So long the sound has not withdrawn, recollect and realign self in love with God, rest assure human body is door to reach at,

when life is gone none can remember, so long breathe is, try to pitch out the verse on that to make it for self

The Lord is truth, all else is worthless delusion, respect the possession have with from Lord and harvest truth through this chapter to cultivate unison with

Be not like the sleeping owner, thief in the form of ignorance may take away the most valuable goods, rest assure that no one care the pauper in this world

Maya, the feminine serpent, bites all in the form of wealth and sensuality, which act as tranquilizer to fame and name and may drown the essential truth one carries along with

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji {1412-1712}

जय श्री बाबा लाल जी {1412-1712}

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

Friday, December 31, 2010

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji

New Year is on way-let us welcome this new year with divine spirit. Any thing new with the name of God proves fruitful all the way. Any thing new with the blessings of saint proves meaningful in life. Any thing new with the prayer in the lotus feet of true saints reflects well all over.

Pray in the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji for his kind blessings

Wishing all a very happy new year

May lord bless all

Thanks please

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji

Without sat-guru it is not so easy to attain the wisdom of light that enlighten the inner pace. Religious merits penance, austerity and adoration of truth in life have its own glory but the glory of light imparted by sat-guru is unique all the way.

Without gracious sat-guru, it is really hard to attain purity and perfection at its optimize pitch to match the ultimate truth for unison.

Blessings of sat-guru acts as tangible support in life even in tough reflects of fate. Blessings of sat-gure modify the script of fate to favor. Blessings of sat-guru give the true meaning to life for ultimate welfare of self.

Benevolent, indeed, are all saints who come in this age, they drink and cause others to drink the divine nectar.

I make my obeisance in the lotus feet of true saints of this age.
May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, December 30, 2010

inner practice

Outer display is one thing and inner practice is other, to meet the ultimate soul mate one needs to practice at its inner cord through realization and meditating unto truth of supreme.

Duality of mind leads one to the net of delusion but rigid faith unto self and the grace of lord makes one reach at the truth of self. A complete one pointed absorption in lord, unruffled by the agitations of senses and the mind, is the essence truth to make one reach at the glory of supreme spirit.

Experience of the Union of mind with essential truth is really wondrous. True aspirant on the path of truth make it to drink the nectar of divine love in ever increasing blissful ecstasy, yet make no outer display.

As the love deepens, yearning of the lover increasing intensified-true lover never satisfied with glamour of celestial abodes; nothing short of his beloved can satisfy him and inner practice alone act as media to make it.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, December 23, 2010

love and devotion

God is ever accompanying protector of devotees and pious one. God is remover of fear from the heart of devotees and followers. God is giver of spiritual wisdom and bliss on the cord of divine love that enough to erase the obstacle of mundane world.

Nectar of divine love purifies the inner core; make one smile eternal y. one that faces the agony of love on the path of divinity enjoys blissful union with ultimate beloved.

On the process of love with true spirit and full heart, god himself becomes the lover of devotee.

Thirst for divine love makes one to meet the ultimate soul mate face to face on the plane of heart. One who is intoxicated with love and devotion at its true pitch and feels the pangs of separation, God dwells for that the one wish to see him.

Impurities and blemishes of mind burnt up in the fire of separation on the path of true love that makes one prepare for ultimate unison. When love and devotion arise on the cord of heart; one firmly established in state to have true vision of ultimate soul mate.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, December 16, 2010

cord of karma

No one in this world has exclusive good karmas or bad to one’s credit; it is mixture of both with varying potency. Few have good assets more than worst on the chapter of karma or vice versa.

If we perform well, we will be entitled for good but evil deeds results in miseries and sorrows alone.

Good karmas come to us in the form of good health and wealth, long life and fame, joy and peace but evil deeds reflects indifferent chapters of getting pains even on good modules, suffering defeat even on the path of truth.

Good and bad experiences are not restricted to this life alone, here after there is a journey too.

As we attain a life and began to act that indicates the past with cushion to write script for future. Each action is linked to destiny with little free will to modify the chapter. Every action brought reaction on the cord of karmic law that operates with every living being on the planet.

Every one is possessed with free will to saw new seed these new seeds in terms of action becomes basics of incarnation, one needs to be careful and conscious on the cord of karma that every action must be in accordance with truth for the welfare of truth and to establish the law of truth automatically attain the status of self submission and helps one to liberate self from the cord of karma.

Company of true saints really helps one on the subject concern.

Jai sri Baba lal ji

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, December 9, 2010

immortal treasure

Essential requirement of divine love is absolute purity of body, mind and soul, since they are linked together purity or impurity of one affects the other and one need to track the life in conscious and wakeful state to attain the path of divine love.

Life style must match the truth at its best to make inner and outer pure in all respect. Self restraint really helps to attain inner purity. Yoga and meditation helps deep till soul to streamline the truth at its best.

Company plays a vital role on the subject, company of holy men redefine the pace of life on the cord of truth that purifies heart and mind at its best. In the company of true saints soul drinks the nectar of love and enjoys the bliss of eternal union and regains the heritage of immortal treasure.

Jai sri Baba lal ji.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Human life

Human life is really meant to enjoy the eternal pace at its best to make self ready for unison. Body consists of five basics attached to senses with features to interact with subtle and the eternal one.

The senses are said to be greater-superior to and stronger and subtler than the body; but greater than senses is mind; greater than mind is intellect; spirit is greater than intellect. Controller of intellect is some one else but.

Intellect is man’s chief instrument for realization of the self. Intellect of ignorant is scattered in many directions and endless diverse but the intellect of true one is that discern between what is right and wrong.

Intellects of those who are engaged in the practice of god realization make it to reach at the ultimate motto of being human.

Body, senses, mind and intellect cannot enter the supreme abode; unable to reach there in absence of truth unto self. One need to track truth to influence the intellect though tough but attainable by the company of true saints

Blessings of true saints influence the intellect at its best to establish link between self and the supreme.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Saturday, November 27, 2010


One needs to be impartial observer of self deeds and thoughts that arise in the ocean of mind to do justice with self. Control of mind is not an easy task for any one but those visualize and monitor thoughts on the cord of justice make it to reach at.

If one dispassionately observes the impulse of love and hatred without identifying self with them will soon make it reach in the orbit of ultimate truth must for justice.

Creator has created creatures high and low but all of them in fact self seeker but needs the orbit of truth to reach at and that is possible alone with if one justify self on the cord of justice.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, November 26, 2010

blessings of true saints

Circumstances have their own pace in life may be favorable or else but one need to try to be stable on the cord of truth with faith in the mercy of lord. Almighty lord is great and all powerful and this world belongs to him only.

Justice of almighty God is true in all manners-no one can afford to deny it but right use of available circumstances makes one close to the love of God. The power of whole universe keeps close watch on events and reflects unto life respectively.

The Divine always gives the power and the strength to the one keeps faith in truth and lotus feet of saints, blessings of true saints makes life and circumstances favorable to attain the true wisdom of being human.

Jai sat guru Baba Lal Dayal ji

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, November 25, 2010


God has created this universe as one, indeed one and indivisible but temporary formations in nature that creates the illusion of separation. The bare fact is simple that this is one universe created by supreme one-essence of the whole is one that to love one-ultimate soul mate on track to experience love before merge in one.

Pleasure and pain follows our limitation for form and function in which there can be attachments but the definition of love differs. Pleasure and pain cannot co-exist in one-hate and love cannot co-exist in one, hope and fear cannot exist in one-they appear at levels of forms and functions are mare waves on the ocean of mind and one needs to reach at the appropriate stage to experience the true self for getting merge in one at the time of change over.

The sphere of thoughts and action leads one to destiny if one attain the right direction with optimize pace can make it to reach at the glory of love meant for unison. Blessings of true saints help on the subject. Service in the lotus feet of true saints makes one to achieve the requisite pitch of life that spread love on the ether sphere of individual.

“Obeisance in the lotus feet of Sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji”

Jai Sat Guru Baba Lal dayal ji

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Happiness in life will grow in the same proportion as one curtails one’s undue desire. Fire cannot be extinguished by adding fuel to it-it blazes all the more so the soul craving for undue enjoyment does not cease through self indulgence.

Objects of mundane existence may be a necessity for survival but they cannot be the object of happiness. For short there may be some joy in attaining the object of mundane world but they are not going to last for long and_.

State of mind plays a vital role to attain the true happiness-it is perception of mind that matters to happiness-it is acceptance of circumstances that gives relive to mind and non acceptance results in unrest that robes the pristine asset peace.

Mind is never sated with luxuries-it never feel contented with possession-it never gratified or composed even if one comes to have everything all over the world.

In this mundane existence it is not so easy to have favorable circumstances-different peoples with different pace of mind creates difference in perception that results in unrest which is prime enemy to happiness.

One need to realize on the true happiness that lies is in association with truth. True happiness lies in the company of saints. True happiness lies on the cord of virtues deeds. True happiness lies in self contented mode-true happiness lies in the journey unto self-true happiness lies in established self esteem in the enlighten chamber of heart that gives peace and bliss the ultimate motto of being human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Practice of meditation develops power of concentration which is great source of knowledge unto self itself. Practice of concentration also gives power to renounce on the cord of life in addition to self discipline.

Human mind in more than any ocean to perceive and store the data resulted from interaction with life at varying stages. Mind kept the data of aeons intact. It needs proper development to reach at and purity of mind is the subject concern.

Progress on any cord of life either it is material, intellectual, aesthetic, moral or spiritual-it needs optimize pitch of mind at right pace. Spiritual development of mind means the development of mind in self luminosity and purity. Greatest obstacle in development of mind is impurity.

To eliminate the impurities of mind one needs to adore the truth at its most. To adore truth association and fellowship matters the most. Fellowship of true saints optimize the pitch of mind at it’s requite pace to unfold the mystery unto truth and the self.

Jai Sri Baba lal ji

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Festival of light is being celebrated to enlighten the inner pace and is called Diwali. Let us celebrate this divine festival in true spirit to dispel the dark of delusion. Delusion is the rout cause of all suffering on the cord of life.

Indeed Diwali is giver of wealth but if celebrated in true spirit on the notes of sat-guru it becomes Bestower of eternal joy.

Wealth is must to sustain but to a limit and one needs to have true wealth through right source-because earning through right modes can pave the path for ultimate wealth that is peace and bliss.

The fragile and transient human life is likely subjected to clouds of delusion and one need light of true blessings to pass through and prayer on this divine festival in true spirit and true mode reflects best on the cord of truth to make it.

Wishing all a very happy Diwali

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


Wakeful state is must for everyone on the cord of life as true human. Those have true skill to realize truth unto life may be called as wakeful one. Those adore the words of sat-guru may be called awaken-those true to their self also called wakeful-those in refuge of sat-guru mostly remains wakeful.

None can steal from the wakeful one-knowing that one is awake no delusion draw near while a sleeping master of the house cannot keep his belonging {peace-bliss-eternal joy} ignorance as thief surrounds and plunder it.

Words of sat-guru make one awake on the cord of life. Wakeful one easily visualizes the truth of deeds unto life.

Wakeful one can differentiate between the right and the wrong-wakeful one can known the truth of carrier so called body and self to interact with supreme. It is very easy to serve the god in wakeful state than else one. And those serve the god in true spirit attain the meaning of being human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, October 28, 2010


God alone is our true and disinterested friends that remain always in close orbit with soul as indweller.

God protects one and all in all circumstances and helps in true spirit to the tune of true welfare which may appear indifferent on momentary cord but ultimately reflects well for one.

It is God that protects man in his most agonizing state in the womb of the mother and bless one with the beautiful gift of life to realize the true self experience the supreme truth on the cord of life. Life is a beautiful gift given by almighty god to individual soul to experience the truth other than illusion.

God forgives all sins men commit on the cord of life on the verge of illusion-most compassionate and merciful in nature. God is pristine relative of one and all. Human gives up relationship with god and try to set tuning with wealth-fame-supremacy but God never gives up his association with anybody in any circumstances and helps one and all especially the fallen on the subject of life in true spirit.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


Association with truthful fellow beings pays a lot on every sphere of life. Company of saint’s realigns the pace of life towards the truth unto self. Company of true and sacred books equally helps one to attain the wisdom of truth.

When one read the sacred books-one tune in with the author-who in fact are realized souls that inspire one for the true motive of being human.

Sacred books help in to clear doubts of mind-weeds out unholy ideas; purify heart for fair interaction with self on the cord of life. Wondering of mind is but natural in life on varying subjects concern in direct and indirect mode and true company gives it a true direction to reach at the truth unto self and supreme.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, October 21, 2010


The Brahma is absolute and is effulgent of every being on the planet. Every being is under direct sight of Brahma. Nature is watching all and is one of the invisible eyes of absolute. No one can make an escape from the reach of nature is as true as anything.

Law of karma follows one and all-what one sows, reaps the same but with little difference of time. Hence one needs to be careful while performing deeds on the cord of karma. Virtues deeds results in rewards and sinful deeds earn miseries for suffering.

There are numerous ways to wash out the blemishes of sick deeds, penance, austerity evaluate the truth that helps on the subject. Chanting the name purifies heart and mind that elevate the self to the orbit of Brahma. Charity optimizes the pace of life that helps in matching self with absolute.

Those make it to firmly unit the senses and mind by drawing from mundane world to inwards truth of self through mode of realization and meditation on the cord of true name awarded by true saints reach at the ultimate glory of being human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, October 14, 2010

company of true saints

God has given this human life to enjoy it in true spirit to make a success at its conclusion. True perception is the key to success in life. In human life god has blessed one with invaluable gifts of satsang. In satsang one attains the true perception unto self and the life.

The lord is doing all well by providing company of true saints on the planet; as they protect from ill effects of delusion.

Sound current that matters the most to make one reach at wakeful stage is easily attained in the company of true saints. Noble thoughts arise in association of saints that paves the path for perfection. True name of God arise in the heart of devotees in the company of holy men that wash out the blemishes of heart and mind to make one pure.

Wish-granting gem dwells within heart in company of true saints. Divine love is alone true love and that manifest in heart of devotees in the company of Holy men. Glimpse of lord is really hard to attain in life but in association but true saints. Heart merges into the merciful one as river in the ocean in the company of true saints.

Company of true saints is unique to experience the truth unto self and the supreme.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Prayer is a unique mode that connects finite with infinite. True prayer from the bottom of heart must reaches at the lotus feet of lord. It is a communion of being with supreme.

Prayer purifies heart and mind and washout the blemishes of life. Many mental disorders are cured through prayer. Prayer helps in optimizing the pace of anger, lust greed and vanity.

Prayer makes one to expand the self to sees it every where in existences and all existences in self. Ego is a killing factor-it is really hard in life to control it but prayer.

Morning Prayer reflects well on health and evening prayer reflects best on peace. Health wealth peace and liberation can easily be achieve with mild prayer at regular mode with optimize pitch.

Prayer is giver of truth that is greatest shield in life-none protects like it. Prayer in the lotus feet of true saints gives the true meaning to life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jai sri baba lal ji

Jai Sri Baba lal ji,
Baba lal ji is great mystic saint; no one is competent enough to reach at the death of this ocean of mercy.

Infinite are the devotees and followers of sri Baba lal ji who have attain wisdom of being true human from the lotus feet of Baba Lal ji.

No one has returns bare hand from the lotus feet of Baba lal ji, Baba lal ji great giver.

Blessings of Sri Baba lal ji is giver of, Truth in life, Respectable means of livelihood, Respect from the social sphere.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Jai sri baba lal ji

Inner worship has its own merit on the cord of truth. It is also called maanas puja; it is effective media to interact with supreme one on the plane of heart. Blemishes of heart wash out fast through the inner bath.

The ceremony of showing lighted lamp is performed to have vision unto truth of self at its core base and performing it within proves very effective to enlighten the inner pace for ultimate truth.

God is within self, service salutation and showing lighted lamps are done to him alone by holy men mostly without external show. After entering within, submission which is hard at outer periphery becomes easy for one and with submission alone lord of three sphere manifest to interact.

By rendering service within heart to one who is indestructible and boundless one reaches at the plane whereby unison becomes a mare formality.

Jai sri baba lal ji

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jai sri baba lal ji

Nature is watching each and every activity of all beings as true guardian of one and all. No one can escape from the reach of nature. Nature acts as eyes of god. Nothing can be hidden to nature in any way.

All the five elements are the instruments of lord to keep a vigil on the each and every deed by beings unto life.

Script of deeds is on watch by Presence of other fellow beings in association with water, air, earth, sky, sun and the moon. Moon indicates on the manas or the mind in direct mode and keeps a close counter watch on thoughts. All deeds of life are on close watch by the absolute through different means.

Air is all over to testify through touch and the pitch of breath that counts unto thoughts even along with feelings. Sun is all over to testify through pace of deeds, earth and sky cover the rest on the core of karma.

Law of karma is unique what one sow the same one reaps. Better be late than never to track truth on cord of deeds as God is watching us and almighty lord is giver of true justice at appropriate time.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, September 16, 2010

attitude that behavior

True nature of almighty God is extremely kind and generous; love alone is the path to reach at. God may be realized if one cultivates just love for him. Divine love is the chapter that makes one to reach at.

God is immortal so is love; those track the God on the path of love make it to reach at. True love on the cord of divinity makes one to reach at wakeful state to visualize truth at its bare mode.

If tow lover takes the vow of silence as between them, the one whose love is greater will lose-the game of love is won by losing it.

Women fascinate her husband by her attitude that behavior so is the case with devotee to attain the love of God. God is always bound by the love of devotees. Husband may ignore the love of a devoted wife but God never.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

jai sri baba lal ji

Liberation is prime subject for every living being on the planet. liberation from the sick mode of life, Liberation from the condition one attached to, liberation from the present state of being are the three streams one needs to cross over to reach at the ultimate liberation on the subject so called emancipation.

One needs to realize unto self and supreme one to cross over the channels to reach at.

Especially when it comes to human, being is light of light, just needs to reach at self. It is thought of bondage that put one in bondage at its foremost front. Who keeps one in bondage mostly the desire and if it is undue then one got tied up strongly on the cord of illusion.

It is to make a note that all magnetism of the world, all powers of the world are abject slaves, nothing more if to visualize in true spirit. One can liberate self with ease by forsaking undue desires on the cord of life. All fear and anxiety that keeps slaves at bay are results of desire. When one make it to liberate self from the undue desires of this mundane world reach at the path of final beatitude.

Magnetism of this world on the cord of illusion is very high and one needs grace of true saints to overcome it.

Baba lal Dayal ji is true saint and savior of fallen.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, September 9, 2010

jai sri baba lal ji

jai sri baba lal ji
Glory of true saints are infinite, they act as true preceptor of life in disinterested way for one and all. True saints enlighten the pace for of life for fair interaction with self and the supreme. They make one reach at true state.

True saint’s keeps heart full of deep love for life and nature. They are abode of truth. They help the fallen in true spirit. They always act befriender of poor and the needy. All sins disappears as soon as one betakes oneself to them, even as the densest darkness melts away no sooner than the sun breaks forth the horizon.

They make it easy for one to get manifest Lord of three spheres in heart. God, who in fact is infinite love, can be achieved by the grace of true saints.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sri Krishna janmastami

Jai Baba Lal ji_
Sri Krishna janmastami is being celebrated with full heart by the devotees in all respect. In all lal Dwaras it is celebrated with full devotional spirit. This day is unique to attain the blessings of lord Krishna and Sri Sri Baba lal dayal ji. Those serve the mankind and nature especially on this day in true spirit attains highest blessings for a true life.

Rendering services within the heart have its own merit but this day is to express the inner love in the lotus feet of lord through service and dedication.

The ceremony of showing lamps is performed at mid night at the time of appearance of lord in both ways in as well out. Dark of delusion disappear with enlighten of lamps. Auspiciousness is filled in this divine festival; mode to meet the soul mate within is defined simply on the subject celebration.

Chanting the name of lord Krishna and sat Guru Makes one to achieve the highest wisdom of being human.

Where there is true spirit there is lord, divine celebration is that mode which makes one to have glimpse of him face to face on this auspicious day.

Wishing all a very happy Sri Krishna janmastami

May Sri sri lord Krishna bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, August 26, 2010


For a true human life, one needs to reach at the reality of true existence on the subject concern. Human profile is superior all the way among all the 8.4 million species. It needs to act as guardian for one and all in true spirit to prove as true human. To prove self on the cord of truth one needs to reach at the true meaning of ethical, moral and spiritual aspects.

The values associated with spirit are equally important to our living as materials in our body. Maintain body is the foremost subject without any doubt but nutritious diet for spirit is spirituality and yoga. Our actions to meet with name and fame is well defined on the cord of life but spirituality has its own merit to purify self from the blemishes of delusion. Material strength is good to carry on with but without spiritual wealth life is dull at its true cord. It is spiritual strength that makes one to reach at inner core for true pilgrimage unto self.

Undue Interest on the cord of worldly desires and relative self motives can never help one to attain the spiritual journey unto real self; without which eternal joy, peace and bliss is a distant subject. Without bliss it is really hard to have unison with soul mate. Thought for universal good brings us close to God but thought for self promotion alone create distance nothing else. Let us have thought words and deeds for universal good in broad spectrum.

One need to reduce the distance between self and supreme and spirituality is the rout if one adore with true spirit.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, August 19, 2010

almighty lord

Perfect fulfiller is almighty lord that remain always along with, is never far off from any one; has created this universe and love it at its most.

God is concerned for us, almighty one knows all even behind the veils, those orient themselves towards God need not to worry any more on any subject of life.

He, who has supplied nourishment to the embryo inverted in the womb, protected the tenderly formed body from the fire of the womb, that almighty companion keeps company with amidst dreads and danger.

One need to hold steadfastly to that God with all will and wishes on the cord of life to make it success at its ultimate mode.

Jai Sri Baba lal ji

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Undue Desire on the pace of mundane existence indulge one in worries, hurries, fear, sorrows and dependence while making an escape from it makes one reach at the path of liberation even without wish.

An important truth of life is that essential desires of a desire less are fulfilled by the nature thus one incurs no loss and earns immense benefit by renouncing desire.

There are three streams desire run unto and desire to reach at the true self, desire to serve the mankind and nature disinterestedly, desire to know bout the supreme one, desire to fulfill the life on meritorious base unto truth, desire to be a true and pious one runs on true spirit and counts at its highest value even without interface with deeds.

Fulfillment of undue desire leads one to attachments to individual and objects while non-fulfillment of desire leads to resentment and anger, Because of anger one losses balance of mind and liable to miss the duties at its true pace unto self society and the supreme.

Best at is own one needs to submit all desire born of environment around as well with wish to succeed in the lotus feet of lord to make self free from attachments their in.

Jai Sri Baba lal ji.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, August 5, 2010

all well

Sovereignty without politically insight, wealth divorced from virtue, noble deeds that have not beget wisdom is nothing but fruitless labour to the man who has gained such kingdom or wealth.

A recluse is quickly undone by undue attachments, a king by evil counsel, wisdom by deceit, modesty by drinking liquor beyond control, friend by want of favor, and a man of merit by vanity: such is the fate of life on planet.

Care and conscious is a must while to track life especially as human. Human life is precious and one needs to realize it at its foremost. True preceptor is must for human, though life itself teaches a lot with time but rarely few make note of that but glory of sat guru is infinite, just a glimpse make it all well.

Refuge in the lotus feet of sat guru modifies the pace of life to its true pitch for ultimate glory of being human.

Jai Sri Sri Sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sri Sri Guru Purnima today

It is Sri Sri Guru Purnima today, a day to attain blessings of sat guru for a true life. Glory of sat guru is infinite. Life of sat guru is just meant for the welfare of one and all. Devotees of Sat Guru Baba lal Dayal ji are really great that they attain refuge in the divine power to enlighten the pace of self.

This day is more than any divine festival experience on the subject of life as human.

Human life is wasted if a perfect true guide is not found. It is grace and glory of sat guru that join the broken link of spirit with supreme. It is blessings of sat guru that takes one to the shore of peace and bliss in burning ocean of mundane existence. Deeds pleasing to God can easily be executed by the grace of sat guru.

This body is a raft, and the world is an ocean, deep and fathomable, sat guru makes it easy to cross to a shore whereby ultimate soul mate awaits one with due longing. Those keep the holy feet of sat guru in the heart make it find the soul mate one needs most all along the chapter of life. Rendering service in the lotus feet of sat guru makes one to attain the love in the lotus feet of lord.

Just as the face is seen in the mirror and reflection in water so the glimpse of God can be seen in the form of sat guru.

On this divine day of guru purnima, I bow my head in the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal dayal ji.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jai Sri Sri Sat-Guru baba Lal Dayal ji

Guru Purnima is on way, reaching fast to bless the devotees on the cord of wishes they keeps in heart and for a very truthful life.

25th July this year is that most auspicious day to submit self in the lotus feet of sat-guru with all truth of soul to attain the ultimate motto of being human.

One attains the divine blessing on that just by worshiping the sat-guru.

All true saints of the present era or the past times are sat-guru and visiting their holy places really earns religious merit that works for both worlds.

This great day helps in to attain the enlightenment in life. Enlightenment does not come from extensive study or be learned discussion or through the extra ordinary intellect. It comes of self when one’s self intensify earn for realization but unless the mind has turned away from evil and leaned control itself and to be at peace and blessings of sat guru helps all the way especially on this divine day.

Jai Sri Sri Sat-Guru baba Lal Dayal ji,

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, July 15, 2010


The whole world is afflicted with pain and suffering either in direct or indirect mode, either on the cord of resources or the discrimination, either on the chapter of wishes or survival, either on the chapter of social stability or sickness of wicked association, either in continuous or intermittent pace of life; enlighten soul alone is free from the chapter of suffering and miseries.

Essence of the subject is seeker; seeker of mundane wealth with fame as core centre or seeker or truth with God as essence, makes one to continue on the path of life.

Fame and wealth of the mundane world never last so long even after achieving so though tough to reach at but the divine wealth consist of truth never leaves one even after death and not difficult to attain so. True saints are the path to reach at. Refuge in the lotus feet of true saints makes one to achieve both mundane world as well truth of self all at optimize pitch to make the life success.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, July 8, 2010

True saints

True saints are abodes of virtues, above the sorrows of the world and free from all kind of doubts in their mind, nothing beside the lotus feet of lord is dear to them at its core base, not even their body or home.

Life style of true saints always remains filled with truth and righteousness, strong minded to bear the impact of delusive potency of lord. They blush to hear themselves praised but fell delighted to hear others pride. Always even minded and placid, never abandoned the right course, Guileless in nature and loving given to prayer and eternal smile.

True saints are full of piety, forgiving, friendly to all and compassionate, cheerful under all circumstances, never take recourse of hypocrisy. Always remain engaged in doing goods to other without any self motive or consideration as such.

True saints are dispeller of the fear of transmigration. They are far from the orbit of Lust Greed Anger Infatuation Pride Jealousy, sinless, disinterested, firm, possessing nothing but divine name as foremost asset, full of bliss and boundless wisdom, moderate in diet, truthful, ever inspired, learned and perfectly united to God

So is merciful Sri Sri Baba lal ji

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
The whole world is like a dream, usually there is no reality in dream except for divine chapter that leads one to truth-suppose in dream beggar is crowned king, or lord of empire is reduced to the state of pitiful beggar; on waking, the one doesn’t gain nor does the other lose anything. So is look of this mundane existence and one need to perform the deeds in accordance with truth unto truth.

What is there that fire cannot consume; what is there that cannot be engulfed by the ocean. What creature is there in this perishable world that death cannot devour?

Ultimate truth of life is to prove self on the cord of truth to reach at the lotus feet of lord. True saints help on the subject. They make one to attain the wakeful stage in life and that is only when right understanding comes that the error of delusion disappear and then alone one develops love for the lotus feet of lord.

May lord bless all

Thanks please

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jai Sri Baba lal ji

Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Disrespecting a saintly soul is more than a sin. Abusing the saints in any form robs one of all blessings for life.

Result of despising a noble soul is as that can not be narrated in words.

True saints are manifestation of supreme spirit for the welfare of life on the planet. They enlighten the pace of life at its true pitch but ego ridden men with power of money and fame never wants to realize unto truth on the subject.

Wealth beyond limit and fame beyond digest creates the difference and blind the one to visualize the truth unto self and the glory of saints.

All the five basic elements that are dull{fixed or rigid} by nature but realize well on the subject and respect the true saints with true spirit and oblige them respectively on the cord of time and age-but ego clad men always ride on indifferent modes.

Better be late than never.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, June 17, 2010

soul mate at your doorstep

It is lord that who manifest himself in a personal divine form through his own blissful nature, lord begotten by none, not bound by any action and hardly assumes a material form yet takes upon himself varied roles of transformation while remaining immutable by nature, he behaves like an ordinary mortal while continuing to be the ruler of the worlds, he reveals himself within space and time while actually existing beyond space and time; he manifest himself in form of various transformation even through transcending all transformations-yet he does all this by dint of his blissful will. He descends in matter as impelled by ties of karma.

To know that almighty God, it needs a true preceptor to realize the grace of compassionate God. In this material world mimic show is on even in the name of sat guru but baba Lal Dayal ji is glorious truth on the subject to reveal the truth unto supreme truth.

O mind what for you wait, adore the teachings of Sri Sri Baba lal dayal ji and find the ultimate soul mate at your doorstep.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, June 10, 2010

core message

Every living creature is manifestation of God- all belongs to him in direct or indirect mode. God is almighty creator of this universe but most beautiful creation of God is life on the cord of nature. In life, human life is guardian to every living creature and needs to act respectively. Religions created on the sphere of life are light to enlighten the pace to establish the truth unto self. Mostly world religions preach the supremacy of moral values and welfare of mankind. Harmony is the foremost subject for human to prove self. Deeds must match the pace to uplift the humanity on the cord of life.

Deeds without attachments make one to reach at the true motto of being human. Disinterested service to nature and mankind reflects on the truth of concern. Evaluation unto truth of self reveals consciousness about the supreme spirit. Egoless submission in the lotus feet of sat Guru makes to achieve the wisdom of true human.

The core message to human face is strive for ultimate liberation from the perpetual cycle of birth and rebirth and true preceptor and true perception with pave the path-sat guru is the root to reach at.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jai Sri Baba lal ji

Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
True master is very personification of God if one realize at its true cord. Serving the lotus feet of true master reflects as serving the God. Worship of the physical form of living master is true worship of God. Glory of true master is not less the glory of God.

By placing ones head in the lotus feet of true master one attains freedom from the sin of past. Serving the truth on the guidance of true master one cross the ocean of mundane existence, merge back in god and rejoice the supreme bliss.

The heart of true master is abode of God. Saint merge in god and god pervades all make one connect to god through self in direct mode. God distributes the fruits of immortality in the form of saints. Like the God are all features of the true master. Benevolent, indeed, are all true saints who come in this Iron Age. They drink and cause others to drink the nectar of immortality, with no selfish purpose whatsoever.

O mind, true saints are eternal dweller of the ocean of divine bliss-take refuge in them to attain the wisdom of true self.

May lord bless all

Thanks please

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Full Moon

I reverence Sri Sri Baba lal ji, the progeny of Brahma, the very root of the tree of pity, the full moon that brings joy to the ocean of wisdom to devotees; manifested on divine land to bless the truth unto life of human.

Delighter of all and savior of fallen on the subject of life, those take refuge in feel the difference in life style itself.

Baba ji is the sun that opens the lotus of dispassion, the wind that disperses the clouds of ignorance, which dispels the thick darkness of sin and eradicates the threefold agony and wipes off obloquy.

“Obeisances to you O sri baba lal ji again and again on the occasion of Full Moon {very auspicious day} today that falls on Thursday-day known for your worship”

May lord bless all

Thanks please

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Without knowledge human life is not only meaningless but it remains no better than any other life. Knowledge of several sciences, art and craft languages or so has its own merit but knowledge unto self and the supreme is the essence of being human.

To sustain the life it needs knowledge unto material self and to sustain the self it needs knowledge unto truth.

There is no use of a person getting knowledge of Vedic wisdom if he has not cultivated devotion unto truth of self.

God realization needs practice unto quotes of divine light in life. God realization alone is the essence of being human. No doubt material science is must to sustain but spiritual sciences are main subject for human.

It is really matter of pride for one to meet a God realized saint that solved the purpose of being human.

Jai Sri Baba lal ji.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


Undue Worry, depression, unruly thoughts, anger, hatred and other unnatural thoughts create crust on the surface of the astral body. This crest prevents the beneficial influences from getting inside and restricts to paves the path for ultimate truth. Worry does great harm to astral body and it cause inflammation that drain out vitality. A great amount of positive energy discharged in waving worries is matter of concern on the chapter of truth that needs positive energy to evaluate self.

Nothing is gain through worry and one need to redirect this energy level in submitting self for truth-the true name of lord-that automatically removes the cause of worry.

Smile at the inner self with content mode is one of the ways to submit self in the lotus feet of lord.

May Sri Baba lal ji bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, May 13, 2010

purity of heart and mind

jai sri Baba Lal ji_
Worldly misfortunes in shape of losses in material world may have little impact on life but forgetfulness of lord who has given this life is real loss that impact hard unto truth of self. If truth of self is adversely affected means glory of both worlds is going to miss.

Remembrance of God leads to realization of God who is supreme bliss personified; while thought of pleasures of sense, accompanied by forgetfulness of God, leads to perdition.

It is to make a note for guaranteed that lord does not appear in place stinking with dirt of sensuality on wicked track. Even if he comes-goes hide hence one need to cleans the heart and mind by chanting the true name and respective deeds to make God manifest with all grace then one will be able to have a gracious vision of god therein.

God can not be had by outward show or mimic version of life-god manifest with the truth of soul. Spiritual discipline at it’s optimize pace may help on the subject but purity of heart and mind is must must factor for manifestation of God.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, May 6, 2010

never ending thirst

God God is one but infinite is the number of souls. Soul manifest from its basic source God to prove self on the cord of life that is knitted in threads of 8400000 pin. Soul is said to be incarnate in varying species on the cord of wish and karma. Life in every specie is more than tough to carry on with and remain in continues thirst for unknown nectar.

Transformation from mortal to immortal is not all that easy but glory of true saints have proves it many a times on the cord of life. That he can transform and purify the body and mind of eighty-four lakhs of species.

O mind go to the immortal grove where by the saints of the highest purity dwells in, to attain the true wisdom for which never ending thirst is on.

The one who convert poison into nectar and fire into water indeed is a true saint and that can transform evil into good-mortal into immortal.

Neither in heaven nor else where in universe never ending thirst will find pause in the lotus feet of true saint.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jai Sri Baba lal ji

Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Indeed salvation is prime subject for human but hardly human realize unto it. Though it is not so easy for any one but still any one can make it with little correction in life style.

There are so many sacrifices that make one reach at the desired subject but serving the parents and sat guru has its own merits. God is pleased if parents are pleased; if Sat guru is pleased. Sat guru is embodiments of all gods and serving the lotus feet of sat guru is as that of holy pilgrimage. Those serve the parents in true spirit with a smiling note sat guru blessed them for ultimate eternal joy.

He attains heaven whose hands, forehead and knees touch the earth while saluting true saints.

Glory of dedicated parents, sat guru and true saints is infinite and their blessings can pave the path for final beatitude.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji-
Knowledge unto supreme spirit is more than any nectar on the subject of life. Meditation upon god with or without form is really graceful for one to attain the wisdom of truth. God alone is truth because that remains same in every passion where as every other thing other than god is on changing pace of life hence can not be true at its ultimate mode.

Joy derived from meditation has been declared tasteless and bitter at its beginning but at its ultimate end it is as sweet as any thing even more than nectar.

Truth is the prime subject of being human and truthfulness makes one to reach at the ultimate stage of self realization.

Abstinence from undue sexual indulgence paves the path for truth in one of its form but seeking Brahman or longing for ultimate soul mate is the real path to reach at. The men of self restraint and self disciplined easily make it to reach at.

Undue desires unto material world entail bondage and renunciation of desire ensures supreme and lasting peace in the form of god realization that leads one to ultimate bliss.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jai Sri Baba lal ji

Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
There is nothing to last in this world but the true name of lord and the glory of saints. Look all around-there is nothing of consequence here. Short lived pageant will left behind, kith and kin will not the party to depart along with.

The whole world is on ever changing chariot-embodied soul take aboard and left apart with the time but none send message from that world in direct mode unto truth of the self but saints.

Wise prescribe specific garb and rite but fail to describe the path of salvation but true saints. The cruel messenger of death dictates terms and torture if one wish to liberate self without truth. Saints are the infinite source of bare and ultimate truth.

Deeds write the fate or fate dictates the deed but cycle unto them is true and visible even by naked eyes. Ceaselessly revolves the individual in the whirl pool of transmigration-peace and bliss become the distant object for soul but the lotus feet of saints and refuge in true saints enlighten the path of liberation from the bondage of delusion.

O mind submit self in the lotus feet of true saint to attain the true meaning of being human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, April 8, 2010

O mind

Glory of true saint is infinite neither it can be expressed by words nor any other mode competent enough to reflect so.

Impossible can be made possible by the blessings of saints.

A saint is veritable ship in the ocean of world, which so ever sits in the company is saved. Saints are wish granting divine cow that always act in compassionate mode. Saints are philosopher stone; their company transforms even the most karma laden soul.

It is for one to realize that highest abode is nearby-if one is in the company of saint.

When a true saint is found-means the path of final beatitude is found, path of eternal joy and bliss is found-the true address of ultimate soul mate is found.

True Saints get absorbed truth at its ultimate mode, drink and cause others to drink divine nectar of ultimate love.

The one who has taken refuge in true saint and dedicated to true self, effort of such a one can never be vain.

O mind-this human life is not to waist in collecting pebbles of mundane existence; please collect the divine wealth from the lotus feet of true saint.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, April 2, 2010

key to success

The beginning less absolute is far from the definition of truth and non truth. If we describe him as the enjoyer of knowledge then there is no object of enjoyment.

Supreme spirit is beyond imagination but devotees have all that privilege to make him manifest for them the way they worship.

Lord, the embodiment of existence knowledge and bliss, in his eternal-boundless aspects pervades everywhere. Same as that of fire-present every where and becomes manifest when effort is made towards it-with the help of material which can bring into manifestation.

Even so according to the wise of the devotees, all pervading–invisible subtle and formless God reveal himself by assuming a form is truth of life on the planet.

True preceptor is the key to success-sat is that key to unlock the divine wisdom rare to reach at.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Keen desire

Keen desire is must to reach at the supreme spirit. The moment we have keen desire for realization unto supreme spirit and think what to do-where to go-who to ask and how to attain then is attained.

God realization is supreme subject of being human.

Survival itself is a biggest challenge for a common man because External agencies keeps the life at bay far apart from the truth of self till last and one likely to miss the essence of being this pride one blessed with as human but continuous desire unto reach at can pave the path for.

That’s why it is must to associate the company of saintly soul. If one wish to attain the true wisdom of being human then answer is attain the fellowship of true saint.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, April 1, 2010


jai sri Baba Lal ji_
Progress of any one in life depends on the development of mind. Progress either it is in material-aesthetic-moral or spiritual mind plays a vital role. For spiritual development purity of mind is the prime factor.

Sunlight appear to us through many medium and manifestation of light depend on the nature of medium so is case with spiritual light.

Mind is also the core center of subtle body. To make an access to subtle state means pave the path for true self.

Perfect control over the mind makes one easy to reach at the truth of self. The greatest obstacle to the mind’s development is impurity-impurities that do not actually inhere to mind but adhere to. Restless mind may be the cause of impurity. Undue lust, greed and vanity pollute the culture of mind to interact with spiritual light.

Real self is pure spirit that link to subtle body un-rout to mind. Pure mind make it all well and purity of mind could easily be attained through the association of saintly soul. Mind by nature is pure but attachments of mundane existence create the indifferent state for mind but if one associate the true saints mind will tern back to its natural state pure with clear vision unto subtle and the self.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, March 25, 2010

O mind

Traveler remains bare of the fact even in the evening that it’s too late and still hunting in the deep & dark forest and night of delusion is ready to trap one. One needs to move briskly at safe place, lotus feet of true saint is the place alone that gives real shelter to seeker.

Fragile and transient human life is speedily moving ahead and that needs right direction to reach at the true destination before it is too late. Foolish one runs around puffed up with pleasure-destined to be a victim of kaal. Wise track the truth and take shadow in the lotus feet of sat-guru to make it at its true pitch.

Negative power is almighty on the cord of delusion-catching hold of hand, it drawing close day by day-only mode to rescue from the hands of deadliest delusion, lotus feet of true saint.

O mind-don’t waist the precious gem of this human life in collecting pebbles of the mundane existence-adore the lotus feet of sat guru to make it triumph.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, March 18, 2010

True body line

As the pupil is in the eye so is god in the body but one knows not the secret and runs around the world to trace him. Lord manifest on the cord of love-divine one. Those need God find him all well but those needs some thing else and find God, it is really hard for them to reach at.

Lord who has given life to the entire creation-who is supreme giver-who nurtures and sustain everyone, resides within self alone but.

Human body is a sort of temple-abode of god and needs purification all the way. Purification through thoughts words and deeds make one to manifest there ultimate giver of life. Those pollute the body by intoxicating the same how they can expect lord of three spheres to manifest there.

True body line with thought words and deed makes it purify to reach at the desired stage.

Better be late then never.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jai Sri Baba lal ji

Wealth power position and fame never satisfy any one for long. They are subject of rise and fall. Friends become foe-close relatives become enemy-even health of self parts away with on the changing scenario of life. Grow decay and vanish is the essence of ever changing life on the planet hence contentment is a distant dream but with the true name of lord.

When soul enters in a body to carry on up with life-dreams to taste widely and wildly of the world about through sense perception but deeds follows all along with. Sensual pleasure is really matter of mundane joy but comes along with attachments of mundane existence that generates the world of sorrows and miseries hence one needs to be awaken while to indulge in.

It is name of lord that gives eternal joy and peace to ever changing life. True name is that tangible supports that goes along with and helps in true spirit at every step of life.

Those submit self in the lotus feet of sat guru and take shelter in the divine name can make an easy escape from the miseries of life.

Jai Sri Baba lal ji

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, March 4, 2010

sat guru baba lal dayal ji

Self respect is must to carry on with in life for every creature on the planet. Wicked on the subject of life never wish to know this and remain engaged in sick deeds that ruin the pace of others and it really needs a tangible support to revive self on the cord of self respect and sat guru helps a lot on the subject.

Thursday is known for being the day of days and departed pious souls. Those make their obeisances in the lotus feet of sat guru make it to protect so.

Law of karma is supreme but grace of sat guru is beyond any law of karma.

I make my obeisances in the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal dayal ji.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, February 18, 2010

True saints

True saints are really hard to meet with on the subject of life and mimic rules the world in the name of saints. True saints are the master of the six passions lust greed anger infatuation pride and jealousy, sinless, disinterested, form, possessing nothing but king of the divine wealth, pure from all corners of life, full of bliss, of boundless wisdom, desire less but keeps longing for the ultimate absolute, moderate in diet, truthful and inspired always on the track of realization.

True saints always remain free from all kind of pride and ego-strong minded, highly conversant with the course of righteousness.

True saints are abode of virtues, above the sorrows of the world and free from doubts-nothing beside the lotus feet of lord is dear to them.

Just a Glimpse of such saints makes one to reach at the true meaning of being human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Saturday, February 13, 2010

great divine guide

Saints are the pristine source of true perception for true life. They are the source of light to dispel the dark of ignorance. That light from the sun-the moon and the fire reaches us helps a lot in direct and indirect mode but true saints make it to reveal it its true pitch for eternal glory of spirit.

Saints inspire life to enlighten self by imbibing the divine knowledge.

Just a glimpse of true saint enlightens the intellectual faculty and enhances the spiritual strength. Blessings of saints motivate one to walk on the path of righteousness to attain sublime. With out divine guide it’s hard to reach at the path of final beatitude and saints acts as great divine guide.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sat Guru Baba Lal dayal ji

Sat Guru Baba Lal dayal ji is a ray of hope for all those who keep faith in his lotus feet. Life needs three basics to continue with food, clothes and shelter and those tracks the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba Lal ji attain it with all respect on the cord of life.

After one attain the basics it needs a cord of realization unto self and the supreme spirit and for that sound current at optimize pitch is must to adore with and sri sri baba lal ji blessed devotees with the knowledge of that sound current which awaken one’s inner core to its true pitch.

Only the rare fortunate ones with the grace of God find a perfect master, receive that immortal current and rejoice eternally. The soul is compared to an immortal vine which grows with the living water or spiritual nectar obtained from the sound current bestowed by the true master and sri sri baba lal ji is that true master that helps one and all on the subject of life to attain the immortality of peace and bliss with all ease.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Divine wealth is within word. Essential secret of divine life lies in word. Word generate from the core of heart close to soul. It is theory of word that brings one close to self. Word {sound} is the feature of sky among five elements body form with, sky the foremost subject while to dealt with the other world.

Word is the mode of communication either its mundane existence or the interaction with supreme spirit.

Devotion to the word, devotion through the word and word is the media to reach at with sound current that makes one awaken at its true pitch. Sound current imparted by the sat guru creates path of wisdom that manifest truth to make one rejoice eternally in its immortal bliss.

I bow my head in lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal dayal ji.

May lord bless all.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jai Sri Baba lal ji

Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Importance of true master can not be described in words for a true life. It is hard to attain wisdom of human life without a true master. Without the master, knowledge of God is impossible to achieve.

Living master is not less than a god if one realize at its true pace. One can have a glimpse of God in the face of true master in life. A true saint could only be a true master.

Inner journey could easily be reach at by the grace of true master.

Whenever someone made genuine progress on the path of spirituality, it means it that blessed by the true master indeed.

If true master is found means wisdom of divine light is attained.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sat guru Baba Dayal ji

In human life true preceptor is as must as air to breath. Without true preceptor true meaning of being human can not be attained. Human life is wasted if a perfect guide is not found. It is grace of true preceptor that can join the broken link and lead one successfully to the other shore.

This human body is a raft and this mundane existence is an ocean, deep and unfathomable and its needs a true sailor to cross over, that sailor is true preceptor who knows the direction to approach and modes to counter the storms of the midway.

Sound current imparted by the true preceptor awake one to the tune of spiritual wisdom. Spiritual wisdom is the key to road of destination and devotion is that fuel soul needs to proceed at true pitch.

Sat guru Baba Dayal ji is so kind to help the devotees to cross the ocean of mundane existence with all ease. O mind devote to the lotus feet of Sri Sri sat guru baba lal dayal ji.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.