True saints are abodes of virtues, above the sorrows of the world and free from all kind of doubts in their mind, nothing beside the lotus feet of lord is dear to them at its core base, not even their body or home.
Life style of true saints always remains filled with truth and righteousness, strong minded to bear the impact of delusive potency of lord. They blush to hear themselves praised but fell delighted to hear others pride. Always even minded and placid, never abandoned the right course, Guileless in nature and loving given to prayer and eternal smile.
True saints are full of piety, forgiving, friendly to all and compassionate, cheerful under all circumstances, never take recourse of hypocrisy. Always remain engaged in doing goods to other without any self motive or consideration as such.
True saints are dispeller of the fear of transmigration. They are far from the orbit of Lust Greed Anger Infatuation Pride Jealousy, sinless, disinterested, firm, possessing nothing but divine name as foremost asset, full of bliss and boundless wisdom, moderate in diet, truthful, ever inspired, learned and perfectly united to God
So is merciful Sri Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please