Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Saints are the greatest benefactors of mankind with one and only mission in heart disinterested service for the welfare of one and all.
They get remains absorbed in the supreme one but longing for welfare of all with wish to have peace and harmony on the planet.
Life of saints always remains the path of wisdom for followers to reach at.
Those who are seekers and in search of true self can make it with the blessings of saints.
Those dedicated to the lotus feet of true saints along with divine pursuits, led a well contented life which is not an easy gain on this planet.
Neither rosaries nor sandal marks can make what the fragrance of the dust of lotus feet of true saint can.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
bliss eternally
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Those who get absorbed in his true name felt the wisdom of bliss eternally. In life any thing is as good as the name of lord. Ever pure the only indestructible, undecaying and indivisible, such indeed, is this nectar if one realize so. Nothing else is like it.
Aspirants who fill their heart with this mode reach at the truth of self with all ease.
Delusion and darkness makes one to suffer a lot in life, and it can not be dispelled easily but with the true name.
It is only when one forsake the name of lord, negative powers of dilution makes it to reach at and life suffers miserable but when lamp of the true name takes the rout in life, it enlighten the inner core to meet the ultimate glory of life.
Tangible support is the name of lord, not just for here alone but also helps even here after.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Those who get absorbed in his true name felt the wisdom of bliss eternally. In life any thing is as good as the name of lord. Ever pure the only indestructible, undecaying and indivisible, such indeed, is this nectar if one realize so. Nothing else is like it.
Aspirants who fill their heart with this mode reach at the truth of self with all ease.
Delusion and darkness makes one to suffer a lot in life, and it can not be dispelled easily but with the true name.
It is only when one forsake the name of lord, negative powers of dilution makes it to reach at and life suffers miserable but when lamp of the true name takes the rout in life, it enlighten the inner core to meet the ultimate glory of life.
Tangible support is the name of lord, not just for here alone but also helps even here after.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Divine love
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Divine love alone is true love as per the quotes of saints. Love to lord is the only easiest track to reach at. Divine love is beyond the orbit of mundane world and is unbounded like god.
As the love deepens the yearnings of the lover increasingly intensify.
When devotees merge their identity completely in divine love then it results in unison, a step ahead of final beatitude. True loves attracts god as any thing on the subject of life. Experience such unison is wondrous.
When heart merges in to merciful one, then no difference remains, and same as that ice merges in to water. And it is same as that of devotees with lord in divine love.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Divine love alone is true love as per the quotes of saints. Love to lord is the only easiest track to reach at. Divine love is beyond the orbit of mundane world and is unbounded like god.
As the love deepens the yearnings of the lover increasingly intensify.
When devotees merge their identity completely in divine love then it results in unison, a step ahead of final beatitude. True loves attracts god as any thing on the subject of life. Experience such unison is wondrous.
When heart merges in to merciful one, then no difference remains, and same as that ice merges in to water. And it is same as that of devotees with lord in divine love.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
blessings of sat guru
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
By the grace of true saints one attains the firm path of divine chapter. By the grace of sat guru one makes it to realize the spiritual wisdom. Blessings of sat guru guide us in acquiring the knowledge of sciences to remove one’s inner ignorance’s.
The blessings of sat guru protect one from the evil and destructive forces as he has the capacity to do so through his define austerity.
Life draws inspirations for devotion from sat guru, sages, and wise. Prosperity of divine chapter and true wealth of spiritual wisdom could only be attained through the blessings of sat guru.
Those submit themselves in the lotus feet of true saints or sat guru experience the glory of true enlightens pace of heart.
“Obeisances to the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal dayal ji’
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
By the grace of true saints one attains the firm path of divine chapter. By the grace of sat guru one makes it to realize the spiritual wisdom. Blessings of sat guru guide us in acquiring the knowledge of sciences to remove one’s inner ignorance’s.
The blessings of sat guru protect one from the evil and destructive forces as he has the capacity to do so through his define austerity.
Life draws inspirations for devotion from sat guru, sages, and wise. Prosperity of divine chapter and true wealth of spiritual wisdom could only be attained through the blessings of sat guru.
Those submit themselves in the lotus feet of true saints or sat guru experience the glory of true enlightens pace of heart.
“Obeisances to the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal dayal ji’
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Essential truth
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Essential truth of life could easily be found by churning the mind in right pace and with true spirit. Just as butter comes by churning the curd, just as fire permeates the wood so does the lord reside in self if one realizes it.
Lord of all is with in all beings. He accompanies all and is close by.
Lord dwells in all beings, yet rarely anyone knows him. Abode of lord is true heart. Any one can meet the lord face to face through inner core on the ground of true heart.
One alone who devotes in the lotus feet of lord with faith and true spirit make it to reach at.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Essential truth of life could easily be found by churning the mind in right pace and with true spirit. Just as butter comes by churning the curd, just as fire permeates the wood so does the lord reside in self if one realizes it.
Lord of all is with in all beings. He accompanies all and is close by.
Lord dwells in all beings, yet rarely anyone knows him. Abode of lord is true heart. Any one can meet the lord face to face through inner core on the ground of true heart.
One alone who devotes in the lotus feet of lord with faith and true spirit make it to reach at.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Monday, December 22, 2008
peace and bliss
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Once the mind tracks down the path of illusion deep it lost its very basic feature of being calm. When it got separated from its very source of divine spirit where it had been fearless and contented, it becomes a weak slave of the senses.
Due to irresistible attraction towards deceptive pleasant sense objects it goes beyond the range of controllable mode it lost its very path of eternal peace and bliss.
Many wise have succumbed to the vagaries of the mind then what to say about else but impossible tern possible in the company of true saints. It is the blessings of saints or sat guru brings the mind at its optimum line of control to achieve the peace and bliss.
Obeisance’s to the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Once the mind tracks down the path of illusion deep it lost its very basic feature of being calm. When it got separated from its very source of divine spirit where it had been fearless and contented, it becomes a weak slave of the senses.
Due to irresistible attraction towards deceptive pleasant sense objects it goes beyond the range of controllable mode it lost its very path of eternal peace and bliss.
Many wise have succumbed to the vagaries of the mind then what to say about else but impossible tern possible in the company of true saints. It is the blessings of saints or sat guru brings the mind at its optimum line of control to achieve the peace and bliss.
Obeisance’s to the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Art of worship
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Treasure of lord is beyond measure and full of all auspiciousness and goodness for life for needs a true path to reach at. The path of true saints leads one to the lotus feet of lord.
Those place the head in the lotus feet of sat guru make it all well.
It is not at all difficult to cross this mundane world with the glory of life if one adores with the true name of lord.
Jai sat guru Baba Lal Dayal ji.
The secret of ancient books, virtues of penance pilgrimage and all holy observances could be attain by the repetition of god’s name with true pace if believe so.
The true of Art of worship is found in every one provided one is blessed with the lotus feet of true saint.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Treasure of lord is beyond measure and full of all auspiciousness and goodness for life for needs a true path to reach at. The path of true saints leads one to the lotus feet of lord.
Those place the head in the lotus feet of sat guru make it all well.
It is not at all difficult to cross this mundane world with the glory of life if one adores with the true name of lord.
Jai sat guru Baba Lal Dayal ji.
The secret of ancient books, virtues of penance pilgrimage and all holy observances could be attain by the repetition of god’s name with true pace if believe so.
The true of Art of worship is found in every one provided one is blessed with the lotus feet of true saint.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
True Saints
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Glory of true saints is beyond words to narrate. True saints are veritable ship in the ocean of the world, who so ever associates saved all the way.
True Saints in this world is cooling fragrant of sandal wood that so ever associates saved all the way.
True Saints in this world is the manifest philosopher stone who so ever comes in contact saved all the way.
True saints are very source of peace and bliss who so ever comes in contact saved from the tough modes of life all the way.
True saints shower divine nectar though their immortal words who so ever listen and digest saves from the three fold agonies of life all the way.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Glory of true saints is beyond words to narrate. True saints are veritable ship in the ocean of the world, who so ever associates saved all the way.
True Saints in this world is cooling fragrant of sandal wood that so ever associates saved all the way.
True Saints in this world is the manifest philosopher stone who so ever comes in contact saved all the way.
True saints are very source of peace and bliss who so ever comes in contact saved from the tough modes of life all the way.
True saints shower divine nectar though their immortal words who so ever listen and digest saves from the three fold agonies of life all the way.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Human life
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Human life is meant for realization on to self and supreme, if lord is obtained means all is obtained, meeting of lord means meeting of all.
Of such a precious life, a single breath wasted worth the value of fourteen regions. Why not to understands the real meaning of being human.
If the wealth of mundane world attained but lord is left out, with out him all is naught.
If nectar of love and devotion is not attained in life as human then what worth is there in life? Living with out the true name of lord is as if lived or not all alike.
Better be late then never.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please
Human life is meant for realization on to self and supreme, if lord is obtained means all is obtained, meeting of lord means meeting of all.
Of such a precious life, a single breath wasted worth the value of fourteen regions. Why not to understands the real meaning of being human.
If the wealth of mundane world attained but lord is left out, with out him all is naught.
If nectar of love and devotion is not attained in life as human then what worth is there in life? Living with out the true name of lord is as if lived or not all alike.
Better be late then never.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sri Baba lal ji
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
The glory of great saint Sri Sri Baba lal ji is beyond all measure of this mundane world but be easily reached at with true heart and pious acts.
Terribly sad for the sake of heaving the blessings of lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji then keep resolutely the company of fair acts in life is version of true devotees and wise.
Sri Baba lal ji though passed away more than 300 years ago but still the fragrance of his divine blessings could be experienced all well at true heart,
It is not just at Sri Sri Lal dwara’s where existence of divine fragrance of Sri Baba lal ji experienced but with a true heart and purity of soul could make it felt all over.
True devotees need not to rush any where to attain the blessings of Sri Baba lal ji but may experience the very presence of his divine fragrance close by through faith their in.
Saints and seer has quoted with time and era that neither in heaven nor else where near by the sandal wood forest is mind cooled down but cooled down in the company of true saints.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
I make my humble obeisances in the lotus feet of great compassionate saints of time and eras Sri Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The glory of great saint Sri Sri Baba lal ji is beyond all measure of this mundane world but be easily reached at with true heart and pious acts.
Terribly sad for the sake of heaving the blessings of lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji then keep resolutely the company of fair acts in life is version of true devotees and wise.
Sri Baba lal ji though passed away more than 300 years ago but still the fragrance of his divine blessings could be experienced all well at true heart,
It is not just at Sri Sri Lal dwara’s where existence of divine fragrance of Sri Baba lal ji experienced but with a true heart and purity of soul could make it felt all over.
True devotees need not to rush any where to attain the blessings of Sri Baba lal ji but may experience the very presence of his divine fragrance close by through faith their in.
Saints and seer has quoted with time and era that neither in heaven nor else where near by the sandal wood forest is mind cooled down but cooled down in the company of true saints.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
I make my humble obeisances in the lotus feet of great compassionate saints of time and eras Sri Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Reunion or emancipation
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Soul and the supreme both are alike but their approach is a bit different, soul represents the mundane world and supreme represents the entire existence whether known or not.
Soul is the fraction of supreme if one believes so.
Soul presides over the limitation of mundane existence where as lord presides over the entire creation.
Mundane world is matter and soul acts of its own volition on the chart of karma. Theory of karma binds one who indicates it, the soul which ever acts perform adjudged on the law of karma and results in either a good or bad stands the subjection of soul.
Mostly acts bring the charter of birth and rebirth but disinterested acts submitted in the lotus feet of lord reveals freedom from bondage. Freedom from bondage means reunion with supreme one. Reunion with supreme one means emancipation.
Blessings of saints help in reunion or emancipation.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Soul and the supreme both are alike but their approach is a bit different, soul represents the mundane world and supreme represents the entire existence whether known or not.
Soul is the fraction of supreme if one believes so.
Soul presides over the limitation of mundane existence where as lord presides over the entire creation.
Mundane world is matter and soul acts of its own volition on the chart of karma. Theory of karma binds one who indicates it, the soul which ever acts perform adjudged on the law of karma and results in either a good or bad stands the subjection of soul.
Mostly acts bring the charter of birth and rebirth but disinterested acts submitted in the lotus feet of lord reveals freedom from bondage. Freedom from bondage means reunion with supreme one. Reunion with supreme one means emancipation.
Blessings of saints help in reunion or emancipation.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Life needs success all the way.
Heart needs love to carry on with at all stages of life.
Soul prays for peace and bliss.
Peace is the main subject one wish to have as secret admirer from inner core. Peace helps one to achieve perfection. Peace helps one to reach at true self. Peace helps one to attain the state of bliss; the supreme state one can achieve in life.
With peace alone mind could felt ease, body a bit rest and soul experience the bliss and in totality a sense of perfection and fulfillment.
Absence of peace leads one to non fulfillment which causes the unrest in life. Unrest to life not only affects the self but affects adversely others too.
Unrest leads to strife and to counter the strife it needs to attain peace.
The basic source of peace remains in self alone is the bare fact to belief and in this mundane world next it is the lotus feet of true saints where the stream of peace and bliss flows to immense the devotees to reach at true self. Those adore the lotus feet of true saints make it all well.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Life needs success all the way.
Heart needs love to carry on with at all stages of life.
Soul prays for peace and bliss.
Peace is the main subject one wish to have as secret admirer from inner core. Peace helps one to achieve perfection. Peace helps one to reach at true self. Peace helps one to attain the state of bliss; the supreme state one can achieve in life.
With peace alone mind could felt ease, body a bit rest and soul experience the bliss and in totality a sense of perfection and fulfillment.
Absence of peace leads one to non fulfillment which causes the unrest in life. Unrest to life not only affects the self but affects adversely others too.
Unrest leads to strife and to counter the strife it needs to attain peace.
The basic source of peace remains in self alone is the bare fact to belief and in this mundane world next it is the lotus feet of true saints where the stream of peace and bliss flows to immense the devotees to reach at true self. Those adore the lotus feet of true saints make it all well.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Kali age which is running now is really unique for seekers of ultimate unison or liberation from bondage of illusion with all ease. No other age can be compared with the kali age provided one has faith in its virtues; for this age one can easily cross the ocean of transmigration simply by singing the praise of lord.
Piety has its four pillars known for being good for crossing the ocean of mundane world all well are_
Austerity and
Out of these four main pillars one is predominant in kali age: charity practiced in any form conduces to one’s spiritual good.
Charity is the subject matter of heart which purifies the self in all respect if done for a true cause.
Charity is the track which brings direct attention of supreme soul towards self.
Charity is above all religious merits if done with true pace and fair heart.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Kali age which is running now is really unique for seekers of ultimate unison or liberation from bondage of illusion with all ease. No other age can be compared with the kali age provided one has faith in its virtues; for this age one can easily cross the ocean of transmigration simply by singing the praise of lord.
Piety has its four pillars known for being good for crossing the ocean of mundane world all well are_
Austerity and
Out of these four main pillars one is predominant in kali age: charity practiced in any form conduces to one’s spiritual good.
Charity is the subject matter of heart which purifies the self in all respect if done for a true cause.
Charity is the track which brings direct attention of supreme soul towards self.
Charity is above all religious merits if done with true pace and fair heart.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
non violence
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
As per Vedic wisdom non violence is the highest religious merit.
Violence is not just a word it is a comprehensive stream of ignorance. It is just violence when takes the rout to life, make it unrest and drag the peace apart once peace escapes out from life means there is no scope of bliss, the basic longing of soul.
Killing some one does not alone counts in violence it has three streams to indicate in life; thoughts words and deeds.
Hurting the sentiments of one is not less than any deadliest violence. Abusing is too a form of violence.
Violence is the rout of transmigration.
But in few acts it supports the way this that though one may take infinite pains in watering a plantain it will never bear fruits unless it is hewed. Similarly a vile fellow heeds no prayer but yields only when reprimanded.
But to its ultimate note it is saints and seers who encourage the true track of life with total non violence and full of peace and bliss to make the human life a total success at its ultimate mode.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
As per Vedic wisdom non violence is the highest religious merit.
Violence is not just a word it is a comprehensive stream of ignorance. It is just violence when takes the rout to life, make it unrest and drag the peace apart once peace escapes out from life means there is no scope of bliss, the basic longing of soul.
Killing some one does not alone counts in violence it has three streams to indicate in life; thoughts words and deeds.
Hurting the sentiments of one is not less than any deadliest violence. Abusing is too a form of violence.
Violence is the rout of transmigration.
But in few acts it supports the way this that though one may take infinite pains in watering a plantain it will never bear fruits unless it is hewed. Similarly a vile fellow heeds no prayer but yields only when reprimanded.
But to its ultimate note it is saints and seers who encourage the true track of life with total non violence and full of peace and bliss to make the human life a total success at its ultimate mode.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
True prayer
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
An honest prayer to lord could make the life true to itself and one may track the success through this very easy mode if adorned with.
True prayer means truthfulness in self and submission.
True prayer means honesty in expressing the factual state of self.
True payer means heaving full faith and total submission while making so.
True prayer means from the best of enlighten heart.
True payer means expression with total consciousness on the stream of thoughts words and deeds.
But it matters purity of self from inner and outer cord. It matters on to realization on to self. It matters on the fairness of acts one carry on with.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
An honest prayer to lord could make the life true to itself and one may track the success through this very easy mode if adorned with.
True prayer means truthfulness in self and submission.
True prayer means honesty in expressing the factual state of self.
True payer means heaving full faith and total submission while making so.
True prayer means from the best of enlighten heart.
True payer means expression with total consciousness on the stream of thoughts words and deeds.
But it matters purity of self from inner and outer cord. It matters on to realization on to self. It matters on the fairness of acts one carry on with.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
The definition of emancipation is very wide and infinite in self but saints and seers have made their point on to it to help the life to understand and reach at.
In life one experienced all kind of miseries results in from the friction of acts or the limitation of time span.
Child hood has its own miseries when life runs at an helpless mode.
Youth age has its own sufferings to fulfill the due and undue wishes on the subject of life.
Maturity bears the sense of responsibility which makes the life tough to carry on with and sense pleasure hardly supports the joy their in and finely
Old age itself is a top most suffering where body does not support to carry o with and wishes never let one to have pause.
This cycle carry on with on a never ending process on the track of karma where soul is subjected to the pace of life but it needs peace and bliss, a pause or ultimate pause from this deadliest cycle and is emancipation by getting merge in to the supreme one.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The definition of emancipation is very wide and infinite in self but saints and seers have made their point on to it to help the life to understand and reach at.
In life one experienced all kind of miseries results in from the friction of acts or the limitation of time span.
Child hood has its own miseries when life runs at an helpless mode.
Youth age has its own sufferings to fulfill the due and undue wishes on the subject of life.
Maturity bears the sense of responsibility which makes the life tough to carry on with and sense pleasure hardly supports the joy their in and finely
Old age itself is a top most suffering where body does not support to carry o with and wishes never let one to have pause.
This cycle carry on with on a never ending process on the track of karma where soul is subjected to the pace of life but it needs peace and bliss, a pause or ultimate pause from this deadliest cycle and is emancipation by getting merge in to the supreme one.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Ultimate aim
Ultimate aim of human life for soul is a complete liberation from bondage of illusion which binds the soul with body to carry on with as life and dump in the orbit of birth and rebirth.
Birth means entering in to a body and conclusion means leaving apart the body for a new one as rebirth is the cycle of life and pain full to a large extent.
Through soul is a fraction of supreme soul itself has neither a beginning nor a end; it is eternal all the way.
Law of karma indicates the acts on the subject of life with basics as whatever one sow the same has to reap with a difference of time and mode.
Saints and seers have narrated many paths of wisdom which leads to emancipation if one adores the same could make it all well.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all
Thanks please
Birth means entering in to a body and conclusion means leaving apart the body for a new one as rebirth is the cycle of life and pain full to a large extent.
Through soul is a fraction of supreme soul itself has neither a beginning nor a end; it is eternal all the way.
Law of karma indicates the acts on the subject of life with basics as whatever one sow the same has to reap with a difference of time and mode.
Saints and seers have narrated many paths of wisdom which leads to emancipation if one adores the same could make it all well.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all
Thanks please
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Acts for the sake of lord are only those which are free from attachments and are not motivated by desire of self gratification, nay, which are marked by indifference in matters of results, may be favorable or not.
God realization is the supreme end of ones life especially as human.
Human life has some special meaning to it in comparison to all others. Acts on the subject concern matters a lot. Fate is written on the script of acts. Better acts results in better life and wicked acts means degrading of life in down mode of spice. But submission of acts in the lotus feet of lord makes it to react at alone.
Better be late than never to track the real motto of being human.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Acts for the sake of lord are only those which are free from attachments and are not motivated by desire of self gratification, nay, which are marked by indifference in matters of results, may be favorable or not.
God realization is the supreme end of ones life especially as human.
Human life has some special meaning to it in comparison to all others. Acts on the subject concern matters a lot. Fate is written on the script of acts. Better acts results in better life and wicked acts means degrading of life in down mode of spice. But submission of acts in the lotus feet of lord makes it to react at alone.
Better be late than never to track the real motto of being human.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
peace and bliss
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
It is for a note that peace and bliss never lies in any external object but is the state of mind which in fact first free from all desire but lord and a longing for ultimate soul mate but with true pace.
Lord is present all over all the time hence the place and time hardly matters to it.
But to make it, it needs to reach at self which needs purity of in and outer modes where fairness of acts speaks with clear notes.
Fairness of acts and truthfulness of heart makes one to get one free from lust and anger which is the very rout of desires.
When one will be free from all longings but for ultimate soul mate, then sense of possession which chains one will vanish and results in peace which leads to bliss.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
It is for a note that peace and bliss never lies in any external object but is the state of mind which in fact first free from all desire but lord and a longing for ultimate soul mate but with true pace.
Lord is present all over all the time hence the place and time hardly matters to it.
But to make it, it needs to reach at self which needs purity of in and outer modes where fairness of acts speaks with clear notes.
Fairness of acts and truthfulness of heart makes one to get one free from lust and anger which is the very rout of desires.
When one will be free from all longings but for ultimate soul mate, then sense of possession which chains one will vanish and results in peace which leads to bliss.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Faith in the benevolence of lord makes it easy to carry on with in life. God by nature is disinterested friend of all, it is for one to realize this bare fact and make a positive use their in.
Lord is all mercy full and omni present though not a subject of eyes but still ego of life wish to see it.
Life always wishes to testify the lord by miracles through one or other form but never visualize its nature to feel and experience the very existence of god near by.
Its only faith which paves in way towards the supreme soul and truth ness of faith decides the distance in between.
Kind all the way is lord if one realize at heart. Lord manifest self their and then in many forms beyond imagination to help the cause their in for devotees.
Let us make it sure to reach at with faith at inner core of heart.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Faith in the benevolence of lord makes it easy to carry on with in life. God by nature is disinterested friend of all, it is for one to realize this bare fact and make a positive use their in.
Lord is all mercy full and omni present though not a subject of eyes but still ego of life wish to see it.
Life always wishes to testify the lord by miracles through one or other form but never visualize its nature to feel and experience the very existence of god near by.
Its only faith which paves in way towards the supreme soul and truth ness of faith decides the distance in between.
Kind all the way is lord if one realize at heart. Lord manifest self their and then in many forms beyond imagination to help the cause their in for devotees.
Let us make it sure to reach at with faith at inner core of heart.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
It is for a note on the subject of life that if one turns carefully to the happenings around might be good or bad, favorable or else will definitely proves helpful in attain the real and ultimate goal of life with little care and conscious their in.
It’s for a note that what ever it goes on goes on under the preview of supreme soul to testify it or to oblige it on the subject of life.
It is nothing but illusion of lord.
Simply got on watching it and be conscious on the subject but not indulge or got absorbed in that being effected be least of it, try to be in one’s real self and with the real supreme, in this way one can pave in the best of one’s circumstances.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
It’s for a note that what ever it goes on goes on under the preview of supreme soul to testify it or to oblige it on the subject of life.
It is nothing but illusion of lord.
Simply got on watching it and be conscious on the subject but not indulge or got absorbed in that being effected be least of it, try to be in one’s real self and with the real supreme, in this way one can pave in the best of one’s circumstances.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
ultimate soul mate
The habit of discovering faults in other naturally give rise to hatred and hatred ripens in to malice. Malice seeks destruction hence it culminate in enmity and violence. Results in harming peace process of life are the massage of true saints.
One never turn have one’s eyes towards one owned self to visualize the bare facts on to self.
What is conductive to ones supreme good is that one constantly thinks on the real goal to attain ultimate glory of life as human. And chanting the true name at core of heart and a longing smile for the ultimate soul mate to welcome the one and only lord will make the difference to life.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
One never turn have one’s eyes towards one owned self to visualize the bare facts on to self.
What is conductive to ones supreme good is that one constantly thinks on the real goal to attain ultimate glory of life as human. And chanting the true name at core of heart and a longing smile for the ultimate soul mate to welcome the one and only lord will make the difference to life.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Easy blessing
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji make one to reach at one’s fair desire with all ease. Those make it to reach at Sri Baba lal ji could experience the difference in life and those take refuge in his lotus feet knows alone the feeling of being there.
Easy blessing could be attained from the compassionate saint so called Sri Sri Baba lal ji.
Those remains bare from the issues {children’s} in life could be blessed to have so from the kind honor of Sri Baba lal ji. Those who have been discarded on the subject of life could attain the blessings from a kind saint Sri Baba lal ji to make the life meaningful and a success at its ultimate mode.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji make one to reach at one’s fair desire with all ease. Those make it to reach at Sri Baba lal ji could experience the difference in life and those take refuge in his lotus feet knows alone the feeling of being there.
Easy blessing could be attained from the compassionate saint so called Sri Sri Baba lal ji.
Those remains bare from the issues {children’s} in life could be blessed to have so from the kind honor of Sri Baba lal ji. Those who have been discarded on the subject of life could attain the blessings from a kind saint Sri Baba lal ji to make the life meaningful and a success at its ultimate mode.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Dispassion means total absence of thirst for the undue joys and celebrations of this mundane world. Dispassion means content feeling with in. dispassion means longing for ultimate one on the subject of existence either animate or inanimate.
It is very simple that sun and the night can not exist at same time so is the longing for lord and wish for mundane world can not co-exist in life.
Aversion to pleasure of senses is extremely necessary for the sprouting of divine love.
Non attachment itself is dispassion. For all spiritual purposes non attachment is most essential factor as supreme disciple of mind. Those adore it could make the spiritual path all well.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Dispassion means total absence of thirst for the undue joys and celebrations of this mundane world. Dispassion means content feeling with in. dispassion means longing for ultimate one on the subject of existence either animate or inanimate.
It is very simple that sun and the night can not exist at same time so is the longing for lord and wish for mundane world can not co-exist in life.
Aversion to pleasure of senses is extremely necessary for the sprouting of divine love.
Non attachment itself is dispassion. For all spiritual purposes non attachment is most essential factor as supreme disciple of mind. Those adore it could make the spiritual path all well.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
jai Sri Baba lal ji_
jai Sri Baba lal ji_
The company of true saints and their devotees plays a great role in making life true to itself. It is truth of life which matters to inner purity. Inner purity results in to fair acts in life which leads the life to an outer purity.
When inner and outer purity attained then its maturity of divine love takes place.
Absolute purity of body mind soul matters to divine love. They are linked together. Seeker on the subject needs to be practice the true nature of life to meet so. Blessings of true saints help in to attain this true wisdom.
Practice makes one perfect, chanting the name with true pace wash out the blemishes of mind and soul, the dust from lotus foot of sat guru makes it all good.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The company of true saints and their devotees plays a great role in making life true to itself. It is truth of life which matters to inner purity. Inner purity results in to fair acts in life which leads the life to an outer purity.
When inner and outer purity attained then its maturity of divine love takes place.
Absolute purity of body mind soul matters to divine love. They are linked together. Seeker on the subject needs to be practice the true nature of life to meet so. Blessings of true saints help in to attain this true wisdom.
Practice makes one perfect, chanting the name with true pace wash out the blemishes of mind and soul, the dust from lotus foot of sat guru makes it all good.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
jai sri Baba lal ji
The peoples who forsake suppliant apprehending evils from him are vile and sin full; their very sight is abominable is the version of saints on the subject of life.
But saints never abandon even the worst if one seeks refuge in them they guides and redirects one towards the path of wisdom which leads to the ultimate glory of life.
Mercy full is Sri Baba lal ji and blessings of Sri Baba lal ji is even more caring to those who seek refuge in his lotus feet. Great savior of all who so ever even has been running from the cord of wicked mode, blessings of baba lal ji purify from inner and outer with out any differentiation their in.
Millions have made it and many more are on rout to reach at with the blessings of Sri Sri Baba lal ji.
jai sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
But saints never abandon even the worst if one seeks refuge in them they guides and redirects one towards the path of wisdom which leads to the ultimate glory of life.
Mercy full is Sri Baba lal ji and blessings of Sri Baba lal ji is even more caring to those who seek refuge in his lotus feet. Great savior of all who so ever even has been running from the cord of wicked mode, blessings of baba lal ji purify from inner and outer with out any differentiation their in.
Millions have made it and many more are on rout to reach at with the blessings of Sri Sri Baba lal ji.
jai sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
miraculous powers
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Mystics attain the miraculous powers through yoga, inner truth and the blessings of saints_
They are eight main miraculous powers as indicated by the ancient books and many saints and seers have attained with their inner spirit_
Anima_ the faculty of reducing one’s body to an infinite size of an atom
Mahima_the power of expanding one’s body to infinite large
Garima_the power of becoming infinitely large
Laghima_power of becoming infinitely light in body
Prapti_unrestricted access to all places
Prakram_attaining with indifferent skill
Ishiva_absolute lord ship
And vashitva_subjugating all
Blessings of true saints can make them all possible on the subject of life.
May lord bless all
Thanks please.
Mystics attain the miraculous powers through yoga, inner truth and the blessings of saints_
They are eight main miraculous powers as indicated by the ancient books and many saints and seers have attained with their inner spirit_
Anima_ the faculty of reducing one’s body to an infinite size of an atom
Mahima_the power of expanding one’s body to infinite large
Garima_the power of becoming infinitely large
Laghima_power of becoming infinitely light in body
Prapti_unrestricted access to all places
Prakram_attaining with indifferent skill
Ishiva_absolute lord ship
And vashitva_subjugating all
Blessings of true saints can make them all possible on the subject of life.
May lord bless all
Thanks please.
Seeker of truth
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
The mystics who are full of dispassion and are wholly detached from the creations of supreme lord keeps awake in the day light of wisdom muttering the name in their inner core with all faith and submission and enjoy the felicity of the absolute, which is incomparable all the way unspeakable unmixed with sorrows and devoid of name and form.
Seeker of truth who aspire to know the mysterious ways of providence are able to comprehend them by muttering the name alone but with true spirit.
If devotees in distress mutter the name their worst calamities of gravest type disappears and they become free from the cord of miseries. All kind of devotees make it to reach at with the chanting the name and merge in the supreme bliss as ultimate destination of being human.
Glory of name is the easiest mode to reach at if one believes so.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The mystics who are full of dispassion and are wholly detached from the creations of supreme lord keeps awake in the day light of wisdom muttering the name in their inner core with all faith and submission and enjoy the felicity of the absolute, which is incomparable all the way unspeakable unmixed with sorrows and devoid of name and form.
Seeker of truth who aspire to know the mysterious ways of providence are able to comprehend them by muttering the name alone but with true spirit.
If devotees in distress mutter the name their worst calamities of gravest type disappears and they become free from the cord of miseries. All kind of devotees make it to reach at with the chanting the name and merge in the supreme bliss as ultimate destination of being human.
Glory of name is the easiest mode to reach at if one believes so.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Glory of true saints
Glory of true saints is infinite as that of full moon on the sky which gives all cool light as well peace and bliss for all with out any difference.
Saints keeps their mind even towards all and have no friend and foe, just as a flower of good quality placed in the palm of one’s hands communicates its fragrance alike to both hands the one which plugged it and that which held and preserve it.
Realizing thus noble deposition and loving nature of saints, who are innocent at heart and catholic in spirit, devotes make their humble submission to make it as to reach at true self and blessed the way they wish.
I make my humble submission in the lotus feet of great saint of tie and era Sri Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Saints keeps their mind even towards all and have no friend and foe, just as a flower of good quality placed in the palm of one’s hands communicates its fragrance alike to both hands the one which plugged it and that which held and preserve it.
Realizing thus noble deposition and loving nature of saints, who are innocent at heart and catholic in spirit, devotes make their humble submission to make it as to reach at true self and blessed the way they wish.
I make my humble submission in the lotus feet of great saint of tie and era Sri Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai sri baba lal ji
All kind of peoples make their way in this mundane world but very few makes it to the true sprit of being human. But pious souls have their own merits and also keep the heart for even those who are malevolent.
Who are hostile with out purpose even to the friendly, to whom other’s loss is their gain and who delight in others desolation and wail over their prosperity. They detect others faults as if with a thousand eyes and designing mind mars others interest even as a fly spoils clarified butter.
Of course a good man has a bias for goodness while a vile person is prone to vileness, while nectar is known for its immortalizing virtues, poison is extolled for its deadly effects.
The wicked born with jealousy as they hear others welfare, be they their friend or foe or neutral: such is their wont. Knowing thus true heart makes loving entreaties to them on the version of truth.
Jai sri baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Who are hostile with out purpose even to the friendly, to whom other’s loss is their gain and who delight in others desolation and wail over their prosperity. They detect others faults as if with a thousand eyes and designing mind mars others interest even as a fly spoils clarified butter.
Of course a good man has a bias for goodness while a vile person is prone to vileness, while nectar is known for its immortalizing virtues, poison is extolled for its deadly effects.
The wicked born with jealousy as they hear others welfare, be they their friend or foe or neutral: such is their wont. Knowing thus true heart makes loving entreaties to them on the version of truth.
Jai sri baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The aspirants who fill their heart with divine love make it to reach at the true self with all ease. Drops of celestial melodies put add to their mottos. And ultimately they make it to reach at divine nectar which makes their inner and outer same as that of supreme one.
If continues longing for the soul mate with out any interruption helps a lot.
Blessings of saints act as a booster to the divine event.
As one move along with the celestial chapter to reach at self, day by day becomes absorbed in thoughts of soul mate which makes it to get attraction at it most, negative power of illusion then not effect and vision of truth established in the core of heart to have ultimate soul mate.
Here company of true saints has its own impact to reach at. Blessings of sat guru make it easily accessible all the way.
Jai sri sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
If continues longing for the soul mate with out any interruption helps a lot.
Blessings of saints act as a booster to the divine event.
As one move along with the celestial chapter to reach at self, day by day becomes absorbed in thoughts of soul mate which makes it to get attraction at it most, negative power of illusion then not effect and vision of truth established in the core of heart to have ultimate soul mate.
Here company of true saints has its own impact to reach at. Blessings of sat guru make it easily accessible all the way.
Jai sri sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
divine virtues
Jai Sri Baba lal ji _
There are numerous divine virtues which takes the life to its ultimate glory as human if one adore with. Among them few are as under_
Fearlessness but at true pace
Purity of mind
Adorned with Spiritual wisdom
Habitual study of Vedas
Non violence in thoughts words and deeds
Chanting true name and divine notes
Controlling anger
Self denial
Self restraint
Placidity of mind
Compassion towards all being
Sense of outer purity
Absence of self esteemed
Control on pride and ego
And those realize and make part of their life reach at the stage of final beatitude is the version of true saints.
May lord bless all
Thanks please.
There are numerous divine virtues which takes the life to its ultimate glory as human if one adore with. Among them few are as under_
Fearlessness but at true pace
Purity of mind
Adorned with Spiritual wisdom
Habitual study of Vedas
Non violence in thoughts words and deeds
Chanting true name and divine notes
Controlling anger
Self denial
Self restraint
Placidity of mind
Compassion towards all being
Sense of outer purity
Absence of self esteemed
Control on pride and ego
And those realize and make part of their life reach at the stage of final beatitude is the version of true saints.
May lord bless all
Thanks please.
It is for a note that life basically seeks happiness is last long but the happiness illusion indicates is short term only. True happiness is ever lasting. When one misses that happiness the chapter of suffering starts which lands the life in miseries.
The life one bear is one part of series one subjected on the chapter of birth and rebirth. Child hood follows by adolescence and succeed in old age and the same chapter repetition, no stage of life is abiding.
Its true spirit which abides by the self and continue to carry on as live as any thing till one unified with ultimate soul mate. And it is a devotional spirit which merges with divine spirit to make it. And true saints help a lot on the subject.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The life one bear is one part of series one subjected on the chapter of birth and rebirth. Child hood follows by adolescence and succeed in old age and the same chapter repetition, no stage of life is abiding.
Its true spirit which abides by the self and continue to carry on as live as any thing till one unified with ultimate soul mate. And it is a devotional spirit which merges with divine spirit to make it. And true saints help a lot on the subject.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji _
The secret of real peace lies in worship of lord is a bare fact to believe. Heaving faith in lord brings peace to life. Heaving faith in lord brings self confidence in life which is a major for any successful life.
When one comes to have faith in the grace of lord and begin to act in conformity with divine will, all the divine forces will start helping in life.
Once one reaches in the orbit where divine help is then it is a mile stone towards a better mode and on the stage of final beatitude.
Faith all power to make an event success either it’s a life or any event of life but with dedication and submission their in.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
The secret of real peace lies in worship of lord is a bare fact to believe. Heaving faith in lord brings peace to life. Heaving faith in lord brings self confidence in life which is a major for any successful life.
When one comes to have faith in the grace of lord and begin to act in conformity with divine will, all the divine forces will start helping in life.
Once one reaches in the orbit where divine help is then it is a mile stone towards a better mode and on the stage of final beatitude.
Faith all power to make an event success either it’s a life or any event of life but with dedication and submission their in.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Illusion is as like as seeing the mirage, mind runs after it day after day in false hope. Where at goes there is water but not, surely it will be a conclusion on the verge of thrust. So is the lust for illusive articles which does not carry any reality their but mind run for pleasure there in.
In various ways it enjoys the delusion as one derives pleasure in dream but does not bear any real existence.
As long as one sleeps one dream as soon as one awakens the delusion disappears.
There is nothing in the end but for being left apart by illusion and if it comes the union with lord then it’s a ultimate success otherwise all drown.
Real achievement is peace and bliss if one can attain and true saints helps a lot to attain so in life itself.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
In various ways it enjoys the delusion as one derives pleasure in dream but does not bear any real existence.
As long as one sleeps one dream as soon as one awakens the delusion disappears.
There is nothing in the end but for being left apart by illusion and if it comes the union with lord then it’s a ultimate success otherwise all drown.
Real achievement is peace and bliss if one can attain and true saints helps a lot to attain so in life itself.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Better be late than never
It is for a note that they who have brought a stain on the face of humanity by evil deeds and wicked dealings are bound to face the same fate to a day. Those who are setting up a mean and depraved ideal before the world through their immortal acts may for a while win the false acclamation and esteem by overawing with their wealth and authority a section of humanity who are generally vain flatter, deluded and given to sensuous enjoyments but they are bound to reap the consequences of their misdeed to a day.
An imposer may believe that he is very cleaver and can very easily hoodwink the others but in reality he deceives himself. He loses his real wealth of true self thus does himself a harm beyond measure.
Better be late than never on the true track of life than to cut a sorry figure at a later date.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please
An imposer may believe that he is very cleaver and can very easily hoodwink the others but in reality he deceives himself. He loses his real wealth of true self thus does himself a harm beyond measure.
Better be late than never on the true track of life than to cut a sorry figure at a later date.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please
Those who see god in all beings can never harm others, an no action on their part could be contrary to their will being as all the bound to worship lord in one or other form constantly through actions in life.
It is sure for one and all who can make it to realize that vision of the divine is seen every where when god is realized in every being then all actions manifest the divine sport in life.
Whatever one give returns to one back in multiplied to infinite degree from the kind honor of lord in many sphere at varying location I bare fact to believe.
It is realization of supreme soul so called god and submission under his kind honor will bring renunciation and heart will overflows with love, peace and bliss.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all
Thanks lease.
It is sure for one and all who can make it to realize that vision of the divine is seen every where when god is realized in every being then all actions manifest the divine sport in life.
Whatever one give returns to one back in multiplied to infinite degree from the kind honor of lord in many sphere at varying location I bare fact to believe.
It is realization of supreme soul so called god and submission under his kind honor will bring renunciation and heart will overflows with love, peace and bliss.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all
Thanks lease.
desire and efforts
It is the desire and efforts one make on the track of realization put one in the close orbit near by lord. Constant desire and respective efforts their in will keep the mind attached to god. Mental union with god is sure for those who make it at heart and keeps longing alive for it.
God never disunite once is realized and realized means it for ever.
The desire and systematic efforts to realize god will control the senses and purity of mind thus the sins will not be committed and life goes true on its pace.
It is realization of god which brings peace to life and the state of bliss their in.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
God never disunite once is realized and realized means it for ever.
The desire and systematic efforts to realize god will control the senses and purity of mind thus the sins will not be committed and life goes true on its pace.
It is realization of god which brings peace to life and the state of bliss their in.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
sat guru
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Sweet indeed is the nectar one finds in the form of words from the sat guru and those take them all and got absorbed and intoxicated through the divine chapter showered by the sat guru knows alone the result of such achievements in life.
Nothing else is like it if one got the company of sat guru.
Great is fortune of those who use the collyrium to their inner eyes to visualize the perfection of truth and its impact on the life.
The glory of sat guru is infinite to express but easy to experience and those who have make it, has been through from the chapter of this mundane world with glory of being human.
May lord bless all
Thanks please.
Sweet indeed is the nectar one finds in the form of words from the sat guru and those take them all and got absorbed and intoxicated through the divine chapter showered by the sat guru knows alone the result of such achievements in life.
Nothing else is like it if one got the company of sat guru.
Great is fortune of those who use the collyrium to their inner eyes to visualize the perfection of truth and its impact on the life.
The glory of sat guru is infinite to express but easy to experience and those who have make it, has been through from the chapter of this mundane world with glory of being human.
May lord bless all
Thanks please.
version of true saints
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Human life is endowed with three basic principle instruments of actions intellect, mind and body. Of these intellect has its own merits which indicate the life at its best. Intellects alone drive the body and determine the path to follow with.
Reasoning influences the intellects highly. Truth ness of life and fairness of acts speaks here on. As one move ahead towards the true association and fair company, it unfolds pure thoughts in mind and one’s bodily activities to will be free from guilt.
One’s reaffirmation will come only though one’s own seeking and Endeavour.
Therefore seek own reaffirmation try to get rid of own failings and foibles, mend self and make self through gentle endowed with a blessed, noble, and lofty character and build a propitious destiny for self is the version of true saints for life on the planet.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Human life is endowed with three basic principle instruments of actions intellect, mind and body. Of these intellect has its own merits which indicate the life at its best. Intellects alone drive the body and determine the path to follow with.
Reasoning influences the intellects highly. Truth ness of life and fairness of acts speaks here on. As one move ahead towards the true association and fair company, it unfolds pure thoughts in mind and one’s bodily activities to will be free from guilt.
One’s reaffirmation will come only though one’s own seeking and Endeavour.
Therefore seek own reaffirmation try to get rid of own failings and foibles, mend self and make self through gentle endowed with a blessed, noble, and lofty character and build a propitious destiny for self is the version of true saints for life on the planet.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
Glory of Sri Baba lal ji is beyond words to express but still devotees has tries to reflect light on the kindness of Sri Baba lal ji.
A compassionate saint
A saint with the difference
Great donor of smile on face of life
Always blissful
300 years of total dedication for mankind
Giver of blissful boons
A true smiling legend of very true life
Who so ever have bow his head in his lotus feet has attained boon of his wish with all cool blessings is the basics of Sri Baba lal ji.
“Obeisance’s to the lotus feet of great saint of time and era”
May lord bless all
Thanks please.
Glory of Sri Baba lal ji is beyond words to express but still devotees has tries to reflect light on the kindness of Sri Baba lal ji.
A compassionate saint
A saint with the difference
Great donor of smile on face of life
Always blissful
300 years of total dedication for mankind
Giver of blissful boons
A true smiling legend of very true life
Who so ever have bow his head in his lotus feet has attained boon of his wish with all cool blessings is the basics of Sri Baba lal ji.
“Obeisance’s to the lotus feet of great saint of time and era”
May lord bless all
Thanks please.
ultimate glory
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
As long as the individual does not mend one’s ways the true social will continue to suffer. No discipline enforced from outside can reform one truly. It is the discipline from the inner core generated through true self speak with glory of being human.
In any civilized society theft, adultery and violence are great crime and despecable.
As long as one does not despise evil from the core of heart, crime would continue to be perpetrated by.
When one sincerely believe a crime to be a crime and recognize sin to be a sin from the core of heart then it results in as true human and true saints helps here in to bring one’s life to a true human profile for ultimate glory of being human.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
As long as the individual does not mend one’s ways the true social will continue to suffer. No discipline enforced from outside can reform one truly. It is the discipline from the inner core generated through true self speak with glory of being human.
In any civilized society theft, adultery and violence are great crime and despecable.
As long as one does not despise evil from the core of heart, crime would continue to be perpetrated by.
When one sincerely believe a crime to be a crime and recognize sin to be a sin from the core of heart then it results in as true human and true saints helps here in to bring one’s life to a true human profile for ultimate glory of being human.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
feel grateful
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
A favorable or unfavorable circumstance is a conception of one’s own which may vary from person to person related to mind and desire. One thing results in favorable for one and unfavorable for other at the same time based on the likes and dislikes of the mind.
Apart from the colors of imagination what ever situation falls in life one must suppose to accept with all cool modes as nothing could be derived alone with out the consent of lord.
Whatever befalls one as one’s own lot comes through the benign dispensation of lord, the very embodiment of auspiciousness at its ultimate end. Therefore, viewing whatever happens to one even against the wish or thoughts another’s will as a benign dispensation of all auspicious lords and one suppose to accept it gladly and feel grateful to lord, and such one is bound to make it on the chapter of real truth as an human.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
A favorable or unfavorable circumstance is a conception of one’s own which may vary from person to person related to mind and desire. One thing results in favorable for one and unfavorable for other at the same time based on the likes and dislikes of the mind.
Apart from the colors of imagination what ever situation falls in life one must suppose to accept with all cool modes as nothing could be derived alone with out the consent of lord.
Whatever befalls one as one’s own lot comes through the benign dispensation of lord, the very embodiment of auspiciousness at its ultimate end. Therefore, viewing whatever happens to one even against the wish or thoughts another’s will as a benign dispensation of all auspicious lords and one suppose to accept it gladly and feel grateful to lord, and such one is bound to make it on the chapter of real truth as an human.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
There is none else who is such a great and disinterested friend as lord. Lord is true well-wisher of all and who possess such a correct knowledge of what is conductive to one’s real good and who is fully capable of redeeming one as God.
If one develops faith in benevolence of lord, natural and disinterested friend of all, who is all knowing and omnipresent, controller of all, will get rid of all sin and sufferings their in.
Lord himself will take responsibility of one’s perpetual well being is the version of true saints.
Steeped in bliss and supreme felicity and absorbed in his beatific thoughts, one will remains engaged in suitable action through body and mind which means a glory for being a human on the subject of life and saints contribute a lot to reach at.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
There is none else who is such a great and disinterested friend as lord. Lord is true well-wisher of all and who possess such a correct knowledge of what is conductive to one’s real good and who is fully capable of redeeming one as God.
If one develops faith in benevolence of lord, natural and disinterested friend of all, who is all knowing and omnipresent, controller of all, will get rid of all sin and sufferings their in.
Lord himself will take responsibility of one’s perpetual well being is the version of true saints.
Steeped in bliss and supreme felicity and absorbed in his beatific thoughts, one will remains engaged in suitable action through body and mind which means a glory for being a human on the subject of life and saints contribute a lot to reach at.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Power of divine grace
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Power of divine grace is great and beyond measure for any one here. Potency of divine grace is as high as any thing to sin and afflictions, the storm and stress of one’s adversity and misfortunes are so small to stand with.
Whatever one’s condition, wherever one stand in whatever adverse circumstances one may be, lord’s long arms are ever sufficient to protect one.
The lord can rid one of all sufferings; adversity, bondage and gloom cheer one up and illumine one with the light of divine wisdom.
Have faith in lord, his loving nature and kinship with life. Advance towards lord, depend on him, by the great power of his grace it will be easy to rid of all troubles bondage and darkness of ignorance.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Power of divine grace is great and beyond measure for any one here. Potency of divine grace is as high as any thing to sin and afflictions, the storm and stress of one’s adversity and misfortunes are so small to stand with.
Whatever one’s condition, wherever one stand in whatever adverse circumstances one may be, lord’s long arms are ever sufficient to protect one.
The lord can rid one of all sufferings; adversity, bondage and gloom cheer one up and illumine one with the light of divine wisdom.
Have faith in lord, his loving nature and kinship with life. Advance towards lord, depend on him, by the great power of his grace it will be easy to rid of all troubles bondage and darkness of ignorance.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
supreme end
A human being in true acceptance of the term is he who endowed with humanity. Humanity has its wide sphere but with two basic streams one and primary is to take the course of religious merits and rout to lord who is supreme all the way and one and only creator of all inanimate and animate.
Second is to adore with stream of realization and make acts accordingly to meet the true definition of welfare for one and all with out any self motives their in.
Human is possessed with intelligence bestowed on him by lord and allowed freedom of action under the course of law of karma.
Acts done for the good of nature and life is taken as if done for the sake of lord and brings sweet fruits for life in the form of peace bliss and glory as ultimate achievement their in.
God-realization alone is the supreme end of being human.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Second is to adore with stream of realization and make acts accordingly to meet the true definition of welfare for one and all with out any self motives their in.
Human is possessed with intelligence bestowed on him by lord and allowed freedom of action under the course of law of karma.
Acts done for the good of nature and life is taken as if done for the sake of lord and brings sweet fruits for life in the form of peace bliss and glory as ultimate achievement their in.
God-realization alone is the supreme end of being human.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Those take adoration of lord as primary in their life are really great on the subject of being human. Relation with lord is true alone rest one is else as that of illusion. One has emerged from the lord and has to merge in to a day is the truth of life on the planet.
One exists in mighty form of lord and continues to live in the mode of a cycle in the form of birth and rebirth.
Relationship with god is unbreakable but its distance between the lord and life matters to. When life comes by in close orbit of lord felt peace and bliss where as it distant self from the lord miseries of mundane world surrounds.
Life is eternal fraction of lord and it needs to realize while to carry on with as life especially for human and here true saints or sat guru helps a lot.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
One exists in mighty form of lord and continues to live in the mode of a cycle in the form of birth and rebirth.
Relationship with god is unbreakable but its distance between the lord and life matters to. When life comes by in close orbit of lord felt peace and bliss where as it distant self from the lord miseries of mundane world surrounds.
Life is eternal fraction of lord and it needs to realize while to carry on with as life especially for human and here true saints or sat guru helps a lot.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Knowingly does one perform good or bad deeds, knowingly does one leap in to the fire, let no one blames any one else. What has been done before appears now what is done now will appears hereafter, really does anyone understand the occurrence of all the three.
As one sow so shall reap is the law of karma.
The law of divine justice is inescapable. Past deeds reflect on to present life, and present deeds shape the future. A doer acting under the conceit of I-ness is bound by his deeds; where as in unconcieted person looking upon himself as a mere instrument of lord, remains uncontaminated by his acts.
And through love and devotion to the lotus feet of sat guru and lord one can rise above all karmic bondage.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
As one sow so shall reap is the law of karma.
The law of divine justice is inescapable. Past deeds reflect on to present life, and present deeds shape the future. A doer acting under the conceit of I-ness is bound by his deeds; where as in unconcieted person looking upon himself as a mere instrument of lord, remains uncontaminated by his acts.
And through love and devotion to the lotus feet of sat guru and lord one can rise above all karmic bondage.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The sin of all world are incurred by forsaking the true name of lord, to wash off them all it needs refuge in true name. Those who have taken refuge in the name know alone the glory of such an auspicious mode of life.
The moment one forsakes the lord, negative power enters in and captures the life & drag to a false light which in fact reflects dark only.
To erase the fear from the life name alone is enough to make it.
Its name which makes one to get absorbed in the god, day by day, as one approaches towards its conclusion. Body rests in this mundane world and the true self ascents to God on the track of name. Trammels of negative power of illusion and torments of miseries affect him not who adore the track of name at the core of heart.
Jai sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The moment one forsakes the lord, negative power enters in and captures the life & drag to a false light which in fact reflects dark only.
To erase the fear from the life name alone is enough to make it.
Its name which makes one to get absorbed in the god, day by day, as one approaches towards its conclusion. Body rests in this mundane world and the true self ascents to God on the track of name. Trammels of negative power of illusion and torments of miseries affect him not who adore the track of name at the core of heart.
Jai sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Lord who is omni present and mighty one lives with in self. With in body is found the unsupported. Such a mighty one the quintessence of all, one can reveal.
Just as life dwells in veins, light in the sun and coolness in moon, so does God dwell in the true self.
Just as butter in the milk and oil in the seed so is the supreme in the true self which needs efforts to reveal.
The supreme creator, who created this whole universe with animate and inanimate, has taken abode in the very heart of his creation.
The entire creation of God comprising many regions of indescribable splendor is all contained with in man is a matter of just realization.
And a sat guru can help in to reveal this very truth of life.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Just as life dwells in veins, light in the sun and coolness in moon, so does God dwell in the true self.
Just as butter in the milk and oil in the seed so is the supreme in the true self which needs efforts to reveal.
The supreme creator, who created this whole universe with animate and inanimate, has taken abode in the very heart of his creation.
The entire creation of God comprising many regions of indescribable splendor is all contained with in man is a matter of just realization.
And a sat guru can help in to reveal this very truth of life.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Human life
If one befriended others, share their sufferings, comfort them in their anguish, ever treat them with love, servitude, sympathy and magnanimity, one will be able to win the world.
But if one behaves and deals with others on these lines in a disinterested sprit, if one do it in a spirit of service to lord, visualizing his very presence in all or for the sake of his pleasure alone, one will attain lord’s realization and develop love with him.
Human life is meant for service alone as per the quotes of saints, it as such as gratifying all even at the cost of whatever one have then alone one deserve to e call as human being; their lies the theory of human being.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all
Thanks please.
But if one behaves and deals with others on these lines in a disinterested sprit, if one do it in a spirit of service to lord, visualizing his very presence in all or for the sake of his pleasure alone, one will attain lord’s realization and develop love with him.
Human life is meant for service alone as per the quotes of saints, it as such as gratifying all even at the cost of whatever one have then alone one deserve to e call as human being; their lies the theory of human being.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all
Thanks please.
Real fortune is contentment in life and true wealth in life is achievement one made on the track of peace and bliss. He who is contented and is never perturbed by any material want enjoys supreme peace and joy, even though he is impecunious in the eyes of the world.
One has been invested with a human body for a cause, cause to realize the true self apart from being in as life, and is for the adoration of God.
Worldly loss, however great, is heaving no meaning at all and is no loss but losng the track of immortality is the lose which counts on to life as human.
Desire is a formidable fire which blazes all furiously if takes wrong rout. If one burning with the fire of desires may get the most rare and choicest object of sense gratification and attain the highest position in the world are the quotes of saints.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
One has been invested with a human body for a cause, cause to realize the true self apart from being in as life, and is for the adoration of God.
Worldly loss, however great, is heaving no meaning at all and is no loss but losng the track of immortality is the lose which counts on to life as human.
Desire is a formidable fire which blazes all furiously if takes wrong rout. If one burning with the fire of desires may get the most rare and choicest object of sense gratification and attain the highest position in the world are the quotes of saints.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Monday, December 8, 2008
sat sang
Glory of sat sang is unique and words can not express it neither it could be narrated in any other form but to fell at heart. When one associates with true saints or the company of pious soul or the true devotees of lord where truth is indicated on its varying forms make one to reach at self.
Where truth of life is elaborated with all easy and cool mode, where praise of lord is sung with true pitch of heart, where truth appears in infinite mode to bless the life for its ultimate glory, where saints shower the nectar though their divine words is sat sang.
Precious Gifts from the court of lord is distributed in sat sang.
Utterly vile ungrateful and perverted are those who refuge to avail themselves of the invaluable gifts of sat sang.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Where truth of life is elaborated with all easy and cool mode, where praise of lord is sung with true pitch of heart, where truth appears in infinite mode to bless the life for its ultimate glory, where saints shower the nectar though their divine words is sat sang.
Precious Gifts from the court of lord is distributed in sat sang.
Utterly vile ungrateful and perverted are those who refuge to avail themselves of the invaluable gifts of sat sang.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
ultimate destination
Fate of one after one’s life is determined by the chart of one’s acts in life. As per the quotes of many ancient books and saints one hankering after the undue worldly enjoyments is reborn in low spices and abodes of suffering.
It should not be forgotten in life that one is not at all a free agent in obtain the desired objects of pleasure but one is quietly free to renounce desire and devoting self to lord and lord’s worship.
It is, therefore, proper to renounce desires and cultivate devotion to the lotus feet of supreme lord and here saints helps a lot. Refuge in the lotus feet of true saints make it all well to reach at the ultimate destination of being human.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
It should not be forgotten in life that one is not at all a free agent in obtain the desired objects of pleasure but one is quietly free to renounce desire and devoting self to lord and lord’s worship.
It is, therefore, proper to renounce desires and cultivate devotion to the lotus feet of supreme lord and here saints helps a lot. Refuge in the lotus feet of true saints make it all well to reach at the ultimate destination of being human.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Planet is blessed with unique gems which is not less than wish yielding mode for life and that is true saints.
Blessings of true saints act as a great help to life on varying modes their in.
Main Feature of saints is to make others smile with out any self motives and wish welfare of others all the way.
The saints go undergo sufferings in the interest of others and always wish to see others smiling truly. Tendered hearted saint never make show business but always remains submitted for the cause, cause to uplift the status of life on the planet in true manner.
Advancement of true saints is ever conductive to joy, even as the rising of the sun, the moon brings delight to the whole universe. And those adore the lotus feet of true saints make it to reach at true glory of life as human.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Blessings of true saints act as a great help to life on varying modes their in.
Main Feature of saints is to make others smile with out any self motives and wish welfare of others all the way.
The saints go undergo sufferings in the interest of others and always wish to see others smiling truly. Tendered hearted saint never make show business but always remains submitted for the cause, cause to uplift the status of life on the planet in true manner.
Advancement of true saints is ever conductive to joy, even as the rising of the sun, the moon brings delight to the whole universe. And those adore the lotus feet of true saints make it to reach at true glory of life as human.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The ocean of transmigration can not be crossed with out cultivating the same feeling of lord as a servant cherish truly towards his master. Knowing this to be the established doctrine, those adore the lotus feet of lord make this life a success.
As per the version of saints supreme state of final beatitude is most difficult to attain but those adore the lotus feet of true saints make it all well.
As water can not stay except on land not withstanding best efforts for; even so the joy of final beatitude can not stay apart from those who attain the communion with true saint.
Those have fair and true feelings for their sat guru blessed by the lord at its best as that of supremely.
Jai sat guru baba lal dayal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
As per the version of saints supreme state of final beatitude is most difficult to attain but those adore the lotus feet of true saints make it all well.
As water can not stay except on land not withstanding best efforts for; even so the joy of final beatitude can not stay apart from those who attain the communion with true saint.
Those have fair and true feelings for their sat guru blessed by the lord at its best as that of supremely.
Jai sat guru baba lal dayal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
It is awareness which matters to life at its best_
Awareness about the truth of nature
Awareness about the self
Awareness about the supreme one
If one listen the true words and adore the lotus feet of saint devoted to lord then it develop awareness automatically.
Life as human and remain far apart from awareness is as if lived or just passed with out any goal.
Better be late than never and it is the company of true saints which matters all the way to enlighten the life and make one aware of self and the supreme.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Awareness about the truth of nature
Awareness about the self
Awareness about the supreme one
If one listen the true words and adore the lotus feet of saint devoted to lord then it develop awareness automatically.
Life as human and remain far apart from awareness is as if lived or just passed with out any goal.
Better be late than never and it is the company of true saints which matters all the way to enlighten the life and make one aware of self and the supreme.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
The whole universe is a manifestation of lord. Lord alone is the cause of entire cosmoses, material cause and else which could be seen or visualize on the subject of animate and inanimate in this universe.
Infinite by nature his knowledge, love, lordship on the subject of creation is infinite. Lord is consist of Supreme bliss in self and the cause of bliss in life and their after.
Infinite is lord’s limitation and his existence in universe could be felt through many cosmic modes. Every bit existence on this universe is pervaded by his integral substance. The whole universe exists in lord.
It is by virtue of his nature consciousness and bliss that he manifest in infinite forms even beyond the limit of visualization and thoughts.
But one thing is crystal clear that lord is compassionate all the way and keeps favor for pious soul and true devotees and true saints, it is company of true saints which make one reach at true self and the lord.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The whole universe is a manifestation of lord. Lord alone is the cause of entire cosmoses, material cause and else which could be seen or visualize on the subject of animate and inanimate in this universe.
Infinite by nature his knowledge, love, lordship on the subject of creation is infinite. Lord is consist of Supreme bliss in self and the cause of bliss in life and their after.
Infinite is lord’s limitation and his existence in universe could be felt through many cosmic modes. Every bit existence on this universe is pervaded by his integral substance. The whole universe exists in lord.
It is by virtue of his nature consciousness and bliss that he manifest in infinite forms even beyond the limit of visualization and thoughts.
But one thing is crystal clear that lord is compassionate all the way and keeps favor for pious soul and true devotees and true saints, it is company of true saints which make one reach at true self and the lord.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Human life
When one commit a sin then sin follows one not only here alone but of sure here after too. A man of sinful mind and given to sinful deeds reaps miseries even here after. Here agonies follows him and make one to sink to a very low in the scale of evaluation here after.
Human life has a special meaning to carry on with it is not just for a pass or to meet feed and feeling. Human life is meant for securing complete riddance’s from all forms of miseries for ultimate good and realizing true self and the supreme.
To make human life a success it needs a true association where truth indicates glory of self. And that needs a true saint to achieve so. Those make it to reach there felt happiness all the way for here and here after.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Human life has a special meaning to carry on with it is not just for a pass or to meet feed and feeling. Human life is meant for securing complete riddance’s from all forms of miseries for ultimate good and realizing true self and the supreme.
To make human life a success it needs a true association where truth indicates glory of self. And that needs a true saint to achieve so. Those make it to reach there felt happiness all the way for here and here after.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The whole world makes an outer display but saints. There is difference between the saints and the mimic which could easily be identified through their practice. Saints always remains absorbed in the supreme one so is their acts which speaks of selflessness but mimic look for the mundane world material their in.
Saints bear no outer religious symbols but acts their in speaks of and unfathomed riches within, receive the divine wealth and keeps within for the welfare of one and all.
Saints keeps the hope alive from supreme one alone where as mimic pins his point on the material world. Mimic heaving no knowledge of self and the supreme nor about the true holy pursuits but claims as if found the indescribable.
It is hard to get true saints but those reach at make it for a success here bliss here after.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Saints bear no outer religious symbols but acts their in speaks of and unfathomed riches within, receive the divine wealth and keeps within for the welfare of one and all.
Saints keeps the hope alive from supreme one alone where as mimic pins his point on the material world. Mimic heaving no knowledge of self and the supreme nor about the true holy pursuits but claims as if found the indescribable.
It is hard to get true saints but those reach at make it for a success here bliss here after.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
When there is no attachment for supreme one at the inner core and one make calls from the outer modes how the true vision about the supreme one could be attained.
Not forgetting the ego of self as well others related to mundane world, how they could be absorbed in supreme one. Saints never let ego to rise in life and always remained absorbed in the supreme one.
When there is great longing for the soul mate at the inner core and one writhe with in and cry at the core centre of heart, bitter lamentation with in but makes no show off expressions at outside is the feature of true saints and company of such saints make the difference in life to reach at true self.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.’
Thanks please.
Not forgetting the ego of self as well others related to mundane world, how they could be absorbed in supreme one. Saints never let ego to rise in life and always remained absorbed in the supreme one.
When there is great longing for the soul mate at the inner core and one writhe with in and cry at the core centre of heart, bitter lamentation with in but makes no show off expressions at outside is the feature of true saints and company of such saints make the difference in life to reach at true self.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.’
Thanks please.
divine love
Human life and divine love if mixed their in then it results in smile from the inner core which leads one to the destination of final beatitude.
Divine love attracts supreme soul.
When the heart merges in to the all merciful one, then no difference remains. When in life through out divine love flows on all the three spheres their in beginning middle and conclusive, attention flows in perfect unison and link break not then only knows about the state of perfection.
When Thought words deeds supports the divine love then it routs to final beatitude, an ultimate liberation from the bondage of illusion. And glory of saints indicates it well on the subject of life. Those adore the lotus feet of sat guru reaches at this stage with all ease.
Jai sat guru baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Divine love attracts supreme soul.
When the heart merges in to the all merciful one, then no difference remains. When in life through out divine love flows on all the three spheres their in beginning middle and conclusive, attention flows in perfect unison and link break not then only knows about the state of perfection.
When Thought words deeds supports the divine love then it routs to final beatitude, an ultimate liberation from the bondage of illusion. And glory of saints indicates it well on the subject of life. Those adore the lotus feet of sat guru reaches at this stage with all ease.
Jai sat guru baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Faith is pristine source of spiritual strength. Faith in self and faith in lord are the basics of being human but sat guru makes one to reach at this unique mile stone.
Those who can make a true realization about the powerful presence of lord could make it to pave the way for ultimate success but blessings of sat guru put a positive impact on the subject.
Lord is the true source of light and sat guru is the one who enlighten the pace of life.
Those adore the lotus feet of sat guru can make it to realize in heart all well and perceive the luster, the splendor. If blessings of sat guru are attained means the grace of lord is obtained. Once the grace of lord is obtained means the way for final beatitude is reached at.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Those who can make a true realization about the powerful presence of lord could make it to pave the way for ultimate success but blessings of sat guru put a positive impact on the subject.
Lord is the true source of light and sat guru is the one who enlighten the pace of life.
Those adore the lotus feet of sat guru can make it to realize in heart all well and perceive the luster, the splendor. If blessings of sat guru are attained means the grace of lord is obtained. Once the grace of lord is obtained means the way for final beatitude is reached at.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
brave act
It is not brave act to kill feeble mortals, bravery is in killing thy attachments is the quote of life. Not killing the deadest killing mode ego and killing the innocent is cheating on the subject of life as human.
Inside is full of defilement; them they kill not but those souls of god go out to kill.
Killers are cruel ill directed and unaware of the truth of act and the self and live as heart less evil doers, they are living corpses in this world. Attaching their heart to the evil spirit lost sight of true religious goal.
The creatures who have no words to communicate, live on just grass and water, such creatures do men destroy, no awakening arise in heart is more than sin on the subject of life as human.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Inside is full of defilement; them they kill not but those souls of god go out to kill.
Killers are cruel ill directed and unaware of the truth of act and the self and live as heart less evil doers, they are living corpses in this world. Attaching their heart to the evil spirit lost sight of true religious goal.
The creatures who have no words to communicate, live on just grass and water, such creatures do men destroy, no awakening arise in heart is more than sin on the subject of life as human.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
love and devotion
Fear is deadest thing which makes one suffer even more than the fact their in but one sits calmly and repeats the name of true lord negative power can never consume. Impurities of mind lead one to get trapped in the net of fear.
Impurities of mind and blemishes their in got burnt up with raise of name their in and chanting the name has all that power to burn all impurities of mind.
It not just purify the mind; it helps in developing the love and devotion to make one attain the perfect state of bliss. Being dedicated to lord, millions of obstacles are removed as same as a tiny spark of size like that of mustered seed burns the hug stock of wood but with the blessings of true saint.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Impurities of mind and blemishes their in got burnt up with raise of name their in and chanting the name has all that power to burn all impurities of mind.
It not just purify the mind; it helps in developing the love and devotion to make one attain the perfect state of bliss. Being dedicated to lord, millions of obstacles are removed as same as a tiny spark of size like that of mustered seed burns the hug stock of wood but with the blessings of true saint.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Non violence
Non violence is the highest religious merit and saints have elaborated these subjects in length with the time and occasion. Reading the Vedas and other ancient books but intake remains null and void is same as that taxing the mind needlessly.
Killing the living being is more than a sin.
Life on the planet is most beautiful creation of lord. One who has created it needs to know about. The secret which is inaccessible and imperceptible to Vedas and other holy scripture that is revealed in the true spiritual experience can easily are attained through the company of true saints.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Killing the living being is more than a sin.
Life on the planet is most beautiful creation of lord. One who has created it needs to know about. The secret which is inaccessible and imperceptible to Vedas and other holy scripture that is revealed in the true spiritual experience can easily are attained through the company of true saints.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Many holy men have succumbed to the vagaries of mind because of its insatiable hankering of sense pleasures begging from every one and every where.
The senses have that skill to blind the mind by stirring waves of desire with in.
As long as the mind is engrossed in sensual defilements the lord of three worlds, the main giver, can never comes to mind.
Hence control of mind is a must factor to attain the peace and bliss in life.
It is impossible to attain eternal bliss with out the mind being under perfect control which can accomplish only through the grace of sat guru.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The senses have that skill to blind the mind by stirring waves of desire with in.
As long as the mind is engrossed in sensual defilements the lord of three worlds, the main giver, can never comes to mind.
Hence control of mind is a must factor to attain the peace and bliss in life.
It is impossible to attain eternal bliss with out the mind being under perfect control which can accomplish only through the grace of sat guru.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
ultimate fate
Blemishes of life track the life in a never ending pace but contact with lord established they are likely to cease. Omnipresent lord can be obtained in the heart of a true saint as true saints remained merged in lord.
It is the saints in the worlds who reach here from the regions on close call of supreme lord.
The saint alone distributes the gifts from the court of supreme one. It is saints who indicate the messages from that supreme one. Words from the saints never count to be less than nectar.
Benevolent, indeed, are all saints who have come in this Iron Age, they drink the divine nectar and make others to drink the same to get merged in the ultimate soul mate with out any selfish mottos their in.
O mind go there where the shrine of true saints is, to obtain the divine nectar to meet the ultimate fate of being human.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
It is the saints in the worlds who reach here from the regions on close call of supreme lord.
The saint alone distributes the gifts from the court of supreme one. It is saints who indicate the messages from that supreme one. Words from the saints never count to be less than nectar.
Benevolent, indeed, are all saints who have come in this Iron Age, they drink the divine nectar and make others to drink the same to get merged in the ultimate soul mate with out any selfish mottos their in.
O mind go there where the shrine of true saints is, to obtain the divine nectar to meet the ultimate fate of being human.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Saturday and the worship of Sri Baba lal ji is taken as auspicious as that of Thursdays on the chapter of divine spirit. Especially when it is Saturday first from the first moon, it considered even more blissful for devotees seeking blessings from the kind honor of Sri Baba lal ji.
Saturday which has two basic streams with it; one it brings life on the track of realization and seconds it leads one on the chapter of divine spirit.
In Sri Sri Dhyan pur at the main lal Dwara it is also taken with special divine spirit to get devotees to meet their wish from the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
It is felt by the life that on this day life felt even more comfort to be blessed from this divine shrine.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Saturday which has two basic streams with it; one it brings life on the track of realization and seconds it leads one on the chapter of divine spirit.
In Sri Sri Dhyan pur at the main lal Dwara it is also taken with special divine spirit to get devotees to meet their wish from the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
It is felt by the life that on this day life felt even more comfort to be blessed from this divine shrine.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Lotus feet
If one reaches at the lotus feet of true preceptor finds there one’s all religious achievement including penance, pilgrimage, holy observations just by worship of lotus feet of sat guru.
Lotus feet of sat guru are not less than any auspicious and greatest good of life.
Those submit self in the lotus feet of sat guru attains the highest wisdom of being human. Yoga sacrifices charity and penance gives the true pace to life and the same could also be achieved by just adoring the lotus feet of sat guru. Treasure of goodness lies in the lotus feet of sat guru if one realizes in life.
Those by the grace of lord achieve the holy dust of the lotus feet of sat guru means have paved the pave to get merge in the form less supreme one for ultimate bliss and liberation.
Jai sri sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please
Lotus feet of sat guru are not less than any auspicious and greatest good of life.
Those submit self in the lotus feet of sat guru attains the highest wisdom of being human. Yoga sacrifices charity and penance gives the true pace to life and the same could also be achieved by just adoring the lotus feet of sat guru. Treasure of goodness lies in the lotus feet of sat guru if one realizes in life.
Those by the grace of lord achieve the holy dust of the lotus feet of sat guru means have paved the pave to get merge in the form less supreme one for ultimate bliss and liberation.
Jai sri sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please
Friday, December 5, 2008
true preceptor
Jai sri Sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji.
Wondrous plays held in the life itself if one realize carefully as human body is store home of celestial centers. Cosmic abodes are with in all but it needs realization which could only be made through enlighten inner core that is possible with the divine grace and blessing of sat guru or true preceptor of life.
No doubt divine incarnation takes place in human life but needs realization.
In body alone one lives and makes felt as dies not just once it happens many a time but needs realization to visualize the truth of time and era which further needs blessings of true saints and company of pious souls.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Wondrous plays held in the life itself if one realize carefully as human body is store home of celestial centers. Cosmic abodes are with in all but it needs realization which could only be made through enlighten inner core that is possible with the divine grace and blessing of sat guru or true preceptor of life.
No doubt divine incarnation takes place in human life but needs realization.
In body alone one lives and makes felt as dies not just once it happens many a time but needs realization to visualize the truth of time and era which further needs blessings of true saints and company of pious souls.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
rejoice eternally
Jai sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
Devotion of the true name is the only easiest mean to make an escape from the ill effects of illusion as per the version of saints. It washes of all blemishes of mind and takes one to the eternal abode of the lord.
It contains the divine nectar as same as that of butter in milk.
A true disciple vigorously churns the nectar out with the discipline of the sat guru. And those make it reach at and called brave warrior and others runs way from.
It is the true name given by the sat guru which matters to life on every sphere their in and make one to rise above the limitations of body, sense and mind, overcome the negative powers, remove all fears and attain ultimate unison with the supreme one.
Only the rare fortunate ones with divine grace find a sat guru receive the true name and rejoice eternally in its immortal bliss.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
Devotion of the true name is the only easiest mean to make an escape from the ill effects of illusion as per the version of saints. It washes of all blemishes of mind and takes one to the eternal abode of the lord.
It contains the divine nectar as same as that of butter in milk.
A true disciple vigorously churns the nectar out with the discipline of the sat guru. And those make it reach at and called brave warrior and others runs way from.
It is the true name given by the sat guru which matters to life on every sphere their in and make one to rise above the limitations of body, sense and mind, overcome the negative powers, remove all fears and attain ultimate unison with the supreme one.
Only the rare fortunate ones with divine grace find a sat guru receive the true name and rejoice eternally in its immortal bliss.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
It is to make a note for one that thousands of thousands have find their true path through the lotus feet of sat guru Baba Lal Dayal ji, and who have not been saved by adoring the lotus feet of Baba Lal ji known for being the purifier of fallen.
Omni present and compassionate is Sri Baba lal ji.
Those make their access in the shelter of Sri Baba lal ji and take refuge in his lotus feet got freedom from the miseries caused by the five fold ignorance. Baba lal ji is all merciful and kind to bless the one to get rescued from the harsh notes of illusion.
Devotees have found all the wishes come true from his blessings of Sri Baba all ji and ultimately reach at the supreme state of bliss at the conclusion of life is just the feature of blessings from his kind honor.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
It is to make a note for one that thousands of thousands have find their true path through the lotus feet of sat guru Baba Lal Dayal ji, and who have not been saved by adoring the lotus feet of Baba Lal ji known for being the purifier of fallen.
Omni present and compassionate is Sri Baba lal ji.
Those make their access in the shelter of Sri Baba lal ji and take refuge in his lotus feet got freedom from the miseries caused by the five fold ignorance. Baba lal ji is all merciful and kind to bless the one to get rescued from the harsh notes of illusion.
Devotees have found all the wishes come true from his blessings of Sri Baba all ji and ultimately reach at the supreme state of bliss at the conclusion of life is just the feature of blessings from his kind honor.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Pond of divine nectar
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Life speaks with out words but to understand at the inner core of heart that forsake not the lord, forsake the malefic modes of mundane world. Purify thyself in the company of pious soul and true saints. Company of evil makes one to get lost even from the self and company of true saints make one to reach at the supreme with all ease.
Those make themselves terrible sad to meet the ultimate soul mate and keeps longing alive at heart shower of bliss ultimately reach at.
Life speaks with out words that try to be in the company of true saints and god manifest there and there is nothing above the communion with true saints.
Life speaks with out words, listen if possible that the only place to cool down the burning soul is the lotus feet of true saints. If soul burning in flames as resulted from the friction of life goes to a true saint, a veritable pond of divine nectar.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Life speaks with out words but to understand at the inner core of heart that forsake not the lord, forsake the malefic modes of mundane world. Purify thyself in the company of pious soul and true saints. Company of evil makes one to get lost even from the self and company of true saints make one to reach at the supreme with all ease.
Those make themselves terrible sad to meet the ultimate soul mate and keeps longing alive at heart shower of bliss ultimately reach at.
Life speaks with out words that try to be in the company of true saints and god manifest there and there is nothing above the communion with true saints.
Life speaks with out words, listen if possible that the only place to cool down the burning soul is the lotus feet of true saints. If soul burning in flames as resulted from the friction of life goes to a true saint, a veritable pond of divine nectar.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
ultimate liberation
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
None else can comprehend the conduct, intellects and utterances of your devotees but your kind honor. And it is your kind honor which makes your devotees to be fair on the path of life and devotion to reach at true self.
The devotees listen and perceive your virtues at inner cord of heart make themselves through from the tough modes of this mundane world.
Your kind honor enlightens the path of ultimate liberation from the bondage of illusion. Your blessings are the very rout of peace and bliss in life and their after. Those who have adored your lotus feet know all well the glories of your blessings which can not be traced to words but felt with true heart.
I make my obeisances to the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
None else can comprehend the conduct, intellects and utterances of your devotees but your kind honor. And it is your kind honor which makes your devotees to be fair on the path of life and devotion to reach at true self.
The devotees listen and perceive your virtues at inner cord of heart make themselves through from the tough modes of this mundane world.
Your kind honor enlightens the path of ultimate liberation from the bondage of illusion. Your blessings are the very rout of peace and bliss in life and their after. Those who have adored your lotus feet know all well the glories of your blessings which can not be traced to words but felt with true heart.
I make my obeisances to the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Offering food to the body brings repose to the mind like wise offering prayer brings repose to the soul. And those serve the lotus feet of true saint with full love and affection lord manifest himself for those in life itself and purpose of being human achieved.
If true saint is satisfied with one means the lord is pleased with.
The true saint in whose heart all merciful lord is manifest; who is dear to lord, absorbed and intoxicated with divine nectar could make the positive change in life.
True saints live even after they depart heavenly for the servants of lord in varying form and bless them for a true spirit and fair life to reach at the ultimate glory their in.
Jai Sri Sat Guru Sri Baba lal Dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Offering food to the body brings repose to the mind like wise offering prayer brings repose to the soul. And those serve the lotus feet of true saint with full love and affection lord manifest himself for those in life itself and purpose of being human achieved.
If true saint is satisfied with one means the lord is pleased with.
The true saint in whose heart all merciful lord is manifest; who is dear to lord, absorbed and intoxicated with divine nectar could make the positive change in life.
True saints live even after they depart heavenly for the servants of lord in varying form and bless them for a true spirit and fair life to reach at the ultimate glory their in.
Jai Sri Sat Guru Sri Baba lal Dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
positive vibration
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
The Vedas and the other ancient books are at one on this main point and so declare by the siddhas and sages in unequivocal terms that the fellowship of true saint who in facts is a step head from purity is only attained by those whom regard lord regards with favor.
Except in the company of true saints there is no other talk of lord and one can not be rid of errors except through such talks. And till one’s error is dispersed one can not have deep rooted affection for lord’s feet.
Doubts of life wipes out at the very moment when one takes shelter in the company of very true saints and so could only be made available by the mercy of lord.
Those who have bowed their head in the lotus feet of baba lal ji must have experienced the change with respect to positive vibration in life to reach at true self.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The Vedas and the other ancient books are at one on this main point and so declare by the siddhas and sages in unequivocal terms that the fellowship of true saint who in facts is a step head from purity is only attained by those whom regard lord regards with favor.
Except in the company of true saints there is no other talk of lord and one can not be rid of errors except through such talks. And till one’s error is dispersed one can not have deep rooted affection for lord’s feet.
Doubts of life wipes out at the very moment when one takes shelter in the company of very true saints and so could only be made available by the mercy of lord.
Those who have bowed their head in the lotus feet of baba lal ji must have experienced the change with respect to positive vibration in life to reach at true self.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Monday, December 1, 2008
True preceptor
True preceptor has its unique merits for life in life. God is omnipresent and all pervades but to reach at it needs true preceptor. Sat guru not only enlighten the path of life they paves the true path of fair life.
In the journey of life two saviors come across- saint and god. Those who bow down the head in the lotus feet of true saint, find the god there itself.
Sat guru baba lal Dayal ji is so kind to bless the devotees and make them good for self and others in life. Blessings of Sri Baba lal ji acts as that nectar to boost the life to a ultimate success their in. those who have adore the lotus feet of sri sri baba lal ji has experienced the glory of life in true spirit.
I make my obeisances to the lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.’
Thanks please.
In the journey of life two saviors come across- saint and god. Those who bow down the head in the lotus feet of true saint, find the god there itself.
Sat guru baba lal Dayal ji is so kind to bless the devotees and make them good for self and others in life. Blessings of Sri Baba lal ji acts as that nectar to boost the life to a ultimate success their in. those who have adore the lotus feet of sri sri baba lal ji has experienced the glory of life in true spirit.
I make my obeisances to the lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.’
Thanks please.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sin of the mundane world
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Sin of the mundane world follows the life all over and the savior is the name of Sat Guru and those who have taken the shelter in the lotus feet of true sat guru they are through with all glorious success.
With the name of lord one can destroy the mode of delusion which drags the life to dark and blessings from the Lal Dwaras make the smile in true pace for success here and bliss here after.
Body rest in the world and self ascends to God, trammels of negative power and torments of miseries never affects him who take shelter in the lotus of sat guru.
I make my obeisances in the lotus feet of sat guru baba Lal Dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Sin of the mundane world follows the life all over and the savior is the name of Sat Guru and those who have taken the shelter in the lotus feet of true sat guru they are through with all glorious success.
With the name of lord one can destroy the mode of delusion which drags the life to dark and blessings from the Lal Dwaras make the smile in true pace for success here and bliss here after.
Body rest in the world and self ascends to God, trammels of negative power and torments of miseries never affects him who take shelter in the lotus of sat guru.
I make my obeisances in the lotus feet of sat guru baba Lal Dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Jai Sri Baba Lal ji_
Jai Sri Baba Lal ji_
Today is second after first moon, a day known for being very auspicious for devotees of Sri Sri Baba lal ji. A day special in self to worship baba lal ji, a day special to open heart in the lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji, a day to attain the easy blessings from the kind honor of sri baba lal ji.
Sri Sri Baba lal ji is a great saint of era and time who paves the pave for smile on the chapter of divine spirit.
Communion with true saints is the road to emancipation while that of sensualist paves the way for transmigration.
Sri Baba lal ji is known as supreme bliss personified and the abode of mercy and fulfill the desire of his devotee’s hearts.
I make my obeisances in the lotus feet of Sri sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Today is second after first moon, a day known for being very auspicious for devotees of Sri Sri Baba lal ji. A day special in self to worship baba lal ji, a day special to open heart in the lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji, a day to attain the easy blessings from the kind honor of sri baba lal ji.
Sri Sri Baba lal ji is a great saint of era and time who paves the pave for smile on the chapter of divine spirit.
Communion with true saints is the road to emancipation while that of sensualist paves the way for transmigration.
Sri Baba lal ji is known as supreme bliss personified and the abode of mercy and fulfill the desire of his devotee’s hearts.
I make my obeisances in the lotus feet of Sri sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Divine love
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
Treasure of Sri Baba Lal ji is full of auspiciousness and the greatest good for those true at heart and pious at mind, serve the life and nature at its true spirit.
Those adore the track of devotion to the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal ji attain the liberation and bliss in life itself.
Treasure of Sri Sri Baba Lal ji remains always open for those suffering on varying modes of life but wish to track the truth of self. Immortal is the blessings of Sri Baba lal ji could felt at heart with just true realization. Blessings of Sri Baba lal ji unfolds the celestial secret hard to visualize in life in normal course.
Those who have taken refuge in the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji are likely to attain the nectar of divine love which makes one to reach at true self.
“I make my Obeisance’s to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji”
Jai Sri Baba Lal ji
Thanks please.
Treasure of Sri Baba Lal ji is full of auspiciousness and the greatest good for those true at heart and pious at mind, serve the life and nature at its true spirit.
Those adore the track of devotion to the lotus feet of sat guru baba lal ji attain the liberation and bliss in life itself.
Treasure of Sri Sri Baba Lal ji remains always open for those suffering on varying modes of life but wish to track the truth of self. Immortal is the blessings of Sri Baba lal ji could felt at heart with just true realization. Blessings of Sri Baba lal ji unfolds the celestial secret hard to visualize in life in normal course.
Those who have taken refuge in the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji are likely to attain the nectar of divine love which makes one to reach at true self.
“I make my Obeisance’s to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji”
Jai Sri Baba Lal ji
Thanks please.
shower of grace
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
It is only very rare fortunate one’s with grace of lord find a true master in the form of sat guru, receive the true name to carry on with and more than that serve the lotus feet of sat guru to experience the eternal joy and immortal bliss on the subject of life to make it a complete success.
One attains the collyrium from the very dust of lotus feet of sat guru could make it see through in the inner world where one can visualize the self and supreme with the grace of lord.
Words of sat guru make the devotees to smitten and make them awaken in true state to realize the righteous path of life to visualize self and supreme.
Devotees of Sri Sri Baba Lal ji experienced the shower of grace from his lotus feet which makes the life smile truly.
“Obeisance’s to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji”
Jai Sri Baba Lal ji
Thanks please.
It is only very rare fortunate one’s with grace of lord find a true master in the form of sat guru, receive the true name to carry on with and more than that serve the lotus feet of sat guru to experience the eternal joy and immortal bliss on the subject of life to make it a complete success.
One attains the collyrium from the very dust of lotus feet of sat guru could make it see through in the inner world where one can visualize the self and supreme with the grace of lord.
Words of sat guru make the devotees to smitten and make them awaken in true state to realize the righteous path of life to visualize self and supreme.
Devotees of Sri Sri Baba Lal ji experienced the shower of grace from his lotus feet which makes the life smile truly.
“Obeisance’s to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji”
Jai Sri Baba Lal ji
Thanks please.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
wish granting gem
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
When wish granting gem slips from the hands, one can not but suffer is the bare fact to believe. Human life is more than a precious gem and those let it loose suffer at a later stage and those adore the path of truth and remains in the lotus feet of sat guru remains blessed all the way to reach at the true wisdom of life.
Sat guru baba lal Dayal ji is great all the way to assist those wish to reach at true self.
Baba lal ji shower his blessings for those who really feel as such and keeps longing at heart to attain the true wisdom of being human.
Compassionate all the way Sri Sri Sat Guru baba lal ji always oblige the devotees with blessings to attain all the four quarters of being human to reach at the final beatitude at its conclusion.
Baba lal ji shower the nectar on devotees for their ultimate welfare here and here after.
Those who have experienced his divine grace never let him a bit away from the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba Lal ji.
I make my obeisances to the lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji.
May baba lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
When wish granting gem slips from the hands, one can not but suffer is the bare fact to believe. Human life is more than a precious gem and those let it loose suffer at a later stage and those adore the path of truth and remains in the lotus feet of sat guru remains blessed all the way to reach at the true wisdom of life.
Sat guru baba lal Dayal ji is great all the way to assist those wish to reach at true self.
Baba lal ji shower his blessings for those who really feel as such and keeps longing at heart to attain the true wisdom of being human.
Compassionate all the way Sri Sri Sat Guru baba lal ji always oblige the devotees with blessings to attain all the four quarters of being human to reach at the final beatitude at its conclusion.
Baba lal ji shower the nectar on devotees for their ultimate welfare here and here after.
Those who have experienced his divine grace never let him a bit away from the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba Lal ji.
I make my obeisances to the lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji.
May baba lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
sense perception
Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
When heart merges in to all merciful sat guru then life smiles like a lotus which is which establish the link with the supreme soul to have true wisdom their in.
When sense perception ceases to the lotus feet of sat guru life reflects peace and bliss to attain the self and supreme.
When one adore the lotus feet of sat guru with thoughts words and deeds and abodes within then lord of universe manifest to such one with all glories their in.
“Obeisance’s to the divine feet of Sri Sri Baba Lal ji”
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May sri sri baba lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
When heart merges in to all merciful sat guru then life smiles like a lotus which is which establish the link with the supreme soul to have true wisdom their in.
When sense perception ceases to the lotus feet of sat guru life reflects peace and bliss to attain the self and supreme.
When one adore the lotus feet of sat guru with thoughts words and deeds and abodes within then lord of universe manifest to such one with all glories their in.
“Obeisance’s to the divine feet of Sri Sri Baba Lal ji”
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
May sri sri baba lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
If one finds the dust of holy feet of true saint or sat guru, profile of life changes comprehensively to favor at its ultimate mode. Those serve the lotus feet of sat guru with full love and affection find the lord with all ease in sat guru as on the truth of love and devotion lord manifest in sat guru to bless the life at its best.
In the heart of sat guru where by abode of mercy takes rout to make all feel happy and smiling all the way lord is manifest.
Those feel themselves the servant of sat guru where by lord manifest and make meaningful sacrifices with out self motives attain the true self to have perfect interaction with supreme one.
Those express their truth and discipline in the lotus feet of sat guru find themselves in true association of divine spirit.
The divine wealth one attains from the lotus feet of sat guru make one to reach at the final beatitude with all ease. Those have submit themselves on the words of sat guru for a cause with thoughts words and deeds rejoice it like any thing.
May sat guru baba Lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
In the heart of sat guru where by abode of mercy takes rout to make all feel happy and smiling all the way lord is manifest.
Those feel themselves the servant of sat guru where by lord manifest and make meaningful sacrifices with out self motives attain the true self to have perfect interaction with supreme one.
Those express their truth and discipline in the lotus feet of sat guru find themselves in true association of divine spirit.
The divine wealth one attains from the lotus feet of sat guru make one to reach at the final beatitude with all ease. Those have submit themselves on the words of sat guru for a cause with thoughts words and deeds rejoice it like any thing.
May sat guru baba Lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Those take the immutable true name; fulfill their life with its true meaning as per the version of true saints. So long as the heart is set on lord or sat guru, life in this world is all well even in hard pace but living with out the name of lord is nothing but an invisible suffering.
Precocious is the life as human, a single breath wasted is worth the value of 14 regions, better on right pace to a cut a sorry figure at a later date.
This mundane world is nothing but a river of suffering and the name of sat guru is ocean of bliss those who has realize it are truly reached at the winning mode of life.
May Baba Lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
Precocious is the life as human, a single breath wasted is worth the value of 14 regions, better on right pace to a cut a sorry figure at a later date.
This mundane world is nothing but a river of suffering and the name of sat guru is ocean of bliss those who has realize it are truly reached at the winning mode of life.
May Baba Lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
One eye
One eye can not see the other through the difference between them is very less but once true preceptor or true Guru gives the mirror to see at then one can visualize the each other is the theory of divine chapter of soul and supreme. Both are near by close but needs a true guide which tells the mode to visualize.
The divine gem is with in every being on this universe but hardly seen by, if sat guru is achieved means lord will follows of sure.
Sat guru is the one who joins the broken links among soul and supreme; restore the self to purity for final beatitude in life.
I make my Obeisance to the lotus feet of sat guru baba Lal Dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
The divine gem is with in every being on this universe but hardly seen by, if sat guru is achieved means lord will follows of sure.
Sat guru is the one who joins the broken links among soul and supreme; restore the self to purity for final beatitude in life.
I make my Obeisance to the lotus feet of sat guru baba Lal Dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Jai sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji
Jai sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji__
Infinite is the glory of baba Lal Dayal ji, infinite is the mode of blessings from the lotus feet of baba lal ji on the subject of life, a compassionate saint.
Just a glimpse of Baba Lal ji washes the agony of heart and mind in life. As per the quote of true saint, when a saint is found longing for God arise in heart but company of saints obtained only when god showers his merciful grace.
When in the company of saint attained, one can presume that the highest abode is some where near by.
Saints shower divine nectar through his immortal words. By obtaining the glimpse true saint, three fold miseries of life escapes out.
Blessings of baba lal ji reach at the devotees with out any pause to rescue them from hard mode of life.
Nectar time and divine spirit make one to feel the very presence of baba lal ji.
“Obeisance to the lotus feet of reincarnation of Lord Sri Hari in the form of Baba Lal ji”
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Infinite is the glory of baba Lal Dayal ji, infinite is the mode of blessings from the lotus feet of baba lal ji on the subject of life, a compassionate saint.
Just a glimpse of Baba Lal ji washes the agony of heart and mind in life. As per the quote of true saint, when a saint is found longing for God arise in heart but company of saints obtained only when god showers his merciful grace.
When in the company of saint attained, one can presume that the highest abode is some where near by.
Saints shower divine nectar through his immortal words. By obtaining the glimpse true saint, three fold miseries of life escapes out.
Blessings of baba lal ji reach at the devotees with out any pause to rescue them from hard mode of life.
Nectar time and divine spirit make one to feel the very presence of baba lal ji.
“Obeisance to the lotus feet of reincarnation of Lord Sri Hari in the form of Baba Lal ji”
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
a veritable pond
Jai Sri Baba Lal ji__
Even by heaving recourse to ten million means, one can not attain perfection with out the company of saints. Company of true saints makes it feasible with all ease, as per the quotes of wise on the subject of life.
It is company of saints where one attains the wisdom of peace.
Bliss could be attained with all ease in association of saints.
If the soul burning in flames of agonies from the chapter of life goes to a true saint, a veritable pond, it drinks the divine nectar and merges in bliss.
Saints are tangible true support for life.
By just meeting a saint one finds god, the source of happiness and ultimate bliss.
Lotus feet of baba lal ji brings cheer to the face of devotees, blessings of baba lal ji brings true pace to life, devotion and submission in the lotus feet of baba lal ji brings life to its ultimate glory.
I make my obeisance to the lotus feet of Sri Baba Lal ji.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May baba lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
Even by heaving recourse to ten million means, one can not attain perfection with out the company of saints. Company of true saints makes it feasible with all ease, as per the quotes of wise on the subject of life.
It is company of saints where one attains the wisdom of peace.
Bliss could be attained with all ease in association of saints.
If the soul burning in flames of agonies from the chapter of life goes to a true saint, a veritable pond, it drinks the divine nectar and merges in bliss.
Saints are tangible true support for life.
By just meeting a saint one finds god, the source of happiness and ultimate bliss.
Lotus feet of baba lal ji brings cheer to the face of devotees, blessings of baba lal ji brings true pace to life, devotion and submission in the lotus feet of baba lal ji brings life to its ultimate glory.
I make my obeisance to the lotus feet of Sri Baba Lal ji.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
May baba lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
sat Guru baba Lal ji
A true master unites one with God, and shows wisdom of god with in the body itself.
Sky is with in the body and body is made from the earth, air and light is their in, pace of heat could be felt well in body but it needs blessings of true saints.
The glory of sun and the moon lies in this body.
Trinity of wisdom could be felt well with in this giant mode so called body.
And if one has attained the body of human, it is more than unique to have so, it is very best fortune if one attains the human body which is difficult even for gods to attain.
It is a tabernacle suitable for spiritual endeavors, gate to liberation.
With in the body cultivate gladness, and with in it develops affection, with in the body find the nectar of love.
Auspiciousness is with in the body.
Heaving dwelt with in the body, one pervades eternity
All cosmic abodes could be felt by body in life itself but none can see them with out dedication to the lotus feet of Sat Guru {true preceptor}.
The body is the store home of celestial centers, company of sat guru make it feasible to reach at and those adore the lotus feet of sat Guru baba Lal ji attain the wisdom of life with all ease.
May baba lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
Sky is with in the body and body is made from the earth, air and light is their in, pace of heat could be felt well in body but it needs blessings of true saints.
The glory of sun and the moon lies in this body.
Trinity of wisdom could be felt well with in this giant mode so called body.
And if one has attained the body of human, it is more than unique to have so, it is very best fortune if one attains the human body which is difficult even for gods to attain.
It is a tabernacle suitable for spiritual endeavors, gate to liberation.
With in the body cultivate gladness, and with in it develops affection, with in the body find the nectar of love.
Auspiciousness is with in the body.
Heaving dwelt with in the body, one pervades eternity
All cosmic abodes could be felt by body in life itself but none can see them with out dedication to the lotus feet of Sat Guru {true preceptor}.
The body is the store home of celestial centers, company of sat guru make it feasible to reach at and those adore the lotus feet of sat Guru baba Lal ji attain the wisdom of life with all ease.
May baba lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
a compassionate saint
Offering foods to the body brings repose to the mind, offering devotion to the lotus feet of true saint brings repose to the soul.
True saints, in whose heart the merciful lord manifest and remains absorbed with divine nectar.
Saints are the true redeemers; they make one see god face to face. In fact they act as savior of beings on the subject of life so is baba lal ji, a compassionate saint.
May Baba Lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
True saints, in whose heart the merciful lord manifest and remains absorbed with divine nectar.
Saints are the true redeemers; they make one see god face to face. In fact they act as savior of beings on the subject of life so is baba lal ji, a compassionate saint.
May Baba Lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sri Sri Guru Purnima

Today it is Sri Sri Guru Purnima, a divine festival to celebrate by the devotees of Sri Sri Baba lal ji.
It is a day to attain the blessings from the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba Lal ji. Those who offer their prayer in the lotus feet of baba lal attain all the four blessings to achieve ultimate glory of life.
I make obeisance to you, O Sri Sri baba lal ji, and O bestower of blessings! O saint of holy vows, mine of compassion, please accept my homage. Obeisance to Sri Sri Baba lal ji.
May baba lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
divine celebration

Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji
Tomorrow is the day of divine celebration for devotees as guru purnima is on reach. This divine festival of divine celebration is celebrated with true pace by the devotees to attain the blessing from their true preceptor to attain the true wisdom of life.
This day is not only celebrated on the earth but also celebrated in heaven too even with much more spirit than here.
At all Lal Dwara’s in the world over, great devotional celebration is experienced. Sri Sri Baba Lal ji who is omni present alike absolute remains very much there to bless the devotees who offer their homage to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba ji.
Blessings of Baba Lal ji reflects true eternal peace and bliss for his devotees along with all material reaches and good health on the subject of life.
Devotees who submit their self to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba Lal ji are great all the way. I make my obeisance to the lotus feet of all devotees of Sri Sri Baba lal ji.
I make my obeisance to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji from the core of my heart and soul.
“Obeisance to you, O sri baba lal ji! Pray come here on this great occasion, O mine of compassion, please let your devotees to earn devotion of your very lotus feet and accept my homage, O baba ji! Obeisance to Sri Sri Baba lal ji”
May baba lal ji bless all?
Thanks please.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
ultimate glory

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji_
Lord is the truth, all else is delusion. The name of the blameless one is purity, all else is the pitch of darkness.
Two eyes were meant to see and visualize one for the outer world and other for the in sight deep till soul to realize on the subject concern with self and the supreme. Illusion has covered the eyes with the light of ignorance hence neither the god nor the negative power of this mundane world is visible.
The foolish one is captivated by variegated form of wealth and lust. Indeed one is drowned in the well of the house of illusion. Lust is the deadest thief inside taking away most valuable goods which could make one to reach at self and the supreme. It needs an state of awakening in life and true preceptor helps in here to attain so.
The lotus feet of true preceptor make it feasible to dispel the dark of illusion to meet the self and the supreme through the very simple mode of chanting the name.
Those adore the lotus feet of lord or the true preceptor in life are bound to reach at its ultimate glory sooner or later.
May god bless all.
Thanks please
Jai Sri Baba Lal ji
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
dispel dark

Jai jai Sri Baba lal ji_
By the means of the name alone one can rise above the limitation of body, senses and the mind, overcome the negative power, remover of all fear and attain union with absolute on the subject of life.
There is no other way to dispel dark of ignorance, acquire spiritual wisdom and liquidate deep rooted karmas, worship charity penance pilgrimage and all ancient books are all contained in the name alone.
With the knowledge of sound current imparted by the true guru merges one easily with self and it carries one to the abode of his beloved. By enabling peoples to hear the sound, the master can awaken them at his will. He may at his pleasure speak with in them and merge them in his own form.
I make my obeisance to the lotus feet of sri sri baba lal ji.
May lord bless all.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji
Thanks please.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Blessings of true guru

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji_
Those who placed their head on the holy feet of the true guru [preceptor} cross the impassable with the chanting of name alone.
Blessings of true guru make it feasible to attain eight perfection and nine devotions on the subject of life.
Blessings of true guru enlighten the life to a mode of immortal and fearless abode of bliss.
Blessings of true guru make one to obtain the fruits of immortal being in mortal mode {life} itself.
Blessings of true guru are more than a tangible support for life.
Blessings of true guru pave the way for a true life here and true glory here after.
May baba lal ji bless all?
Jai sri baba lal ji.
Thanks please.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Glory of baba Lal ji

The whole world is full of harsh mode either it’s a feed or feeling on the subject of life. It do needs a tangible support to carry on with, that tangible support could also be the faith on its true mode but saints have their different glory to glorify the life of devotees with all ease.
Saints bless the life with very define rout of name, chanting of name at heart.
Rarely few on the subject of life are on the mode of escape from the harsh mode and tough course, but those who are steeped in the name of supreme as directed through the saints are through with all ease. They are really wise who dedicate to god while they are young at heart and body is in good condition, else later on, when body and mind is subjected to the race of age, it really is tough to recall him on the verge of truth in that stage of life because it counts more on the selfish wizard than on to faith.
Those repeat the name with the pang of separation and sing its glory with love and devotion is great and truly successful in life.
Glory of baba Lal ji is infinite in all respect and Sri sri baba Lal ji is compassionate saint to bless the devotees for a true life.
Sweet is the name of Baba Lal ji, nothing is good with out his name for his true devotees and they repeat the name at heart with the smile to please their true master and preceptor known as Sri Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji.
I make obeisance to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
Guru Purnima

Baba lal ji the very incarnate of Lord Sri Hari in the form of a great saint about 653 years ago rout on to this planet known as great divine land, the great India.
Emperors princes and many more so called dignities on the subject of life routs to the lotus feet of Sri Sri baba lal ji. Among them Prince Dara Shikoh was too blessed by the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji. Prince Dara Shikoh, the eldest son of Emperor Shahjahan, was a pious soul in search of truth. His heart was enlightened by the blessings of baba lal ji.
Millions of people visit the Holy Shrine of Bawa Lal Ji Maharaj’s Lal Dwara at sri sri Dhyanpur from all over the world throughout the year to seek His blessings on the varying spheres of life.. The Shrine is doing immense good to the mankind and all devotees heaving faith on the lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji.
Heaving children in life is a vital subject to carry on with in true pace of life with right spirit and of course for a cause on to life but still few peoples deprived from this basic wizard for a true life as human. Here in this great shrine peoples blessed with children’s with all ease from the blessings of Sri Baba lal ji.
It not just a matter of children, fatal deasese is cured, Aspirations are fulfilled, Impurities are removed from the heart and mind, Evil influences, miseries and sufferings get vanished from the very blessings from this great shrine of sri sri baba lal ji.
Shrine remains always enlighten to bless the visitors and devotees to achieve their true goals. Those seek eternal peace this divine shrine is a great source for them. Those wish to attain the true wisdom of life this great shrine is like a rising sun. Shrine is a mile stone to achieve the basic wisdom of being human.
May baba lal ji bless all of his devotees on the occasion of forth coming Sri Sri Guru Purnima on 18th of July?
May baba lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Sri Guru Purnima

Baba Lal ji was a great saint on the subject of life on the planet. Those who wish to attain the wisdom of true life may have so from the very blessings of Sri Baba lal ji. 15th gaddhi is on way to bless the devotees of baba lal ji in the form of Sri Sri Ram sunder das ji.
Sri Guru Purnima is approaching fast next to next full moon on 18th of July to bless the devotees to have a blissful life to attain the true wisdom as being human.
Delhi lal dwara have its own divine feature for that day especially, thousand of devotees offer their prayer in the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji to attain his esteemed blessing for life “Jai Sri Baba lal j”.
May god bless all
Thanks please.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
chetanya maha prabhu

Sri Sri Baba Lal ji was so influenced with devotional chapter of Sri Sri Chetanya Maha Prabhu. In his childhood baba lal ji interact with Sri Chetanya Maha prabhu on the divine path and adopt the path of total penance in life.
He lived a life of 300years of penance and selfless wizard for mankind on the track of peace and devotional enlightenment. He is still being known for his kindness and blessing for those really deprived on the subject of life.
His journey for life was great in all respect to enlighten the path of truth on to self and a mode of realization and meditation was enlighten to reach at self to evaluate the motto of being human on the subject of life.
Those who have been blessed in any form from his divine blessings can visualize the greatness of an all time saint on the subject of life so called Sri Sri Baba Lal ji.
May baba lal bless all to have true meaning of life as human.
Thanks please.
God is one

Baba lal ji is an ocean of compassion though he has left apart since a long back but still his blessings are being felt in the heart of his devotees as alive as any thing to oblige his devotees on varying subjects of life.
His message for the mankind on the subject of supreme was so clear that god is one and who enlighten the heart and soul to interact with self and the supreme on the subject of life.
Modes to reach at him may be differing but god is one.
May baba lal ji bless all for peace and prosperity in life.
Thanks please
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