Jai Sri Baba lal ji_
The glory of great saint Sri Sri Baba lal ji is beyond all measure of this mundane world but be easily reached at with true heart and pious acts.
Terribly sad for the sake of heaving the blessings of lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji then keep resolutely the company of fair acts in life is version of true devotees and wise.
Sri Baba lal ji though passed away more than 300 years ago but still the fragrance of his divine blessings could be experienced all well at true heart,
It is not just at Sri Sri Lal dwara’s where existence of divine fragrance of Sri Baba lal ji experienced but with a true heart and purity of soul could make it felt all over.
True devotees need not to rush any where to attain the blessings of Sri Baba lal ji but may experience the very presence of his divine fragrance close by through faith their in.
Saints and seer has quoted with time and era that neither in heaven nor else where near by the sandal wood forest is mind cooled down but cooled down in the company of true saints.
Jai Sri Baba lal ji.
I make my humble obeisances in the lotus feet of great compassionate saints of time and eras Sri Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.