Baba lal ji the very incarnate of Lord Sri Hari in the form of a great saint about 653 years ago rout on to this planet known as great divine land, the great India.
Emperors princes and many more so called dignities on the subject of life routs to the lotus feet of Sri Sri baba lal ji. Among them Prince Dara Shikoh was too blessed by the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba lal ji. Prince Dara Shikoh, the eldest son of Emperor Shahjahan, was a pious soul in search of truth. His heart was enlightened by the blessings of baba lal ji.
Millions of people visit the Holy Shrine of Bawa Lal Ji Maharaj’s Lal Dwara at sri sri Dhyanpur from all over the world throughout the year to seek His blessings on the varying spheres of life.. The Shrine is doing immense good to the mankind and all devotees heaving faith on the lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji.
Heaving children in life is a vital subject to carry on with in true pace of life with right spirit and of course for a cause on to life but still few peoples deprived from this basic wizard for a true life as human. Here in this great shrine peoples blessed with children’s with all ease from the blessings of Sri Baba lal ji.
It not just a matter of children, fatal deasese is cured, Aspirations are fulfilled, Impurities are removed from the heart and mind, Evil influences, miseries and sufferings get vanished from the very blessings from this great shrine of sri sri baba lal ji.
Shrine remains always enlighten to bless the visitors and devotees to achieve their true goals. Those seek eternal peace this divine shrine is a great source for them. Those wish to attain the true wisdom of life this great shrine is like a rising sun. Shrine is a mile stone to achieve the basic wisdom of being human.
May baba lal ji bless all of his devotees on the occasion of forth coming Sri Sri Guru Purnima on 18th of July?
May baba lal ji bless all.
Thanks please.