The whole world is full of harsh mode either it’s a feed or feeling on the subject of life. It do needs a tangible support to carry on with, that tangible support could also be the faith on its true mode but saints have their different glory to glorify the life of devotees with all ease.
Saints bless the life with very define rout of name, chanting of name at heart.
Rarely few on the subject of life are on the mode of escape from the harsh mode and tough course, but those who are steeped in the name of supreme as directed through the saints are through with all ease. They are really wise who dedicate to god while they are young at heart and body is in good condition, else later on, when body and mind is subjected to the race of age, it really is tough to recall him on the verge of truth in that stage of life because it counts more on the selfish wizard than on to faith.
Those repeat the name with the pang of separation and sing its glory with love and devotion is great and truly successful in life.
Glory of baba Lal ji is infinite in all respect and Sri sri baba Lal ji is compassionate saint to bless the devotees for a true life.
Sweet is the name of Baba Lal ji, nothing is good with out his name for his true devotees and they repeat the name at heart with the smile to please their true master and preceptor known as Sri Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji.
I make obeisance to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.