Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,
The worldly economy rests upon the truth of circulation at a fast pace, more spending encouraged, more buying, More buying may bounce upon to impel and extract more from nature in fictitious truth of the scenario,
May be good to make life luxurious for a short but it will be a never-ending process to churn the natural resources to their worst which invites the wrath of nature hard to bear for anyone,
Life along the lines of nature supports the truth of eternity with the least wastage in practice with efficient waste management, limited waste could easily be managed by nature in the course of time but with the filth of masses,
So is the truth of inherent life in truth with humanity that a perfect preposition to sail safely by the grace of nature itself which helps to reveal the true nature of man that is more than enough for safe passage,
Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,