Sri Baba Lal ji,
Glory of baba lal ji is infinite, beyond words to express. Baba Lal ji-a mystic compassionate saint of time and era and true spiritual preceptor who had conquered his mind, elevated consciousness to the highest spiritual region, seen the reality of supreme spirit face to face and merged with that reality after serving the mankind and nature on the planet for 300 years in direct mode.
jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal ji-jai sri baba lal jithose take refuge in god-god himself take the whole responsibility of their perpetual well being
one need to develop faith in his benevolence to experience his great merciful nature
all living beings-environment-circumstances-material objects have come as a result of past deeds so to enable one to carry on with-law of karma is very define-what one sow, reaps the same with difference of time-only blessings of saints have power to remould it to favor
one need to cultivate faith in god to attain true meaning of being human
relationship with the god alone is true rest is illusion
God exist all over-in animate and inanimate-there is no space-time-object in which god does not exist- in other words time space matter themselves are comprised of god-nothing ever has any existence apart from god-every thing exist in him and he exist in all is bare fact to believe-deeds must match the fact while to interact with to carry on in true spirit
enjoyment that devoid of supreme spirit infect yield suffering at its ultimate mode
true happiness is that which not depends on external modes-it constitutes one's own self
a thing is found where it exist-oil can extracted from water-darkness does not proceed from sun-sparks not from moon-so the happiness and peace cannot be found in the company of wicked-the source of true happiness and peace is the company of saints and pious one
one to optimize the pace of ego to control the anger-once the anger is controlled half the path for happiness is meet with
so long one identify body with self and regards the creatures and objects of mundane existence as one's own path of journey unto self will not be easy
one given to the pursuits of undue sensual pleasure seeks god for the sake of such pleasure is pitiable-gratification of senses occupies the foremost place in his mind needs company of saints to purify the heart and mind at its foremost
hankering is overcome by contentment alone-chanting the true name helps in