I revere in the lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji, who is giver of true meaning to life for liberation from the bondage of Maya.
I revere in the lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji, who is true preceptor of devotees and followers that helps beyond the bounds of Maya.
I revere in the lotus feet of Sri Baba Lal ji, who stand by devotees and followers as tangible support in the time of adversity when worldly man takes a side from.
I revere in the lotus feet of Sri Baba Lal ji, who ever help the depraved and helpless irrespective of merits one bear with.
I revere in the lotus feet of Sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji, who never disappoint seekers in any form and ever bless the life beyond measure.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please