संत संग अपबर्ग कर कामी भव कर पंथ। कहहि संत कबि कोबिद श्रुति पुरान सदग्रंथ

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

बंदउँ गुरु पद कंज कृपा सिंधु नररूप हरि। महामोह तम पुंज जासु बचन रबि कर निकर

बिनु सतसंग बिबेक न होई। राम कृपा बिनु सुलभ न सोई- सतसंगत मुद मंगल मूला। सोइ फल सिधि सब साधन फूला

बंदउँ संत असज्जन चरना। दुखप्रद उभय बीच कछु बरना- बिछुरत एक प्रान हरि लेहीं। मिलत एक दुख दारुन देहीं

The world is a river of suffering and the God is ocean of bliss

washout the blemishes of self to reach at the ocean of bliss, true name of Lord is the path

This fragile and transient human life may come to an end soon, it is high time to relocate self in context with supreme reality

Gone is the time and lost is the opportunity, where shall find this philosopher stone which turns mortal to immortal that once for all

while alive one may struggle to liberate self which is very hard for hereafter, here in this wonderland one may find the true master

O traveler, today or tomorrow, will have to depart, like the birds come to perch in a tree for the night, be wakeful and wise to make it before the sunset

O traveler, be warn of the flower of the silk cotton tree especially designed net for you by Maya, beware and be warn

So long the sound has not withdrawn, recollect and realign self in love with God, rest assure human body is door to reach at,

when life is gone none can remember, so long breathe is, try to pitch out the verse on that to make it for self

The Lord is truth, all else is worthless delusion, respect the possession have with from Lord and harvest truth through this chapter to cultivate unison with

Be not like the sleeping owner, thief in the form of ignorance may take away the most valuable goods, rest assure that no one care the pauper in this world

Maya, the feminine serpent, bites all in the form of wealth and sensuality, which act as tranquilizer to fame and name and may drown the essential truth one carries along with

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji {1412-1712}

जय श्री बाबा लाल जी {1412-1712}

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Know for sure

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know for sure, life is in subjugation of an hidden power which is leading us from forefront,

Try to manage the health level to ease the truth of journey,

Try to maintain the truth of mind at its optimize pitch to restrict from extravaganza, 

Try to resort with self to safeguard self from turmoils of Maya,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, April 29, 2024

precious gem that exist within self

 Jai Baba Lal ji,

Know for sure, this mundane world is filled self cotton tree, 

Why wasting time charm with, 

Neither the body nor the mundane wealth will move alone with, 

Left apart the wordily wobbles and try to reach the precious gem that exist within self,

Jay Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Know for sure

 Jai Baba Lal ji, 

Know for sure that life as human is unparalleled 

While alive, one may make to beatitude,

While alive. one mat shed karmic baggage of hard truth, 

While alive one may cross the channel of transmigration, Know it for sure, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Gone is the time

Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Gone is the time, and lost is the opportunity,

Priceless is this birth, reconcile to realign with, 

Once slips out of hand, only repent shall be the residual, 

Better be Late Than never,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Mystic and common

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji, 

Mystic and common subject in life that spirit charm by the object invariably through its own light, 

Of sure, man is more prone to get charmed by and lost in the object which derive their light and life from spirit of self only, 

This charm which is more than illusion is Creation of Maya, to expend its trap to keep the slaves for long,

Pleasure and pain co-exists but man recognize in truth with desire, phenomenal truth nature may impact upon this reality, those, who are realized in truth with self tries to maintain equidistant from both, both ways,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Water and the Vishnu

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sacred Baisakh is in its glorious truth to oblige the aspirants and devotees varyingly on the planet, 

Sacred Baisakh is not just a calendar month but an opportunity for aspirants to make it for self with access access to life eternal,

Sacred Baisakh is the month that itself is an embodiment of Lord Vishnu, That Narayana, the giver of water, the greatest gift available to man, not just an essential factor for life but a truth to perform rituals either for enliven or dead, water act as a carrier both ways, two way links to make it,

River, lakes, ponds springs, underground water and the greatness of oceans lies in truth of Lord Vishnu, hence all in fact are identities to revere to revere Vishnu, mostly life exist either in air or in water, those exist in air pay regards to the water to  reach the proximity of Vishnu all well, and the Sacred Baisakh support this truth through its hidden vibes, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Sacred Baisakh

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sacred Baisakh is here in the form of the dawn of the day for men in the light of trio that philosophy, mythology and rituals,

Four aspects of the philosophy relates and deals with existence of God, truth of the life, nature of the man and the diverse reality of Maya, life exists in,

Mythology is a subject above the horizon of myth which brings light to visualize the objects of life and truth in its fair perspective to relate and reach the goal set for,

Rituals are not limited to oblations to gratify self but a reality in truth with discipline of the journey to reach the respective truth of energy man needs at the threshold of beatitude, and Sacred Baisakh is not just a span of time in the line with calendar but eternal reality to guide spirit with its respective vibes 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Hare Rama


Sri Purnima today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Purnima possesses the special privilege to oblige the aspirants and devotees for fair complacence in their running task either hidden of manifest on the pitch of Karma,

Full moon causes hide tides in virtual ocean as well as the ocean of mind to churn out the stored nectar there in,

Subterranean eternal truth could easily be approached in vicinity of the full moon for highest religious merit in truth with precious virtues,

Visiting the holy saints may add grace to the gracious occasion to sanctify self, Vishnu Pad Puja is another milestone of the day to make it for the self, Sri Sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji is also taken as an incarnation of lord Vishnu to help devotees in their eternal cause, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal, 

Monday, April 22, 2024

ambiance of a hermitage

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Culture of the Sanatan Sanskriti is rich treasure of truth both ways, eternal as well as moral reality for life,

Indeed with fair ideas and inventions highlighted by the sages of time and ages for the cause of men at the threshold of beatitude,

People takes the journey of life as life till a milestone then restart it in truth with pilgrimage to revalue self that compatible for beatitude, 

Sanatan Sanskriti emphasizes for a life full of realization in truth with disinterested service for the true cause, and continue in the serene ambiance of a hermitage in remote corner of heart to recall self and the soul mate for fair dating,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Know the life

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji, 

Know the life to be a truth of trail and tabulations, whatever be the subject ,

Crises do appears in spiritual arena, sacred threads do blown away in sway of Maya,

Even the most pious and virtuous has to face all that toughness that hard to bear, 

It is life that regards none, aging, diseases and death is common to all, either a spiritual scholar or holy saint or vile pauper, better be realized and awaken  try to reach self as early as possible, try to resort to self to escape bulk from the dictates of Maya,  

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

to live in and to die with,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

What exactly is the fulfillment of life, 

It is the state of self in truth with realization of self at its inherent nature in context with truth and the cause,

There is nothing else can fulfill the life either it is sensual pleasure, or material riches or nourishing the ego in the name and fame,

Unless man make it to this truth, life is more than bondage and bondage is nothing but a state of suffering in truth with various kind of miseries, to live in and to die with,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Ekadasi today to reconcile in truth with realization to make it to the truth of cause eternal,

Designated day for Sri Vishnu Pad Puja, Sri Vishnu Pad Puja is not limited to offerings from the material world, it is a sacred rite in truth with rituals from the truth of eternal self and feeling for,

Day to recall the truth of Lord Vishnu that all pervading and the cause of this universe which manifest out of nothing and sustains unsupported on the truth of Sri Hari Vishnu,

Sri Ekadasi is an defined aspect of Lord Vishnu and Lord Vishnu is truth of this reality available to men for eternal evolution, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thursday wisdom

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

More the study of self in truth with self in the light of self will guide the self to reach at its pristine glory,

Whosoever tries to bring this light to self through practice of self at the threshold of life, make it easy to reach the beatitude,

Those who realize this reality and indulge with at its optimize truth with fair conduct of self mostly proves to be the great benefactor for themselves, 

Therefore discard the doubt and duality about the true self and make positive efforts to at the meaningful aura of self, rest follows in itself,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Hare Rama

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

All embodied beings are in bondage, first and foremost bondage is with body and its limitations, 

Then social bondage in truth to sustain midst of wildness of life,

Then bondage resulted from the friction of health hazard and malfunctioning of mind, 

Man alone is possessed with faculty to realize and cut a sender the unwanted bondage at its first milestone then to make it for final liberation whereby soul never tied with body to merry with indifferent relationship with Maya, 

Jai Baba Lal Dyal Ji, 

Hare Rama

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Being a man is an achievement beyond words irrespective of cast, color and creed, 

Unaware of this most precious wealth, man possesses with, and wanders like a beggar and begs before all, either for this or that,

Man has to think and rethink that how long will he remains in this state of ignorance, adoption of fair renunciation is meant to restrict self from undue begging,

In the wildness of this world, humiliation is but natural, hence renunciation can address it suitable,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Hare Rama

 Jai Baba Lal Ji,

Deliberate to give up the identity resulted from the friction of material reality,

Try to identify self in truth with cult divine, the eternal treasure,

Take refuge in mercy of Rama to oblige self,

Reach the sole cause of being Man, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Hare Rama

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Be a Devotee or a Jnani, both have to wake up to the truth of self,

Both have to prevent self from the affliction of pride and ego,

Both are the Path to Rama,

Yet Rama is fond of devotees,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Hare Rama

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Supreme Rama is the support of eternal truth,

Out of his infinite compassion, he visit the heart of devotees with occasions to repair the broken hope,

Be hopeful and optimistic to welcome Rama with faith and reverence, 

Devote to him time and again, will help certainly cross the ocean of transmigration, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Hare Rama,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Outside world mostly ruled by Maya,

Never let it to rule your inner truth,

Wondering outside, you may lost in wildness of Maya,

Try to give up petty ego to enlighten the inner path to a great treasury,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sri Ram Navami


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Eternal religion

 Jai Baba Lal Ji,

Humanity exist in truth with faith in God through indulgence in fair conduct,

Good conduct may rescue embodied soul from its inclination towards carnal desires,

Man mostly find himself impulsive with greed and lust, momentary effects impact hard on these two,

Eternal religion truly guide the spirit fairly to make it to the truth of Sanatan Sanskriti which is comprehensive truth of celestial cult,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji.

Monday, April 15, 2024

God alone may help

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

To dispel the flux of negativity around, man needs help eternally,

God alone may help suitably, is a fair reason to align self with truth of God through devotion,

Devotion needs faith at its first milestone then concludes at the truth of submission,

Even otherwise life of man is open to all dimension either for evolution and involution, with different magnitude of challenges to counter, needs eternal support to stand with and God could be the answer to address self in truth with faith,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Sacred Navratri

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji, 

Sacred Navratri is heading fast for its Durga Ashtami on Tuesday,

Today Yajna of Navratri has reached a wonderful milestone oblations in lotus feet of Goddess Katyani,

The daughter of Sage Katyayan and embodiment of compassion, a helping truth that helps devotees even out of proportions irrespective of merits,

Mother Katyani is known for being a great help to Resident of Brij Bhumi and keeps special favor for them, ever help the devotees of Krishna to reach,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Jai Maa Kali


Jai Shani Dev


Jai Maa Kali


Jai Shani Dev


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Obeisance to Sri Baba Lal Ji that embodiment of compassion,

Revere the lotus feet of Sri Baba Lal Ji who by nature is eternal that exists in the heat of devotees in the form of truth,

Greet the dust from the lotus feet of Sri Baba lal ji, an effective antidote for ills of Kali Kaal, 

Bow head in honor of a mystic compassionate, that legend of austere penance,  

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji,

Friday, April 12, 2024

Know God to the prime source

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know God to the prime source of all mental power that regulate the mind and life,

Will of the god is supreme all the way, divine will is infinite by nature, knows no laws, unknown and miraculous, indeed it can change the course of destiny,

Man needs to revamp himself in the light of his will, it will be man's highest obligation, 

Human in truth with Maya is bound subjugation of error, may mislead for mishap, prevent any conflict in between self and God through doubts and duality, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


to exist

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

External rules are guided by the social cult,

Internal rules are imbued with inner cult, 

External rules may destabilize the truth of materiel life and peace eternal,

Eternal rules provide safe shelter to essential truth which  needs to exist in that plane herefater,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Try to learn

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Message of Sri Baba Lal Ji, do not wish ill of anyone, 

Try to learn the skill to forgive, 

Forgiveness may robs you in truth with material world,

But may help to recover self to reach self for priceless eternal gains, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

one may choose

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know for sure that Good conduct flows from a purified mind, 

Those indulge in waggeries of worldly affairs worldly charms could be a good mimic but,

Contemplation of the past, chaos of the present robes one of his peace, in peace only joy of journey resorts, 

Joy of journey is just superficial and extremely transitory in nature but in peace alone one may choose inherent joy that may last for long,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Justice at the doorstep

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji,

Justice at the doorstep could be the ideal of any system fair in self, 

Those who are sick, deprived and helpless can never be compatibly to the system and pride of the institution, 

How would a poor man reach to the governing offices especially if he is sick, especially those who are far from, how an individual could put up itself if middle man is the path, 

Those, who are in the driving seat, if they themselves speaks day light lie in proceeding, how can justice be prevail, May lord impart light, let all know all about the proceedings, make it live as net is available to help that to eradicate the fear from the heart of those in grievance, and let their be fear in them who are on driving seat, let the truth prevails 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,    

Bare essentials

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Though whole world we live in is the world of Maya yet God exist in as omnipresent all over, 

Bare essentials are being provided by Maya to all except inherent joy and that relevant peace, 

The best and the most altruistic materialist considers the giving of more to and taking less from the world as height of altruism, 

Law is too a creation of Maya that can be twisted either to create favors, making a law is as simple as breathing but implementing the law in spirit of truth and justice is as tough as anything, and poor, weak and deprived suffer the most from, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

To a helpless anyone can cheat and deceive

 Jai Sri Baba La ji,

Many mimics manifest with time and again, and create their aura of illusion to charm the masses but same as that bubble in water,

Identifying impurities of the mind is not that difficult but to reach at the purity of mind spiritual wisdom alone is the truth,

To a helpless anyone can cheat and deceive, no bravery in act of delusion either manifest of ego or hidden in cunning reality of self,

Time is watching all without any mortal eyes, no one can escape from his truth and reality,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Hare Rama


Objects and circumstances

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Objects and circumstances can never be the same for either individual of community being life is in the truth transit reality,

What is today, it can never be the tomorrow, illusion may pose it with similarity but changes are inevitable,

Those who are ride of ego on being a King, tomorrow may not be the same, may kingdoms in the past and in the recent present has experienced changed in mystic reality, is a lesson to both with upper hand and that being depraved of all his lot,

Divine always impart power and strength to recover from time and again with teachings, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Best equated to justify self

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

There are many aspects of God as per the cult of Hinduism, Mother is a most characteristic feature of Hinduism being embodied with truth of compassion and might of velour,

Shakti days are here to oblige the life in varying forms, Known in the name of Navratri, nine days cult to revere the lotus feet of Mother to gratify inner self,

Best equated to justify self in the journey of life through mild application of self in truth with discipline of the days, 

Humble submission in honor of mother divine on these days is rewarded for long, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

love all

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sing the song that gives soothing touch to the soul,

Pray to reach at the truth of self rather than anything else but for bare essentials to sustain,

In silent truth of self try to sanctify self by a holy dip in celestial drops from eyes,

Try to impart soothing tough to one that depraved from life itself, love all, love that which makes spirit feel eternally rather than carnal truth,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

message for individuals

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Baba Lal ji, visit his devotees and disciples eternally varyingly time and again, and speaks in format to relate the truth eternally in daily life,

Before he entered in Mahasamadhi after his austere penance in pilgrimage on the planet, ensured his continued reflection of his unique ideals for life to reach the transcendental truth spirit belongs to,

As a revered Guru he established many pathways to supreme reality with the presence of his light divine for aspirants and devotees to realize self t make it to the truth of self,

Worth of his eternal messages consist in its ability to convey the intended message for individuals for eternal welfare more than anything else,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

truth of hereafter,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Since the inception of man, he sought to look for reason to reach the mystic reality of self as embodied and the truth of hereafter,

In very age task of men stand for evolution of material life, rarely few look to make it for self evolution,

Realizing this saints and seers of age and aeon has established a path of Satsang, in gross mode it is recitation unto praise of God but in subtle truth it is adoration of truth in daily deals, 

This Satsang could take a form of milestone if spiritual understanding takes place in the vicinity of self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Most success among men

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Among all beings on the planet man alone suffer to aggregate the essentials in his fear of delusion, 

With few exceptions all beings lead the life in truth with day to day but man look for aeon to aeon, and create havoc for fellow beings,

Among men wise restrict self with bare minimum to survive and invest in truth to seek reality of self they own with,

Most success among men is that who thread self to reach self in spirit with self, the path to God,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

it affirm eternally

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Time speaks in his own way whenever find true aspirants on the path of truth and the cause,

Though his audience is limited yet it is punctual in its ordeal,

Hidden truth of time illustrate trio in its own way to illustrate, intimate and contemplate on the reality, 

And it affirm eternally that aspirants must commit self to the commandment of unalloyed love to God that supreme reality,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Sri Somvati Amavasya,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Divine shower is here in the name of Sri Somvati Amavasya, A hidden celestial stream of nectar is passing by the life to facilitate it through its positive flux, 

Indeed, a day to sanctify self through mild application of self by adoring the discipline of the day as prescribed by the time,

Moon the cause of mind, sun the cause of soul in meridian with earth, when this unique event falls on Monday, it indicate tremendous eternal strength to fairly sustain in journey of life, 

Self efforts are not enough to counter the vicious chapter of journey, it needs extra support and adoration of the day impart that truth varyingly to aspirants and devotees with cult of the day,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

The highest knowledge

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The highest knowledge man can ever reach is nothing but unto his own self which itself traits in truth with So-ham to Shivoham, 

There is no specified teaching to this chapter but the discipline in truth with self in living and lifestyle,

Religion and philosophy of life already inbuilt and exist in man, only orientation of self create the difference,

Be at its optimize truth of being in self with truth of journey as life and let moral truth be the flagship of life and rest will follows itself,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Please Be Vegetarian


overshadow the fear of death and death itself

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Journey of life may have some beautiful facades yet it has to face the reality of transmigration existence,

It is bound to pass the agony of ignorance time and again in truth with condition and helplessness of embodied soul,

Birth and death alone are not the painful chapters, disease and old are more than challenge and never let anyone either a king of pauper, either a worldly man or saint, majority of thing remains hidden to all irrespective of being update unto truth of reality and the cause,

Except for those who maintain their eternal strength resulting from the knowledge of the true self in truth with moral life, this strength overshadow the fear of death and death itself, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Sri Ekadasi Today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Since ancient time Sri Ekadasi is taken as an auspicious occasion to revamp self in truth with cause eternal,

Strict fasting norms in smile with eternal self for the Lord Vishnu is one of the charter to adore the day,

Worship of Lord Vishnu generate numerous favors for self on the day both ways, eternal Sankirtan plays pivotal role to oblige self in the vicinity of the day,

Extra vibes from the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu charm the devotees in flux of Sri Ekadasi and greet them for favors beyond words, 

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

set of divine thoughts

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Deep rooted lustful thoughts in subconscious mind may make even elephants mad, lust, greed and vanity know them to be the gate of hell, 

Same scenario may rock the men and make men to feel the heat of this reality,

Thought may arise for many reasons including prevailing conditions of body , mind and surroundings,

Man needs to be wakeful and conscious unto this deceitful chapter which may drain out the sole motto of being man, when found self overpowers by this delusion of Maya, introspect, and, discriminate and replace them with another set of divine thoughts to succeed driving extravaganzas from the eternal plan of self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Please be Vegetarian


Be Warn


Please be Vegetarian


The Thursday

 Jai Baba Lal Ji,

The Thursday light is here in truth with cult divine, a day which represents the sainthood with multiple aspects for the cause of meaningful living,

Visiting a Holy saint invite confidence within self to win over the self to rise above the horizon of worldliness,

Though confidence alone may not ensure success in endeavor yet impart spirit to struggle with truth of positive vibes,

A man of confidence may convert challenge to an opportunity and make it favorable on many aspects irrespective even failure,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Evolution of any society depends on

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Social fabric is the truth of social life permeated by spiritual consciousness and needs wakeful state to interpret the truth of truth of being social,

It is not a privileged to life but impart a responsibility to live with,

People believe on harmonizing this cult but when comes to self they chose selfishness and create chaos for fellow beings in hidden and manifest reality,

Evolution of any society depends on the disinterested service for the true cause, especially in silent reality, but society is passing through a hidden friction in lack of spirit in adoration of Dharma, better be late than never,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Please support Veganism


Please support veganism



 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Mind mostly rules the life from forefront, it needs to put a check on it,

Though it is more than tough to control the mind because of the two reasons, first it ever remains connected with the hidden flux of eternity within self, second it fluctuate with condition, 

For men it should be a priority to make its mind to bring it back to its normal state,

Science has very limited access that fraction of a percentage alone  yet man may determine self to optimize it at its best just by monitoring it time and again, and nourish it with concentration and meditation including diet that suits with requisite sleep factor,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, April 1, 2024


 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The King, a Yogi, water and fire are four designated carrier may help spirit for its evolution, Man cannot afford to underestimate the might of these four, 

Water and fire though part with materiel reality yet in status with eternal to act as carrier of oblations performed, may oblige spirit in its eternal cause most,  

Men must be wakeful and conscious to the truth of self while interacting with, no easy traits with them at any ease or loose string, they may bounce back badly to destroy even the essential truth, 

Water is taken as boat to sail safely to that shore and fire is taken as divine agent to felicitate eternal evolution to ascend within self, and much more, beside it all the four are bestower in their nature,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,