Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,
Sri Ekadasi today, a legendary divine day of the fortnight to reconcile self in truth with conduct and the cause,
Path of Truth and good conduct is as easy as anything and straight to ease life to follow, Sri Ekadasi is the day to enjoin to make it in truth with,
Sri Ekadasi in other words a Yajna being performed by celestials on the planet for the welfare of life in truth with cause and aspirants and devotees may oblige themselves through fair participation,
It is not a day for Sri Vishnu Pad Puja but a truth for the spirit to adore with honesty and truthfulness in conduct and deeds, let them be human-based, let them be enlightened with the light of self through austere penance in silent truth, and observe that truth comes spontaneously to oblige the self and Sri Ekadasi could be a milestone,
Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,