Jai sri Baba Lal ji,
The man that does not take refuge in the lotus feet of Lord, remains bare from that support which is must for striver in quest of truth and the cause, impression of ego persists even at that stage of disciple and hard to discard even at the subtle plane of self, even in spiritual practice pride in varying forms follow the spirit and cause hindrance to untie the knots but for those in refuge of lord, lord takes care of that shadow itself, and help aspirants
Jai Sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji
The man that does not take refuge in the lotus feet of Lord, remains bare from that support which is must for striver in quest of truth and the cause, impression of ego persists even at that stage of disciple and hard to discard even at the subtle plane of self, even in spiritual practice pride in varying forms follow the spirit and cause hindrance to untie the knots but for those in refuge of lord, lord takes care of that shadow itself, and help aspirants
Jai Sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji