Name of Baba Lal ji is dispeller of delusion and bestower of wishes, pure beyond measure and auspicious for one and all. Name of Baba lal ji is path to salvation.
Name of Baba lal ji is more than enough to convert the sinner to a saintly soul.
Name of Baba lal ji is reservoir of nectar that awards peace to who so ever come to. Nectar that is hard to attain even through churning the ancient literature and infinite sacred deeds manifest with the chanting the name of Baba lal ji.
Name of baba lal ji is embodiment of truth, those chant it with faith attain the wisdom of being human, Name of baba lal ji is media to transform mortality to immortality that is store house of peace and bliss.
“Obeisance to you, O Sri Sri Baba Lal ji; the legend of compassion and mercy”
May lord bless all.
Thanks please