संत संग अपबर्ग कर कामी भव कर पंथ। कहहि संत कबि कोबिद श्रुति पुरान सदग्रंथ

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

बंदउँ गुरु पद कंज कृपा सिंधु नररूप हरि। महामोह तम पुंज जासु बचन रबि कर निकर

बिनु सतसंग बिबेक न होई। राम कृपा बिनु सुलभ न सोई- सतसंगत मुद मंगल मूला। सोइ फल सिधि सब साधन फूला

बंदउँ संत असज्जन चरना। दुखप्रद उभय बीच कछु बरना- बिछुरत एक प्रान हरि लेहीं। मिलत एक दुख दारुन देहीं

The world is a river of suffering and the God is ocean of bliss

washout the blemishes of self to reach at the ocean of bliss, true name of Lord is the path

This fragile and transient human life may come to an end soon, it is high time to relocate self in context with supreme reality

Gone is the time and lost is the opportunity, where shall find this philosopher stone which turns mortal to immortal that once for all

while alive one may struggle to liberate self which is very hard for hereafter, here in this wonderland one may find the true master

O traveler, today or tomorrow, will have to depart, like the birds come to perch in a tree for the night, be wakeful and wise to make it before the sunset

O traveler, be warn of the flower of the silk cotton tree especially designed net for you by Maya, beware and be warn

So long the sound has not withdrawn, recollect and realign self in love with God, rest assure human body is door to reach at,

when life is gone none can remember, so long breathe is, try to pitch out the verse on that to make it for self

The Lord is truth, all else is worthless delusion, respect the possession have with from Lord and harvest truth through this chapter to cultivate unison with

Be not like the sleeping owner, thief in the form of ignorance may take away the most valuable goods, rest assure that no one care the pauper in this world

Maya, the feminine serpent, bites all in the form of wealth and sensuality, which act as tranquilizer to fame and name and may drown the essential truth one carries along with

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji {1412-1712}

जय श्री बाबा लाल जी {1412-1712}

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Know for sure

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know for sure, consciousness in man is the subject that most concerned as human to cross the channel of transmigration, 

Conciousessness at its optimize pitch could a tool to reach the state of blissful unison with self, even while within the body, 

As the man failed to distinguish self from its real state of consciousness, lost the truth of inner path, a must for lasting peace,

Unconsciousness may also be classified as intoxicated state of self, which makes it impossible for self reach the horizon of eternity of self to make it for the sole cause of being man, better be late than never,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, August 30, 2024

love and the life

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The whole universe is the gross truth of supreme personality known in the name of God,

Either it is good or the bad, it belongs to the various aspects of God, either in direct reality or in depth illusion that hard to perceive,

Indeed, God has created this world from his own truth of Sankalp, vibrant and perceptible through respective application of intellect in conjunct with mind,

It is a bare truth to believe eternally that his world is incomplete without love and the life, his sports define these two through his infinite aspects, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji, 

Sri Ekadasi today, a day to make it to the truth of indwelling self through fair and earnest participation in cult of the day, 

Every embodied being needs freedom, bur ways to reach are totally unknown for them but the man,

As the man reaches to its pristine truth within self feels relieved and liberated from the karmic baggage, a truth of sorted freedom, 

Sri Ekadasi is the day with ether code that compatible to the inner self to sooth it to the truth of requisite freedom here and lasting beatitude that,

Jai Sri Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Religion should not be confused with rituals

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Religion should not be confused with rituals that obtained in organized societies, all societies have their pros and cons with hidden motives to trap individuals,

Eternal religion is universal all the way for man, is a truth of being human in cult of life, which emphasizes on love one another that disinterested love but in truth with service,  

Renunciation and disinterested service are two defined faces of the same coin, meant to learn from to act and react in truth with life as human,

In this truth of renunciation lies the sufficient solution to most problems of life,  especially in the last quarter of life, man must need to realize this reality of life to escape undue hardship through the age factor,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hare Krishna

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji


Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji 

Man is potentially divine but

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man is potentially divine but not ethically in reality of its very self, cosmic law follows the life hence man needs God to react favorable, 

The life of the man is the threshold to ascend and its needs extra help, being is in direct flux from cosmic force,

This Makes man to look for God, first to reach the truth at its first milestone then to make it to the tune of that ascention, man meant for, 

Man is prone to turn toward divine with need, though divine transcends all temporal limitations, man needs to temporal set up to realign self in truth with referral as well as sole cause, eteer be late than never, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Monday, August 26, 2024

Sri Krishna Janmashtami today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Krishna Janmashtami today, day to rejoice eternally in truth with sports of Lord Krishna and his pastime, either it is his message for the Mankind, or his call to his devotees in the format of gopis for conjugal experience of Atman and Parmatman, 

Either it is a truth of his reality in love with his soul mate Radha or his passionate truth of Maharas to charm the life in cult of blissful unison at the bank of a celestial stream,

A defined day to enlighten self with truth of his light divine in the name of Jnana that helps spirit to untie the unwanted knots, a day to visit him eternally or a day to recall him in the temple of heart, 

A day to adore and revere the pollen like dust from his lotus feet to oblige self to make it to the truth of eternity, spirit belongs to, science and logic have limited truth in themselves to help devotees but spirituality is a comprehensive chapter may lead self to Krishna, and the day support this truth,

Jai Sri Radhey Krishna 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sri Krishna janmashtami

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Krishna janmashtami is here to introspect in truth with Karma and doership in journey of life, and Lord Krishna is a statesman to relate this chapter it is optimize pitch,

Surrender to God is the highest sign of wisdom for men, being life and karma is nothing but sports of universal reality in context with it Maya, 

Indeed, sole doer is God alone, not even a leaf can ever move without his will, question of death and the birth is far broad to perceive in its real engagement than a biological reality,

Take Refuge in God is the best way to safeguard self but means to reach this truth is not clearly defined in the sphere of life, yet man has to pitch self in truth with hope and dawn of day must reach for,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

protect the cows from slaughter houses and butchers

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Time to reach out the truth of Cow in context with Sri Krishna Bhakti and the light of wisdom for the soul in dark of delusion of the Kali age,

Krishna is also known as a cowherd, that tending cows in Brij Bhumi with its epicenter of Sri Govardhan, Cow an fair entity of Dharma In Sanatan Sanskriti,   

Feeding the cow with truth and dignity is the pathway to prosperity worldly as well as eternal, but truth of the time is indifferent in presence scenario, needs fair introspection unto reality that millions of cows are being disappearing every years for indifferent reasons,

If followers of Hindu cult and reality do not wake up unto the truth of chapter, it would be tough time ahead to face, protect the cows from slaughter houses and butchers, if to protect the mankind and humanity, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,   

Friday, August 23, 2024

Life is a battlefield

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Life is a battlefield and everyone is engaged in one or another aspect to conquer the life, irrespective of being fighting with one's own mates, and blood relatives at its most,

Life of all beings ever remains in self mode hence a blind drive to reach a unknown destination which may differ the set goal by individuals, 

Religion and relative culture direct and redirect the truth of approach unto the battle being fought on daily basis, 

Mostly people lack the true knowledge and respective goal to reach the winning note, and it its foremost, man needs a true preceptor that to guide suitable to recover at its first, and help to differentiate between right and wrong in their true perspective, than make it to the truth of victory, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Thursday, August 22, 2024

conjunct of the two

Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji 

On the auspicious occasion of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, ether code is active beyond words to influencing the charm the truth of Bhakti that manifest in cult of devotees and aspirants. 

Krisna Love in truth of divinity is here along with life, philosophy of Krishna cult is available to earnest enquirer with purified mind and optimize truth of intellect,

Truth of man's intellect fluctuate very often in truth with condition, mostly remains tained with worldly passion to achieve beyond reach, though by nature intellect of man is filled with truth of this universe but in passion with Maya, it goes limited to the sphere and truth of Maya alone,

A highly precised truth of intellect in perfect harmony with mind, may reach the sensitive reality of self and truth of ultimate reality, within self itself, Know Krishna to be a fairly known heart master that help his followers beyond words with occasion and time, conjunct of the two is here right now in the name of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, 

Jai Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji 

Thursday wisdom

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know for sure that truth of Spiritual reality is available to all including the poorest and the greatest among riches, 

Spirituality is a light which may enlighten even the most obscure region within the self, for right conduct and meaningful living,

Saints and sages of the era and ages have propagated this truth in many forms and make it accessible even to the weakest among human reality, 

It could be a great milestone to fulfilling eternal desires in truth with sole cause of being man on the planet, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Life is a complex chapter,

 Jai Sri Baba lal Ji,

Life is a complex chapter, based on the truth of span of time that awarded by the Kaal for different and indifferent reasons to spirit in varying forms that embodied with, 

At Physical level all have their limitations to react and make it to the truth of their format, vegetable kingdom have roots in earth like mountains, not compatible to motion, beings that animate survive on water and air primarily, in vicinity of air, earth and water, few exist in both format, earth and water, such as tortoise and few birds,  

Indeed life constitute the spirit in direct reality without being embodied culture of gross body, subtle truth act their in to pitch the fate and destiny but indifferent on majority of aspects,

Mobile manifestation of life for human is truly different, it is meant for the liberation of soul, a stage at the threshold of beatitude, but in no case an easy access, it is a task that tougher than anything, first to sustain in truth with righteousness midst of falsehood of Maya all around, finally to maintain the dignity of self in truth with sanctity, men is the worst enemy of men in illusion of Maya, beware and be warn, wake up before the sunset,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

not that easy for mind to comprehend the introvert reality,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

It is not that easy for mind to comprehend the introvert reality, being mind mostly found self in extrovert truth,

External world is more transitory than eternal reality,

External is like the pitch and pace of moon but inner truth more than the truth of Sun both ways,

Refuge in lotus feet of Holy Saint may make it compatible for mind to stalk the inner reality to reach the horizon of eternity,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji 

Monday, August 19, 2024

be the flagship of Hinduism,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Message of time, be the flagship of Hinduism, not just a religion but an embodiment of inherent cult of self in truth with celestial reality,

Indeed, a society that stand on the solid base of truth with requisite truth to sustain in journey as human to make it to the tune of beatitude, 

Know the truth of Hinduism which has survived the vicissitudes of history and onslaughts of time, not that easy to understand at a glance but possesses the light of wisdom, a must chapter for inherent self,

Hinduism is not just a religion to adore but an inherent culture that facilitate the Atman to make it to the truth of being cause, being in embodied reality of self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

True knowledge

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

True knowledge is a must subject for men,

It is a most relevant chapter to make it to the truth of self realization at its optimize pitch,

To realize the true self, no other action is needed except the truth of that knowledge and relative perceptive skill to imbibe the best,

Indeed, proximity of holy saints may make the subject easy, blessings of holy saints may help spirit to make it to the truth of self realization, a must but not that easy chapter,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Suppressing desire

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Suppressing desire could never be a truth of renunciation, 

Renunciation is to overpower the truth of indulging in extra involvement of desire, to stay apart from,

Fulfilment of desire gives birth to new desire, a never ending process, which ultimately binds the mind and cause to cycle of transmigration,

Self restraint in truth with self that in proximity of self may create content truth of self that far above the horizon of worldly desires,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Ekadasi today, day to invoke self in truth with sole cause of being human on the planet,

Sri Vishnu Pad Puja is a defined milestone to make it to the truth of the cause,

Sri Ekadasi truly support the inner cult to enjoin this truth of divinity,

There are infinite chapters with infinite aspects to make it easy for self to adore the day to make it for spirit eternally, and man may achieve the best from, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Before the sunset

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Before the sunset, man needs to relocate self in truth with cause eternal, 

Life as a man is a truth to invoke self to indulge in traits of spirituality to make it to the truth of wisdom and prudence, 

Invocation may be carried out in numerous ways available to man in the sphere of life with prevailing reality and referral conditions, 

In beginning rituals may help to ward off undue interferences of prevailing ignorance around which causes undue distracts to reach the goal, be wise and beware to rescue self at an earliest to reach home safely before the dark truth of following night, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

first step

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The very first step in eternal cult of self is purification of body and mind through adoration of respective chapters which makes it easy to sanctify the eternal self,

Afflicted mind with relative body may cause unrest to soul and may further create chaos in peace process, 

Quest for peace is a never ending process which cease to exist with beatitude, five sense organs and their leader Manasa  could be the root cause of differed state of mind and unrest to spirit,

Best preposition is to eternally renounce the world through a peculiar state of mind and resort to self to make it to the requisite truth unto sole cause of being man, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Let there be smile for the eternal and lasting soul mate

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Knot divine appraise the devotees of the necessity to always in truth with inherent cult of self, being the only beckon of light to redirect self the sole cause of being man in journey of life, 

Let there be smile for the eternal and lasting soul mate time and again in silent truth of self,

Let devotees persistently make an endeavour to keep the ultimate soul mate happy through the cult of individuality in truth with life, keep of fondling and caressing, 

Let the fragrance of spirit in cult of divinity everready to praise even trivialities showing indifferent at varying junctions of life, as awarded by the ultimate soul soul for a hidden cause,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

improve the physical and mental health

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Moral ethics symbolize the life in its subtle reality, 

Let each individual persistently endeavor to improve this inherent truth of human, 

It may help to improve the physical and mental health in gross reality, 

No one should act in manner that detrimental to health of others and create chaos in emotional reality of fellow beings,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Message of sri Baba Lal ji

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Message of sri Baba Lal ji unto life and truth is as simple as anything, 

The conquest of outer world can never be an achievement for human being they are transitory by nature,

The conquest  of inner world that full of precision and precious gems of immortality above the horizon of value, could be an fair achievement in journey of life,

Unless or until man conquered his inner kingdom, can never be gratified, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Creation constitutes

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Creation constitutes everything from benign to the base with its due place and respective destiny to reach at,

There are many perfect souls stalking the earth for a reason best known to providence alone, while living they they lead a life of pure consciousness above the horizon of body and senses, 

Indeed, they mostly act as beckon of light eternal for many continuing along with, they are carrier of sainthood in their personification with truth of their inherent sanctity in cult with pristine reality, 

They are sanctity personifying and cause to sanctify others suitably through their vibes without taininting their inward and outward organs, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thursday wisdom

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji, 

Thursday wisdom is here to relate the life in truth with self and the cause that to make it to the truth of sole cause of being on planet in journey of life,

Philosophy of life in truth with eternal religion is a rarest chapter for man to make it, it can never be that much which limits it the metaphysical speculations but a chapter which relates the ultimate truth,

Truth is one but with infinite aspects of its reality and hard to reach the most concerned for embodied spirit that to untie the knots which binds soul with birth and rebirth, 

Ultimate truth is simply an individual's reality with isolated approach to make it eternally irrespective of extrovert experiences and traits, only communion with holy souls may help to make it to the truth of fair compliance,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Life is a Yajna

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Life is a Yajna in truth with eternal fire that bound to lead spirit to heaven at that junction of journey,

Eternal fire is a truth to ignite the wisdom of knowledge by graduating the mind unto truth of intellect, and fair participation in the Yajna could be a defined milestone for spirit, 

Eternal fire is conductive to heaven is truth of time and ages and application of pyre relates this reality to help helpless spirit at that conuncture of changeover,

Though fire is sacred by nature and a great sanctifier of self, optimizing self in truth with fire eternal through respective discipline may help spirit to reach beatitude irrespective of other odds,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

momentum of an automation

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Destiny works itself in its hidden ether reality and influence the cult of individual in journey as embodied soul,

Indeed, definition of Karma could be relevant milestone to resort but destiny alone script the traits of Karma whosoever it may bem

Free soul can never be free as long as the shadow of destiny follows it, 

Know destiny to be an momentum of an automation that compel individual to act upon the way to meet the truth of destiny, Majority of things are pre-scripted and fluctuate in truth with celestial cult, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, August 5, 2024

idol worship

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know the truth of idol worship, it is an greatest aspect to make it to the truth of Prayer and converge the mind unto the truth of worship, as a mother loves her child in photo, primary subject is her child and secondary relative truth is Photo, 

In factual status, no devotee worship the mere idol, he worship his deity being represented in mortal reality that concern with, 

As the Mn read a book, paper of the book and its words inked are secondary chapter, primary chapter is to imbibe the content behind the existent of paper and inked words, so is the truth of Idol being used to lead self unto path of devotion which perpetually redirect self to its inherent treasure lies within self,

When a man mutter the name of his faith, just resorted to words to make it to truth of his faith for easy access to his faith, so is the truth of Idol worship which may help mind to resort for journey ahead, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Man with sound mental health

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Mental health is a most important chapter for men, it must be prioritise all the way in the interest of meaningful life, 

Man with sound mental health may face all kind of difficult situation in respective manner, 

Man with afflictions of mind cannot even live a normal life irrespective of all facilities,

Man with sound mental health may face the death even as an event of life without being involved in extra scaredness,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, August 3, 2024


 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Atman, though a reality yet a complex chapter even to self, who itself is an atman in subtle truth, 

Atman mostly remains hidden that unknown in itself and and unknowable in usual practice of life and truth,

Even intelect mostly remained totally failed to grasped the knowledge of Atman in majority of cases,

 Ancient scriptures have relate this truth through epics and relative definitions yet lacks in empirical truth and create chaos whenever subject strike the self to reach,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Sri Shivratri,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Greetings of the day to all the devotees enjoying the spirit of Shiv cult in truth with Sri Shivratri, 

A day to make it to the truth of all the three realities spirit found engrossed with that the transient reality, the absolute reality and the gross truth of existence,

Adoration of the day may help spirit to relocate self to cross the channel of transmigration by the grace of Lord Shiva reaching all on the auspicious reality of the day, 

A purified mind may imbibe the best and grab the suitable to make it to the truth of cause eternal in gracious reality of the Shiv cult and the Occasion, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday wisdom

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Thursday wisdom is here to help aspirants to reach innate nature of self, to make it for that conscious state,

Amalgamating in truth with cult of the day, devotees may comprehend themselves with conunct of eternal religion and human philosophy, 

Realization in cult with truth of experience may help devotees to make it to the spirituality that inherent in men,

It could be an fair attempt to reach and realize  intellect in truth with its varying aspects, day may support favorably,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji,