संत संग अपबर्ग कर कामी भव कर पंथ। कहहि संत कबि कोबिद श्रुति पुरान सदग्रंथ

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

बंदउँ गुरु पद कंज कृपा सिंधु नररूप हरि। महामोह तम पुंज जासु बचन रबि कर निकर

बिनु सतसंग बिबेक न होई। राम कृपा बिनु सुलभ न सोई- सतसंगत मुद मंगल मूला। सोइ फल सिधि सब साधन फूला

बंदउँ संत असज्जन चरना। दुखप्रद उभय बीच कछु बरना- बिछुरत एक प्रान हरि लेहीं। मिलत एक दुख दारुन देहीं

The world is a river of suffering and the God is ocean of bliss

washout the blemishes of self to reach at the ocean of bliss, true name of Lord is the path

This fragile and transient human life may come to an end soon, it is high time to relocate self in context with supreme reality

Gone is the time and lost is the opportunity, where shall find this philosopher stone which turns mortal to immortal that once for all

while alive one may struggle to liberate self which is very hard for hereafter, here in this wonderland one may find the true master

O traveler, today or tomorrow, will have to depart, like the birds come to perch in a tree for the night, be wakeful and wise to make it before the sunset

O traveler, be warn of the flower of the silk cotton tree especially designed net for you by Maya, beware and be warn

So long the sound has not withdrawn, recollect and realign self in love with God, rest assure human body is door to reach at,

when life is gone none can remember, so long breathe is, try to pitch out the verse on that to make it for self

The Lord is truth, all else is worthless delusion, respect the possession have with from Lord and harvest truth through this chapter to cultivate unison with

Be not like the sleeping owner, thief in the form of ignorance may take away the most valuable goods, rest assure that no one care the pauper in this world

Maya, the feminine serpent, bites all in the form of wealth and sensuality, which act as tranquilizer to fame and name and may drown the essential truth one carries along with

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji {1412-1712}

जय श्री बाबा लाल जी {1412-1712}

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

do and don't,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man cannot undone the done, therefore be wakeful and conscious while interface the life in do and don't,

Everyone is free to discharge his duties within a specific orbit in truth with shadow of the fate, hence needs to be wakeful while to intercept the life,

It needs to realize at its optimize pitch, forfeiting the rights of others, seeing faults in others, expressing opaque truth that weird by nature, man needs to wakeful,

No scientific measure can elaborate the truth of right action, as every actions has both aspects, it for oneself to differentiate suitable in the light of self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Man needs to realize

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man needs to realize the destructive potentialities of the increased scientific power before it is too late,

Though, it is as true as anything that sole doer is someone else whatever be the cause with relative or ultimate effect yet man alone is immediate reality of events in gross mode through being used by a hidden power,

No hidden power in the world can ever cross the potentialities of spiritual flux man create within oneself,

Better be realized to safeguard self from the delusive truth of this Kali age and resort to the truth of spirituality available to make it in truth with inherent cult of self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Sat Guru

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sacred Assad is the Month to reach out to Sat Guru,

Sat Guru in the form of enlighten soul could an aspect of Reality,

Sat Guru in the form of fair intellect with sanctified heart is another relative chapter,

Mahadev that Universal Sat Guru to resort in for relative gains eternally,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

cannot afford to mislead self in lucrative truth of materialism

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man cannot afford to mislead self in lucrative truth of materialism, 

Man can never effort to lost the conviction that there must be a spiritual ground to all physical happening being testified by a specific knowledge called science,

No science can ever stand in existence without evolution of spiritual aspects in journey of life,

Whatever it exists in the form of nature relates with truth of spirituality with roots in celestial cult with referral points in intellect of beings in embodied truth on the planet,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saints and sages

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

 Saints and sages  ever remain engaged in serving the life and nature, but never proclaimed their service,

So is the truth of nature that ever act as a guardian to life and serve in silent truth of service with persistent reality,

Men serve and proclaimed their service in many forms and expect a lot in lieu, true service cannot be a truth of barter system, 

Aspirants and devotees need to learn from the truth of nature and the sagacious soul unto truth of service, they needs to reach the truth of disintereted service,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Friday, June 21, 2024

spirit and matter,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

This universe is a composite truth of spirit and matter, that covers the all animate and inanimate, 

All are interrelated in hidden format of ether reality, all are very much connected to each others as in fractional truth of molecular theory,

Spirit chart out the truth of individuality among the masses with hidden voids, that in quest of individuality yet all are connected with truth of Maya in direct equation and with supreme reality in indirect truth,

It is a matter of realization in the light of self to make it easy for self to stalk eternal renunciation,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Dharma is a complex chapter being misused in life and society for self promotion and propagation in truth with mimic shows, 

Dharm Can only be propagated by a man of righteousness at its optimize pitch in truth with practice, 

Giving more and taking less in positive value of life is  the first milestone on the path of Dharma, 

Dharma is more a practice than theory, True preceptors must establish the ideal to follow on the path of Dharma for eternal gains at its most,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

So is the truth of spiritual leaders and the aspirants

 Jai sri Baba Lal Ji,

When leaders and the men in any society fall a pray to selfishness, fall is inevitable,

Unless or until, leaders and men of learning acquire true discriminative sense and truth of disinterested service, society is bound to fail miserably with time,

When a society is commanded with truth of renunciation and the men of disinterested service, citizens are bound to see progress both ways, 

So is the truth of spiritual leaders and the aspirants, true spiritual leaders and meaningful aspirants may help the cause both ways in no time,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday wisdom

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Desire is the pace that makes it feasible to access the life meant for,

But if desire takes indifferent route, it could be a disastrous for spirit as well as life, 

Fulfillment desire routes in multiple referral desires that could be a  reality of bondage for long in ties of Maya,

Non fulfilments of desire may be a set back for short but in long run, it may elate the truth for higher regions of consciousness within self through truth of realization with fair introspect of self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

holy fig trees

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The scorching heat of Jyestha is not new to the world, but delusion of the world has made it to cross the horizon that has made life miserable,

Better be late than never is the quote of time for men in blind race to over rule the truth of nature,

Deforestation and extra mileage of scientific experiments of nuclear devices is directly responsible for this climatic chaos, undue lexploration to extract from beneath the earth is another sick chapter which put an add to global warming,

Need of the hour is to act before it is too late, in the yester years there had been plenty of holy fig trees that banyan by name, inverted in nature with branches downward and roots upwards connected with ether truth of celestial entities to maintain the balance of life, now they are in sway of deforestation since a long, time to reconcile and emphasises to plant more trees of this legend which helps the life and nature like anything on the planet,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sri Ekadasi Today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji

Sri Ekadasi today, designated day to revisit the self to introspect the truth of cause eternal in the light of cult of the day, 

A day to revisit Swadharma for add on to the truth of discriminative power and update the faculty of self eternal,

Scriptures, costumes, traditions and rituals have their own merit  to indulge with but realization unto truth of Sri Vishnu Pad is unparalleled, and the truth of the day supports it favorable,

Adoration of the day in truth with self may add requisite truth to the moral individual possess with, and that acts favorable in truth of cause for the journey in embodied form,

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Man is eternally rich

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man is eternally rich with inherent cult of self which designed to match with truth unto philosophy of Vedic Culture,

It may help man to drive strength both ways including inspiration for a moral life in truth with journey on the planet,

Depth of cult and course attract the attention of aspirants to relocate self with their descended truth to take back a even better journey for hereafter,

Earnest way to make it is be with self in truth of self with simplicity of life along with requisite faith in self and the mercy of supreme personality,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sri Ganga Dushera today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Ganga Dushera today, an opportunity for men to recognize self in the light of self to visualize the stream of nectar flowing through the panet for the cause of embodied spirit at the threshold of liberation,

A day to reach the reality of this world in context with truth of that world, Know Brahma  to be permanent substratum of this world and atman is our essential nature in truth with identification, quest for individuality is the cause for Atman, 

Neither Atman ignore this world nor avoid the reality of that world, Mother Ganga bridge the core truth of both to facilitate the Atman, Needs a purifying wizard and that is Sri Ganga ji in its most easiest facilittaion to devotees and aspirants,'

River Ganga s more a Mother Ganga that helps spirit in varying colors of life to attain to sanctity in color of the supreme reality eternally, indeed an essential factor for embodied soul in journey of planet to make it as pilgrimage, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Destiny of living beings here and herefater

 Jai sri Baba Lal Ji,

Destiny of living beings here and herefater can never be the same, differential fraction apply to them at varying pitches of truth and reality,

Some eschatological quarries knock the spirit time and again to address in truth with referral and perennial reality,

Brief summery of teachings from the lap of time reveals it in gross mode that dare truth is that we all belongs to supreme personality hence a concern to rejoice eternally,  

Things may not be that lucrative in mundane world but in other world lot of eternal privileges are available to spirit irrespective of heir species race, even midst of it human have an over edge to make it and reach,

Jai Baba Lal Dyal Ji, 

Friday, June 14, 2024

The serene cult of self

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The serene cult of self is available to men yet wanders in wildness of the world,

When serent cult of the self is reached at, there comes the end of sorrows, 

In serene cult of self man may attain to that state of peace Atman ever keeps quest of,

With attainment of that peace results in content value of self that acts at threshold of beatitude even while in breath with,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Know God

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know God to the ultimate guardian of all beings in journey of planet but he ever keeps infinite favors for human because is fond of them,

There can never a close bond in any form except with God, in fact God awaits men in many ways, men in their delusion awaits power to prove self even to the God,

Great saviours in the sphere of life in the form of sagacious souls have elaborate truth in many forms that once a man enter in his kingdom through truth of his unalloyed love in truth submission cut asunder his bondage once for all,

Thursday is a day of sagacious truth, a beckon of light for eternal self to indentify self and rejuvinate in love with Supreme personality,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Eternal religion

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Eternal religion is most practical of all philosophies to relate the self with truth and the cause,

Indeed most sublime to differentiate the reality and the illusion spirit in subjugation, 

Philosophy is taken as theoretical measure with its parameters but may lack in practice,

Eternal religion that based on the truth of cause and effect for the embodied soul, is easily approachable through moral life,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Disinterested service for the truth cause

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Self help is the message of Sri Baba Lal ji to his followers, self reliance is the chapter that most concerned the man, 

Disinterested service for the truth cause is among the prime teachings of Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man is persistently indulge in self to raise himself, for he alone is his true friend, and he could alone be his worst enemy,

Self surrender is a subject for man that a must to reach the truth of fair evolution, surrender to the truth, and the cause, Surrender to God to serve hs creation in silent ways of deeds eternally as well as in physical plane,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

God can never be attained except

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Simplicity in lifestyle brings life close to self,

Simplicity in life may help to calm the mind at its most,

A calm mind may help spirit to reach the serene cult of self,

God can never be attained except with truth of simplicity at bot both aspects of life,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

to console and award the most requisite,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man to make a note of it that his extra involvement in mundane affairs may trap in whirlpool of suffering,

Terrible attachments to indulge in name and fame game could be as disaster as anything for spirit in its journey of life, that why time emphasizes the truth of eternal renunciation to safeguard the essential truth,

Sick truth of man is this that it lament, cry and wail but never use his discriminating skill to reach safe shore within self,

Though omnipresent yet God is available to man in remote corner of heart to listen and address suitable to console and award the most requisite,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, June 7, 2024

sagacious life of Sri Baba Lal ji

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The truth of sagacious life of Sri Baba Lal ji is available to devotees to update self to live up to them to make to the truth of cause eternal,

Once mental make up is made then salvation could not be far apart,

Once refuge is taken in sagacious truth then beatitude would be the next stoppage,

Once recall the glory of Sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji then manifestation of eternal strength will not be a task any more,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Sri Amavasya today,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Sri Amavasya today, a legendary day of the fortnight to oblige self verily in truth with self and its relative sanctity,

Not just a day of Pita Pujan to repay the debts of past carriage in baggage of life but a day to untie the unwanted knots from the cult of Maya,

What none can breathe with the vital breath but that by which five fold vital breath alone to a Brahman that supreme personality, and that can be pleased in the name of Pitar on the merit of the day,

Though a low tide day yet with high end divine power for the truth of realization to make it with available conditions that favorable to self in truth with journey on the planet in embodied form,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Immortal in mortal

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Immortal in mortal, and mortal in immortal is the truth of Maya we all exist in,

Seed in the tree is visible truth, but tree in the seed is a mystic reality,

Worshiping a stone, may help devotees to make a fair approach that in mind, 

So is the truth of Murti Puja and worshiping an image  which indirectly inspire spirit to sprout inner love for devotion, to cultivate self in truth with cause for being embodied soul in journey, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Truth is one that universal by nature

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Truth is one that universal by nature yet with infinite aspects in its lap for individuality of separated soul,

Truth is one but sages have given it many names in cult of time and ages, 

The one existent is conceived of many, one is cause for infinity and has manifest in infinite finite reality to charm the Maya,

Characteristic of Universal truth generous by nature and approachable by all its beings in truth with embodied forms with respective paths, men is blessed with most decorated road to him, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Ekadasi today, a day to recall the motive of being man on the planet, day to think and introspect to moderate self in truth with cause,

Sri Ekadasi is a day that embodiment of eternity to approach that truth which matters the spirit most,

Adoration of the day help devotees and aspirants in truth with faith for not only spiritual upliftment but universal growth of soul to reach the truth of beatitude at that junction,

It is most suited day to renew,our thoughts and feeling for the ultimate soul mate for lasting relationship with, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

jolting truth

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Beauty without background is more than a illusion, 

It imparts jolting truth to mislead self,

Yearn for the black cloud with blue sky in background to impart life,

Let it be rain in the scorching truth of sun as a hope for life,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Before the sunset,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Before the sunset, set out once for all,

Curled up alone irrespective of any other factor, 

Dream in dream out to help self in dark truth of life,

Indeed, there is a light at that end of tunnel to enlighten the self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Hard to believe yet a truth

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Hard to believe yet a truth in truth with reality,

Men liquidate essential truth for worldly pleasures, 

Torment fellow beings in friction of life to prove self,

Further quash  essential truth, a must to sustain in truth with individuality by deceiving fellow beings

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The hidden task

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The hidden task for men is rise above the horizon of objects and circumstances that manifest with time and again,

Man cannot afford to blame circumstances all the time for being helpless on the scenario of life, as they are bound visit the life in varying chapters as wake up call to spirit that tranquilized in truth with Maya,

Yearning for real want is more than a viable subject for men and to reach, communion with saint could a most appropriate milestone,

As the thirsty man drinks the water so quickly so is the truth of man in quest of real want that to assimilate even the fractional truth which relates to,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,