संत संग अपबर्ग कर कामी भव कर पंथ। कहहि संत कबि कोबिद श्रुति पुरान सदग्रंथ

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

बंदउँ गुरु पद कंज कृपा सिंधु नररूप हरि। महामोह तम पुंज जासु बचन रबि कर निकर

बिनु सतसंग बिबेक न होई। राम कृपा बिनु सुलभ न सोई- सतसंगत मुद मंगल मूला। सोइ फल सिधि सब साधन फूला

बंदउँ संत असज्जन चरना। दुखप्रद उभय बीच कछु बरना- बिछुरत एक प्रान हरि लेहीं। मिलत एक दुख दारुन देहीं

The world is a river of suffering and the God is ocean of bliss

washout the blemishes of self to reach at the ocean of bliss, true name of Lord is the path

This fragile and transient human life may come to an end soon, it is high time to relocate self in context with supreme reality

Gone is the time and lost is the opportunity, where shall find this philosopher stone which turns mortal to immortal that once for all

while alive one may struggle to liberate self which is very hard for hereafter, here in this wonderland one may find the true master

O traveler, today or tomorrow, will have to depart, like the birds come to perch in a tree for the night, be wakeful and wise to make it before the sunset

O traveler, be warn of the flower of the silk cotton tree especially designed net for you by Maya, beware and be warn

So long the sound has not withdrawn, recollect and realign self in love with God, rest assure human body is door to reach at,

when life is gone none can remember, so long breathe is, try to pitch out the verse on that to make it for self

The Lord is truth, all else is worthless delusion, respect the possession have with from Lord and harvest truth through this chapter to cultivate unison with

Be not like the sleeping owner, thief in the form of ignorance may take away the most valuable goods, rest assure that no one care the pauper in this world

Maya, the feminine serpent, bites all in the form of wealth and sensuality, which act as tranquilizer to fame and name and may drown the essential truth one carries along with

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji {1412-1712}

जय श्री बाबा लाल जी {1412-1712}

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

श्री राम - जय राम - जय जय राम

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

dawn of new Sun

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The sun is about to rise, dawn of day is not far away from here,

No massing of clouds of delusion anymore,

Light of wisdom awaits life to bless it for varyings gains,

Awakening of inner self is the subject of time, to welcome the dawn of new Sun,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, December 30, 2024

Sri Somvati Amavasya today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Somvati Amavasya today, a day rejuvenate self in truth with sanctity of self by participating in the Yajna being performed on the planet in the light of Moon,

Sri Ganga Ji host special Yajna at its specific banks to distribute the fruits of immortality, devotees and aspirants make it to the truth of fair compliance by having holy Dip with all faith and reverence,

Many Banyan and Pipul Trees also host Yajna to indicate material and spiritual wealth to aspirants and devotees for fair eternal evolution,

Enjoining this special Yajna make spirit compatible to inherent joy that powerful fuel that drives the life in truth with meaning to address the cause eternal,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

The realization

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The realization of one's true want may help to set up goal in truth with ideal,

Realization is a truth of wakeful state in context with consciousness within vicinity of inherent self,

Once the goal is set, never means all is done, circumstances and relative conditions could pose the tough challenge, 

Man has to rise above these two by regarding them as the path not the destination, if goal is fixed, it makes it easy to make good use of circumstances and condition, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, December 28, 2024


 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Faith is a subject that most relevant to man in journey of life, 

Devoid of faith man may be counted in living corpse, 

Devoid of faith in the divine, man is like a body without soul, 

Without faith status of man is no more than a lonely individual in search of self, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, December 27, 2024

serene ambience

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Let the life to be a serene ambience of a hermitage for indwelling spirit,

Decorate the obscure corner of heart to instal the Image of Love to indicate generosity in life,

Try to delve deep within self to reach the truth of mysticism of life and that could be the key to liberate self,

Rich treasure in comprehensive truth of cause and effect lies within self in the shelve of library at the zone of eternity to facilitate the spirit to make it to the true self, if to make the way this, it would be a fair compliance of journey,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Sri Ekadasi Today,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Sri Ekadasi Today, a day to adore to reach the truth of eternity, a most concerned subject for man,

A day to rejoice in cult of the day in truth with love for lotus feet of Lord Vishnu,

Saints and sages have elaborate the truth of this eternal cult in infinite ways to guide spirit in journey of planet in garb of Man,

Time has relate this reality a glaring chapter to reach self to address the cause of being man in the planet, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

metamorphosis of the human being

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The hinduism is not a religion but inherent cult of spirit to make it to glorify self in truth with beatitude in journey of life in the planet,

Truth of the moon that supported by the eternity of Sun relates the soul in truth with sacred days in the name of festival devine,

Infinite are the aspects of each day on the pitch of festival to rejoice eternally and days to sanctify self in chart with celestial cult, 

They are designed exactly for the purpose of achieving the metamorphosis of the human being from the mundane to the supermundane level which ultimately leads to that liberation known in the name of beatitude,

Jai Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

morality and gratitude

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Most of the men live in this world with casual reality of their being,

Very few tries to realize the truth of their self to make an fair approach to reach,

Meaningful life could be a first milestone in the journey of life to make it to the truth of inner self,

Any meaningful life pitched on the truth morality and gratitude to realize and respect the truth of life either it is of one's self or any other creature in the sphere of life,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Complete self surrender

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Complete self surrender is a the subject most concerned to stalk self unto truth of cause eternal,

But it is as tough as anything in this world, pride, false ego, and much more alike are great barriers to it,

Slowly steadily man may make it by graduating self with inherent cult of self which helps to discard the ego and pride but in slow process,

In truth self surrender faculty of speech and hearing takes a upside down graph to understood the reality which is unfathomable,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, December 23, 2024


 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Moksha is a most concerned chapter for man in journey of life in planet, 

Definition of moksha is not limited to words, it is a eternal subject, hemce needs a fair approach to reach at to reach the truth of Moksha,

In worldly terms, it could be a beatitude, a freedom in truth with unison whereby no bondage of any kind,

Al beings in journey of life need freedom, freedom that a chapter to rejoice free will, But Moksha is a more than just freedom, It is a meaningful resort within self to sustain peacefully in subtle reality of self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

four traits of human life

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Saints have taught all the four traits of human life, urging aspirants and devotees to follow to have a fair compliance of journey in the planet,

Artha, Dharma, Kaam and Moksha, they have been designed to suit the profile of human which exists at the threshold of liberation, 

There is no rocket science to make it to reach them with time, it needs will at its first, then faith in self and truth of supreme reality,

The spiritual discipline is most conductive unto truth of these four, could have been the first and final milestone to cover them all in truth with self, this spiritual discipline needs simplicity in lifestyle at its first and resort to self could be the concluding the chapter to reach the horizon,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Life as a man

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Life as a man is different than other beings, other beings are just a part of nature to sustain in, but for man,

Man has to acquire the wisdom through adoration of required discipline t streamline self in truth with moral and relative facts,

Indeed, rock like foundation is a must chapter for a meaningful life as human to serve the cause, life meant for,

Ancients entities and traits have revealed many aspects to enjoin the elite club of life as human, among them one is refuge in lotus feet of a holy Saint, rest follows in auto mode,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, December 20, 2024

address the truth of sanctity

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man needs to reach the truth of enlightenment of self through respective discipline, 

He needs to transcript this truth in the life to live with,

The subject address the truth of sanctity, and vice versa, Sanctity is a defined chapter to conserve the vitality that eternal strength to sustain in both planes of journey,

Refuge in lotus feet of a holy saints could prove to be conductive to the subject concern with,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thursday Wisdom


culture of the mind

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The culture of the mind is mystic by nature, science have very limited access to it to help embodied spirit to make it suitable,

Though inner ruler is someone else yet Environment and conditions influenced it at its most, 

It is those who have established in themselves may make it easy for themselves to track the mind for favors,

When Holy thoughts predominate the conscious oth ways, mind may act in tune with truth of self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Sunrise and sunset

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sunrise and sunset are the two most important transitional epoches of the day on the planet with manifest message to life unto truth of transition, 

This specific time is known in the name of Pradosh kaal, a most relevant span to update self eternally through just mild realization of self in truth with cause,'

Vibes results from this conjunction may help spirit to relocate self to address many hidden and manifest chapters of journey,

religious merits earned on this span of time are bound to multiply in itself and reach at that shore whereby spirit reach in its lone truth at that changeover,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Philosophy of the eternity

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Philosophy of the eternity lies within self in compact form, not that easy to reach, not that tough as man may thinks about, 

It needs a lifestyle to match the truth of moral to untie the lot for fair access to it,

Omnipresent subtle energy is available to all being in varying forms but men alone is most competent to make it to reach at,

Psychological and spiritual levels could be reached through mild application of self in truth with self through inherent cult of self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, December 16, 2024


 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Yajna is known for being the pivotal truth for human, not just a source of energy eternal but a truth to relate the self with cause in journey of life,

Oblations offered in persistent fire is an defined aspect of Yajna, and it deals with inherent cult of slf at its best,

Subtle form of Yajna involves the mental oblations that Manas offering, considered as most pious in one of its aspect, 

Participation in Yajna is the first milestone to start with, which release the subtle energy to unfold the lots of wisdom available to all in journey of life to make it to the tune of pilgrimage,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Aspirants in their prayer

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Aspirants in their prayer keep hidden quest to attain freedom from anxiety to calm their mind along with freedom from unwanted anger that prone to dilute the truth of pilgrimage in planet,

They request the almighty to upgrade their very self in truth with moral to behave on merits either it is a Yajna of pilgrimage or the facade truth of life,

They request to eradicate the shadow of falsification and let the light of wisdom make them to have holy dip time and again to sanctify themselves,

They pray for requisite help to maintain their truth of self in context with truth eternal to glorify their pilgrimage to make it o the tune of beatitude at hat sore of journey,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

in truth with benign self

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Precious is the human life yet lot of friction follows it,

Great living is not that easy yet not so tough to make it,

Rising into wisdom and souring into bliss are the varying aspects meet at different milestones,

Those in truth with benign self may make it to achieve all requisite with truth of self reliance and self restraint,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, December 13, 2024

heart in body that purifies and distribute the blood

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

In the vast truth of eternity, it is  hard to find semblance of self, because of lost in the wildness of the journey,

Truth of life in the wonderland is more a strange than stranger in itself,

Knownfully forgotten the truth unto self has made the men lost in the wild truth of life that bare from moral and social obligations, 

Know for sure that moral truth of self act as heart in body that purifies and distribute the blood to whole body for the cause to meet the truth of mortal cause for immortal reality,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Know for sure that

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

It is for man to realize at its optimise pitch to address self suitable unto truth of God,

God is a reality who keeps an uninterrupted watch on all individuals as true disinterested guardian,

Protect the embodied soul at all junctions of journey, and that in sequence step by step,

Know for sure that God loves more the embodied spirit especially in garb of men, man needs to show his loyalty in lieu of his unalloyed love and facilities he has provided in journey of the planet,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

mirage in desert of self

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Infinite is the truth of God, so is truth of his concept for individuals to perceive,

Infinite are the aspects of God, so is truth of his aspects, 

Indeed, he is a like a mirage in desert of self, hard to reach,

Best way is pause self from running after him, try to be with inherent self, and attain to him,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Awakening state of self

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Awakening state of self is a chapter that most concern with,

It relates to the conscious reality of wakefulness to reach the ideal set for eternal and referral causes, 

Awakened self is a trained mind to act and react with relative as well as perennial reality, 

Awakened self is not just an optimize pitch of mind to act upon but an enlightened chapter of truth spirit belongs to,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

thanks the God

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Do not cuse yourself,do not think lightly of yourself, For Atman is that you are, an aspect of Parmatman, in an individuality in quest of identity, Be form in this conviction, throw out all ideas contrary from mind at once, 

Neither think ill of the world, being a creation of God through his Maya for a hidden cause, and try to reach the truth of God and his might, know is for sure, that God is all and everything, we may not yet known this reality but nothing is truer than this, 

Pradosh Kaal of the day is meant for thanks to God, thank the God, prevent self from being thankless to God, and know it for sure that other world is not differ than this, better be realized and thanks the God for the lot in possession whatever it may be,

Know for sure, here deferred justice is referred and applied, midst of falsehood exists the truth as pivot, here light dispel the darkness, here time heals the wounds, tears wiped in earnest prayer, here prayer is listened and addressed suitable to neutralize the grievance, once more feel obliged of being here in embodied truth, and thanks the God,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, December 7, 2024

inherent joy

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Joy is an emotion which manifest with fair compliance of designated task either in truth with desire or the way else,

Eternal joy is a state of feeling in truth with self that inherent in itself to charm the spirit irrespective of mundane sports, 

Inherent joy is the subject for men to reach at through respective discipline in cult of self,

There is no specific path to it yet content truth of self could be a milestone at threshold of this reality,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Empower the life with truth of moral

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji

Man needs to empower himself with truth of will power,

Will power is a truth to master self in truth with self restraint, 

Empower the life with truth of moral, it is a sort of graduating self to differentiate things in truth with deeds, and it is possible with possession of moral in truth with ethics,

Refuge in a Holy saints may help aspirants to reach this unique feature of journey in the planet with embodied form,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

killing factor

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

The loneliness is a killing factor in an aspect of life, but it could prove to be a boon if man join the community of his his cult that consist of celestial and supreme reality,

Communities of the mundane existence could be a source of bullying, only diplomate people may succeed there to nourish their ego in multiple form, it could be a nightmare for honest, poor, and  weak, 

Inner community that silent by nature but maintain a lead over the celestial system to help self eternally,

Prevent self from the deluded truth of communities which treat poor, weak, meek and honest as worst as raw linen, respect the dignity of self respect to glorify self to meet the truth of beatitude,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

the greatest magician

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know god to be the greatest magician of this universe that competent enough to create things from nothing,

Indeed, God alone is the source of His Maya which relates the spirit and matter at different frequencies in the sphere of life,

Theory of space and time is nothing but defined aspects of God,  space begins to exist to exist after the coexistence of the things, and cease to exist as coexistence cease to exist in cult of universe t relate time,

Infact time is an eternal entity which could relate the existence in its own cult which itself is a limit of mysticism to reach,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, December 2, 2024

As the flowers emanate fragrance, so is the truth of beings,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

As the flowers emanate fragrance, so is the truth of beings, they emanate vibes to influence,

Associate the pious souls in journey of life in embodied truth, to make it to the truth of being self for the cause eternal,

The association of holy may turn the fate to favor to discard the distaste of delusive life in influence of karmic baggage,

To gain respective momentum to reach the destined destination, association of holy could to be fruitful all the ways,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Life on the planet

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Life on the planet is not a easy task for any embodied soul either in truth as in being with or static reality in gross appearance,

Life of beings on the planet is nothing but a truth of trail and tribulation, only will power and inner strength differ for individuals,

No one is in a perfect comfort zone to felicitate self, no one can ever remains comfortable in transit truth of reality,

Though it appears a gradual sunrise and peaceful sunset on the scenario but behind the veils, it ever remains full of mysticism, staggered reality of life is just a half truth, half remains hidden within self to react and re-accommodate with,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 


Saturday, November 30, 2024

Riches, knowledge and fame

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Riches, knowledge and fame are common among the quest of men in journey of life,

Aspirants look beyond it to reach favorably, and it needs extra mileage to make it,

Their sole goal mostly remain to reach the truth eternal in conjunct with relative and ultimate cause,

To reach at this milestone, it needs to cultivate certain noble qualities to develop requisite willpower and courage,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, November 29, 2024

learn from about what is going around

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji, 

Whatever happens to us, mostly not our choice, not repercussion of our referral deeds, we are forced to, this is a truth like daylight,

Man needs to learn from about what is going around, and to update self to trained suitable, 

This is a world of opportunists, rarely few will be there to help, rest will try to superimpose themselves upon to prove their false ego,

Better be realized and be preventive to avoid extra friction from the delusion of deluded social fabric, try level best to restrain self from deluded society that blood sucker[Jocks],

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji,

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Need not to wait for

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Need not to wait for positivity to visit you, create a positive aura through charter of thoughts, 

Strive to create this magic to help the life that to make it accessible at its most, 

Survival alone can never be enough in itself, conjunct of survival in truth with striving spirit to reach the safe shore,

It needs extra help, eternal refuge in holy saint could be a milestone to make it,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Man alone can help himself

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Man alone can help himself in most appropriate manner to make it best out of itself,

His tunening with his perceptive skill and and preaching truth is infinite to relate with,

Both maintains a cordial truth and optimize reality of harmony to make it to the truth of cause eternal,

Help imparted by others can not be up to the truth man needs at its core base except through one's own self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Know the future

 Jai sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know the future to be more a mirage than reality in world where next moment cannot be predicted in any case, overburdening the present for a better future may prove to an aspect of illusion, 

As the travellers reach it, it turns to present, it is just an aspect of time, all beings in subjugation of,

Let the present to be the truth to live in truth of present, indeed with hope for better,

Indeed present carry itself with baggage of karmic reality with hope for the next, try to live the present in prevailing reality than that day light fantasies, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Mysticism of life

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Mysticism of life ever remains active in truth with journey of life,

Greatest irony of life, life suffers from is, start journey with pious pledge to fight injustice, cruelty, and falsehood,

But in due course of time, quite unaware of the truth, man itself indulge in activities he oppose from the forefront of life of his own, 

To be on safe side, man needs to introspect and re-introspect self in truth with truth of the traits of life before the sunset,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, November 21, 2024


 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

To maintain a fair relationship, two factors impact upon the most,

First is disinterested service and second is honesty, both are equally important for a healthy relationship to lead it for long,

Avoid any kind of criticism either a constructive or destructive, buried the fault finding tency to help self in maintaining fair relationship, either it is with man or the God,

Relationship with God could a true relationship which may help man to maintain its worldly relations either with life partner or business partners, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Awaken state of man

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Awaken state of man is the first milestone to reach enlightened truth of inner self,

Mysterious and unpredicted is the fate of life on the planet which makes it a must chapter for Jiva to be wake up before it is too late,

Awaken alone can never be taken as enlightened, awaken state is pron for graduation of mind at that pitch to interface the truth at its respective pitch,

Refuge in Holy saint could an advantage to attain to this unique chapter of being man on the planet, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji,

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Search and research unto physical plane

 Jai sri Baba Lal ji,

Search and research unto physical plane is persistent since a long back with visible fair application to upgrade the comfort level of embodied soul,

For eternal evolution of soul, it needs relative efforts from sagacious souls to reach and relate the things for welfare of soul,

Many hidden sagacious souls indulge in rigorous penance to update self in truth with hidden aspects unto truth of eternal growth, but mostly remains missing from the scene of worldly life, could be a great loss to men and soul in journey in the planet,

Few sages impart their relative truth of wisdom to respective devotees irrespective of time cult, among them all, one stands foremost, is SatGuru Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

easy enough to be pleasant with flow of life

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

If a man ask for a trouble free life, it is more an illusion than reality, life is embodiment of trials nd tribulations,

Man may ask for eternal strength to overcome the thrust resulted from trials and tribulation of daily life,

Man may ask for eternal invocation of self at its top priority to make it to the truth of self, a most viable preposition in life,

It is easy enough to be pleasant with flow of life with mild application of self in truth with proximity of self with inherent self, not superficial self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, November 18, 2024

imbibe the best from

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

In gross reality, sense objects are taken higher than the senses,

Know for sure that Mind is much elevated than the sense objects, 

Higher is the truth of intellect in context with mind,

When self resort to self eternal, it attains higher reality than intellect to imbibe the best from,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Path of emancipation

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Path of emancipation is embodiment of mysticism, it may took births to cover it to reach the destination, or it could be covered in moments embodied when soul lives in truth with inherent cult of self,

Introvert life alone can not be the most suited preposition for, it needs extra level in truth with realization unto truth and the relative and ultimate cause,

Atman that resorted in a body of human, may make it easy for itself if take resort in self itself through truth unto optimize pitch of renunciation, 

Know for sure, emancipation may not be everlasting experience for soul, at any moment in the sphere of time seed of individuality may sprout, cannot be taken as birth of soul yet it looks alike, depressed desires of soul unto truth of mundane may follows for long to get it back in the net of Maya,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Do not be afraid of the past

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Do not be afraid of the past doings, past has gone, is beyond control now, 

Need not to berate self for it in any case, present is different than the past, and needs attention at its most,

Try to live the life up to inherent self that above the horizon of Karma, irrespective of being midst unto truth of Karma, 

Try to resort in truth of the inherent self to moderate self with truth of present to make it to the bright future,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, November 15, 2024

prevent self from getting polluted in filth of mundane

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The journey of this world as man is meant to neutralize the extra karmic baggage through a life in truth with moral in austere penance through a fair lifestyle that consist of earnest and honest approach to life,

The Sufferings in the journey of life is mere ailment that resultant of sick truth of karma in the past or for a trial to prove self in merits of moral and truth,

The grief and fear of death are the two banks of the stream in the form of life heading for amalgamation with supreme personality in the form of ocean,

Honesty has to pay its price in life through varying kinds of sufferings irrespective of merits or so, yet there is no other substitute to prevent self from getting polluted in filth of mundane,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

path to inner self

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Baba Lal ji showed us a path to inner self through practice of truth in truth with self,

Sri Baba Lal ji, not just a universal reality that exists along with in infinity of inherent self but a truth that supports the hope of devotees and followers,

Life of Sri Baba Lal ji was truth of content that ever steady in meditation to restraint the self from extrovert life to help the life around along with nature,

Spirituality was the soul of his embodied reality which lasted in mortal frame for three hundred years to give message for people to follow fair mortality in truth with life,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The earnest seeker

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The earnest seeker keeps the hope alive irrespective of all odds of journey, 

They try their level best to take journey of life in truth with pilgrimage, 

Their eternal self tends to proclaim the divinity of man and nature in spirit with self,

First chapter of their life resort in truth that God is everything and his messengers that holy saints could be a tangible help to reach the destined truth we all belongs to,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, November 11, 2024

Atman and Paramatman,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Water and fire are most relevant chapter for spirit to realize and perceive the reality in context with self and the supreme, fire by nature ascends, but water through its nature goes down,

God is ocean of the absolute exist at the surface of ocean of mundane, and float over in different forms, 

Glacier cause the rivers to flow down to the ocean, once merge with then it is stagnant truth alone, though through ether code feeding the glaciers, 

In an ocean of water, ice float on the surface, never sink down unless melt away, God is that ice which never melt away irrespective of condition and ever remains at top, component of water and the ice is same yet differ altogether, so is the truth of Atman and Paramatman, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Sunday, November 10, 2024


 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Liberation is not just a word which relates that state of soul in ecstasy of self, in truth with inherent self,

It emphasises unto truth of knowledge, knowledge is an aspect of light, Pathway is, Karma se Bhakti, Bhakti se Jnana and Jnana to Moksha, 

In liberation, the light of wick lamp becomes one with that of a blazing flame though exist but in hidden reality, while tiny scattered individuality continue to exist in quest of identity in falsehood of Maya,

Atman is a ray of light from that universal truth of light but in shadow with truth of maya being in marry with to win over the material world to prove self, but at last found self deceived if not awaken before the sunset,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Mythology is not just a chapter from the laps of celestial reality,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Mythology is not just a chapter from the laps of celestial reality, it is a truth of wholesum evolution from an ion or iota to infinite spirit,

Evolution is to take life to a higher lever to match the truth of celestial reality, and it needs respective condition in truth with unselfish love and intuitive intelligence, 

Referral truth have its leads and roots in material world, perennial truth could be taken as unsullied and bright, eternal and universal, 

Cosmic intelligence is as truth as universal reality and it is meant for embodied spirit irrespective of species but is more prone to human, man needs to realize to capitalise the truth at its best,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Friday, November 8, 2024

Liberation from this hidden force

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know it for sure that life on the planet is embodiment of mysticism, no one knows the fate of next moment, 

Liberation from this hidden force is not that easy for anyone either a mystic compassionate, or an individual from monarch,

Three tier composite truth of embodied soul is bound to fluctuate on the pitch of Maya irrespective of condition and viability, 

Thoughts builds the inner empire is just half a truth, optimising the pitch of thought is not just an achievement, it is much more, death, diseases, three kind of poverty and humiliation is but nature of embodied soul in different form either it is a kind or a pauper, those who have realized the life at its optimize pitch tries to control the mind by bringing to the self, a preposition which may help,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Extrovert life is a challenge, manasa prone to

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The inner most condition of spirit is toughest chapter for anyone to reach, and it derives the inner attitude which mostly reflect in extrovert life of individual,

In its core state, hardly have any chance for error, but as spirit let loose Manasa to roam, is prone to error that add on to the truth of karmic baggage,

Here neither pretence nor self deception help, except for the truth that spirit must turn back to resort within itself like tortoise, 

Extrovert life is a challenge, manasa prone to, introvert life is tough for any individual in gab of human, except for those in refuge of Holy sagacious soul,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji,

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

two kinds of religion

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

There are two kinds of religion, one that care of the extrotetic reality men lives with,

Other one is inherent religion pitched on the truth of spirit in cult with self,

First one, dealt with improving the living conditions and social status of individuals,

Other one is hidden charter but most relative in the journey of life, to upgrade the soul to let it free from bondage from its own mind and unwanted baggage it carry on, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Worldly success

 Jai sri Baba Lal Ji,

Worldly success is nothing but a mirage, could be an obstruction to eternal evolution,

Peace of mind is a distant chapter for those stalking success in the sphere of this mundane, 

Definition of success is not as simple to perceive, just to a destination, which may also be taken as success,

Treading the path of self, step by step, may constitute that success spirit ever looks for to reach blissful unification, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, November 4, 2024

Hare Rama

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man may take a Saint Guaranteed but the not God, 

Man may expect a lot from a Holy saint But never from God, whatever be the case, 

That could be the reason to rely on a Holy saint than God, 

Even otherwise Man can never express his emotion of agony or of being lost in his to god whatever be the Yajna or discourse has gone through, but may express all in refuge of a holy saint, and holy saint may help suitable in truth with condition, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

desirous of attaining God

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man desirous of attaining God, may attain to, irrespective of cast, creed, color and faith, but he has to reach himself at its first milestone,

Sanctity plays the pivotal role to help man in his earnest quest to reach self, 

Know for sure, to attain god, nothing extra to reach at, nothing extra to do, just to simply self in truth with simplicity of lifestyle,

Hype and mimic shows are greatest barrier on path to self and the God, unalloyed eternal love could be a best preposition to make it unto truth of the sole cause of being man,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, November 1, 2024

perceptual reality

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Disinterestedness is remote reality in vicinity of Maya,

Muttering the name alone can never help to attain to this cult of renunciation, 

Individual attains to it only when object desired appears to be harmful and destructive of inner truth,

When a man experienced this mystic cult of life, disinterestedness appears in perceptual reality, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Message of time

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Message of time to aspirants in quest to reach the truth of eternity in context with inherent self, though embodiment of individuality yet a truth of universality,

Rule the life as given in condition and surroundings with most earnest approach to simplify the self,

Try to be the flagship of righteousness without having any trace of ego or pride, just to prove self to the inherent self, that's it,

Peace is an inherent aspect of ruling self, never try to pollute it through extra mileage and extravaganzas of journey, let the life sail safely,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

eradicate all vices of life exposed to

 Jai Baba Lal ji,

Extra involvement in extrovert life is prone to lose faith in self, may give rise to false ego and illusive pride, 

Introvert life is not an easy subject for slaves of Maya, Slaves have to obey the truth like obedient wife, are bound lost in the wildness of extrovert world, the cause of rebirth, 

Mystic reality of life gives many opportunities to inherent self irrespective of fate and destined destiny, only a wakeful conscious man may make it to the truth of self with its appearance, 

Darkness lives on light, a strange reality in fiction of life, so is the truth that one virtue that earned in earnest truth of self may eradicate all vices of life exposed to,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, October 25, 2024

Believe in truth

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Believe in truth of spiritual power, and spirituality, know it for sure that it is infinite in nature like that of universal personality,

Know for sure that Proximity of God is inevitable irrespective of being animate or inanimate, is a subject to realize eternally to sooth the soul in friction of life for a hidden cause,

Try to understand the truth of fire, which remains in hidden and manifest form all along the life, for beings it helps to digest to food that intake to survive, but could be a truth reduce the body to dust in manifest form, man may relates it on varying aspects of supreme personality, which cause for sustenance and dissolution for individuals and masses, 

Nothing can interfere with his all pervasiveness or wholeness, indeed, his truth is supreme ruler through his Maya, submission is the path to reach at, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

differentiate between desire and true want

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

It is truly hard to differentiate between desire and true want, desire could be an aspect of passion in love with aspects of Maya, but true want relates to inherent self, either to sustain in body with moral and truth or in quest for lasting peace to sooth burning soul in friction of life,

Mostly desires ends up in illusion of mirage with attainment, left behind the residual of repent for long,

For spiritual aspirants, though exists midst of mundane but needs to remains active in truth with skill to differentiate to safeguard self, 

As long as man identified self as a body, it would really be tough to differentiate in-between right and the wrong, better be late than never, better be realized than to repent with lapse of time allocated,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

In worship,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

In worship, object of worship with fervour and tenderness of felling plays the pivotal role to make it to the truth of self,

Worshipper needs to be careful in offering to the worshipped all the details of divine honor and respective hospitality,

In process, devotees attain to divine grace with varying potency in context to the truth of their sanctity, this is usual form of worship either in truth with Manasa Puja or Yajna in truth with material oblations, 

Rest assure that inner feeling unto truth of worship either a Manas Puja or participating in Yajna, is  a must factor to yield fairly in truth with self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Charter of Sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Charter of Sat Guru Baba Lal Dayal ji is not limited to religious truth, it is a truth of eternal teaching to make it to the truth of eternity,

His meaningful smile is a light which not only enlighten the heart of aspirants and devotees but induce hope to carry on with truth of enthusiasm in the journey, 

His Very thought with earnest mind, harmonised all the paths of Yoga, spirit needs to recollect and amalgamate with to reach the destined destination, 

Divine grace from the vibes of his personification beautify the eternal truth of devotees and aspirants, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, October 21, 2024

acquiring material wealth as their top priority

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Mostly people in the journey of life remain engaged in acquiring material wealth as their top priority, 

Indeed a must subject to live with dignity and relative truth, but man cannot afford to ignore the spiritual wealth,

Earning material wealth is a toughest chapter for anyone, being delusion of life and nature and men in subjugation apart from it, men's  deceitful nature to mislead weak and helpless, 

Man cannot compromise its inherent truth in truth with morality at the cost of material wealth, Holy saints advised devotees and disciples that be with self before the sunset of life, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

divine grace shower that nectar

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

May divine reality of the day indicate numerous favors for self eternal both ways,

May offerings of the day may yields pure love and self acceptance,

May adoration of the day in cult with help to reach the true inherent worth of self,

May divine grace shower that nectar of eternal peace, which soul ever keep quest for,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 


Saturday, October 19, 2024

rivers rushing to amalgamate self

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

In this transitory life, every moment is alike a dawn of the day and could be a turning point or a milestone to make it,

From past to present and present to future is a series in chain with truth of journey, let spirit ensure itself that all is well,

Constant cycle and recycle is truth of nature be all belongs to, what its needs for man to rise above the limitations of self in subjugation of this process, and the path is realization at its fair pitch in truth with self and surroundings,

Indeed, people are out to hold you for a while, indeed nature is there, could act as barrier for a while but the journey is persistent and perennial as the rivers rushing to amalgamate self with ocean, try to discard the impurities of self to have fair amalgamation,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Friday, October 18, 2024

Holy saints

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Holy saints used to feel unbearable pain at the sorrows and sufferings of the common people in subjugation of their karmic baggage,

Through their ether cord they do all that allow grieving people to reach improved state of their person, they perform eternal yajna to treat this ill of life,

Their vibes spread truth of consciousness in aspirants and devotees at respective pitch to graduate them to act in truth with self confidence and rescue self from day to day sufferings of journey,

They must take them light of wisdom to enlighten their lives, graduate themselves unto truth of purity which help spirit on almost every aspect of life concern with,,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thursday wisdom

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Mind is a subject that most concerned for men in pilgrimage on the planet,

Though inner ruler is someone else, yet individual may put self altogether to make it to the truth of self in available condition,

Mind should be controlled to the extent in which it gets merged in the heart, this is ideal of Jnana in a comprehensive reality, 

Jnana is can never be theoretical, it has to practice in truth with self that to realize the scenario and veils behind the scenario, all the three aspects of meditation that Dharan, Dhyan and Samadhi leads mind to its sole cause as river confugulate with ocean,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

life looks forward to time

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

On earth, life looks forward to time to catch a glimpse of the life of the shepherd Krishna on this Kartik eve,

Only time can relate a fraction unto truth of his pastime and Sacred Kartik is that canvas which can potrait the wonderful image of that heart master on the eternal sky of heart, 

To grasp the pastime of that heart master Krishna, the whole age could be less to make it but just a pious Kartik in truth with respective discipline,

Even otherwise, it is a span of time with earthen lamps to enlighten the truth of soul to glorify its journey on the planet, man may make best out of this unique opportunity available with, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

comprehensive truth of contentment

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji, 

Man desirous of atting to self in truth with universal cause, needs to have a sanctified heart, 

An aspirants must shake off expectation from the world which by nature is a mirage,

An aspirants must realize at its most in truth with self unto omnipresent reality of God, who exists all over irrespective of cast, creed, conditions and other miscellaneous chapters, 

Know for sure, on attaining God, there is nothing more to attain, nothing more to do or know, it is a perfect state of compliance an individual soul that may attain to, that comprehensive truth of contentment,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Ekadasi today, a truth in the form of a cult which guard the spirit in ts various endeavors of Journey, irrespective of conditions to have a safe journey to the destined destination, 

This planet is a place for embodied soul to undergo through various hidden and manifest tasks, none of the task is simple as it looks alike, none is as easy as it is perceived in its referral perspective,

No body can escape the destiny meant for individuals in varying forms but man may realign self to safeguard self from weird truth of journey,

Among thousands of men, rarely few strives to reach self and adoration of the day may help suitably, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

testimony of a revered holy saint

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The moral is a traverse Familiar ground that to reason discernment of self through bringing the final episode of journey with winning note,

Explicating the truth of Atman who by nature is self established cannot be enough for individuality of spirit in truth of journey,

It needs to help self through respective discipline in truth celestial cult for fair evolution of inner self that known in the name of Atman, 

To produce conviction unto this reality, testimony of a revered holy saint may act as a milestone to make it,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

referral and perpetual failures and collapse,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

The universality of God is a glaring truth to believe eternally by the individual soul in embodied form irrespective of body cult,

Individual soul can not afford to take God guaranteed, its faith can not take God its maid in daily life to solve its puzzle at at corner and junction of life, 

Neither individual soul can afford to blame God for its referral and perpetual failure in journey of life, irrespective of the daylight truth that God alone is the sole doer,

Best preposition of any individual embodied soul to follow the cult of species it belongs to, better be realized and try to amalgamate self with truth of eternal renunciation to safeguard self from referral and perpetual failures and collapse, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Mysticism of life

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Mysticism of life is infinite in itself and it is truly hard to reach in any circumstances, 

Many strangers appears as friend in journey and many pose themselves as enemy, among both, one thing is common, that hidden envy in almost all aspects of life,

This is a factor which invoke eternal renunciation with silent truth of extrovert smile to safeguard self from delusive chapter of friend and foe,

In fact, we born alone, depart alone, and live alone in the cult of social fabric, but this loneliness cost heavily to soul in last quarter of life, when health support appears below the bare minimum to sustain, man needs to realize truth of this reality, health alone is the most viable companion in the journey, respect it through prescribed disciplined to maintain a cordial relationship till last breathe, ill health or diseased truth of body is not a necessary factor for death, death is independent reality connected to a hidden ether code which support the functioning of life, indeed independent of health condition, it could an aspect alone 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sri Dussehra today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Sri Dussehra today, a legendary day from the pastime of Lord Rama, 

A milestone to resort with that to understand and appreciate the spirit behind the truth unto cult of the day,

Indeed a integral part of Sharad Navratrey to relate the sacred truth which relates the traits of Dharma as prescribed by time and ages, and Rama lived  it in his own truth,

Great sages of yore evolved this precious gem to relate the life and mankind with concept of Purushartha, man needs to rejoice eternally in truth with cult of the day,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 


Friday, October 11, 2024

wildness of known journey even on known tracks of life

 Jai sri Baba Lal Ji,

Life on the planet is more than a mystic reality all beings live in truth with their embodied status,

Everyday is new for everyone in the sphere of life, irrespective of the status of individual carrying on with,

Each moment is enrich with mysticism in itself and may surprise the individuals on multiple aspects of life, 

Men live the strange reality in truth with mysticism everyday moment by moment but few moments impact hard to bear, and it may change the scenario of life to inclination of any degree, man needs to be wakeful unto this reality of life in wildness of known journey even on known tracks of life,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

deep down truth of depression

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Man in deep down truth of depression, never seek Education to moderate self, it needs eternal vibes which support his destructed inner truth,

Indeed, man needs a wake up conscious state to recover the dream state of delusion in the form of sleep whereby man is caught in snairs of evils, 

But this awakening is quite different than the wakening of life at dawn of the day,

It is to discard the karmic baggage that hard to carry along, only an enlightened soul may impart that essential truth to reach at horizon to make it, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

hope to live long

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Let the spirit of living to live as much as it could be, 

Never let the shadow of afflicted past to overshadow this spirit to be in truth with life on the planet,

Past, present and the future are mere aspects of life to live, they exist in the sky of eternity within self, and dance to the tune of destiny,

Ever try to win over this spirit in truth with hope, irrespective of pathway, hope to live long, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Virtues life

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Virtues life appears to cause difficulty in the beginning because of the disciples past traits, 

But at it concluding phase it appears conductive eternal bliss,

Happiness derived from the sensual pleasures results in suffering at the end, this happiness mostly act as short liven truth, man must be aware about, 

Better be late than never, better be realized before the alarming call from the nature,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, October 7, 2024

eternal is truth

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji,

True knowledge is eternal is truth in truth and practice,

It do not owe its authority to anybody except the earnest seeker,

Never attain to words yet words follow it eternally to pacify the self eternal, 

It is fairly existed beyond the time scale and uninterrupted in its truth to charm the seekers that help them in their sole cause of being on the planet in pilgrimage,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

ocean of mundane existence

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

We all live in the ocean of mundane existence whereby life subsist on life is a strange reality,

Living in the world of falsehood, truth ever remains distant, and men suffer most for want of truth at its most, 

It needs an eternal support to support inner self to continue in truth with life in its all the four aspects that meant for,

That why man needs a God, God that embodiment of truth, beauty and bliss, though falsehood is alo an creation of God but in refuge of God, it may neutralize with time to relief individual, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The soul dwells in the body

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The soul dwells in the body as omnipresent from hair of head to the nail of foot fingers,

It is really tough to relocate the truth of locus whereby it resorts in, 

Ego is the truth of its disintegration from its source yet ego alone cannot be the path to reach the locus of soul,

I-ness in truth with may help spirit to resort along with but for a while but in long term, soul of the man is bound to to be oriented in truth with its pristine body irrespective of its referral reality whichever could be the form,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji,

Friday, October 4, 2024

heart of a Holy saint

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The heart of a Holy saint is entity of spiritual reality rich in eternal teachings of religion at its optimize pitch,

The Heart of a holy saint treat aspirants on merits to help them rediscover themselves in the light of universal truth, 

Eternal truth of Holy saint resort in sole reality that conductive to the welfare of inherent eternal self of individuals in refuge,

Insight of the mind of holy sages relates the thing around in truth of their viable reality either to restraint from or indulge in, for devotees,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

His truth

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Obeisance in the lotus feet of Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji, known for being his compassionate mystic reality, who takes care of his devotees in both worlds,

His truth is not limited to a sagacious reality  infinite in itself but a cosmic soul to confer bliss and wisdom upon the devotees, 

A great seer in truth with his immortal nature on the scenario of life, who safeguard aspirants and devotees from the jaws of transgression of mystic Law of Maya, 

Endows his devotees and meaningful aspirants with fair conduct and good thoughts to ascend within self to cross the horizon of eternity of self to untie the knots of Bondage,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

distinction is drawn

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The transcendental experiences of all ages are intact in truth of eternity locked with celestial key,

To reach the celestial key, man needs to adore the celestial cult in truth with dates and respective events to update self in truth of celestial reality, 

It is not just a chapter to go through for a cause but a truth to make it unto truth of inherent reality of self,

A respective distinction is drawn encrypted in truth with pitch of mind to relate the things on merit and communion with holy saints may help to reach,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

discourses available to man

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Lot of discourses available to man unto truth of supreme reality but all of them are mere philosophical theory, 

Man's eternal quest ever remains live to experience this unique truth in practice, 

There are two aspects to reach at, first is conduct of the man in truth with Brahmanism irrespective of the cast culture,

Second stands more lucrative that earnest refuge in lotus feet of a holy saint, there holy saint as as a catalyst to connect the eternity of individual aspirant in truth supremacy of the almighty God that none other than parmatma, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, September 30, 2024

party to the originator

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

We all are party to the originator of this world tree, whose roots are up in celestial truth and all other composite truth in mundane reality,

Our conduct must match the truth of moral of this world tree to be a part to it in its fair deal,

All beings other than man have limited access to this reality to make it for themselves but the man, 

Man may increase or decrease his inherent wealth through his conduct, pristine wealth of the man is his effulgent knowledge,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The truth of Sri Baba Lal ji

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The truth of Sri Baba Lal ji revealed his reality as a great spiritual teacher to preach his devotees and aspirants eternally, 

Syllabus of his teaching is infinite, who imparts the true charter of religious liberty to his disciples, 

Harmonized all the aspects to enlighten the truth of eternity for the cause eternal, 

Help devotees to bring them at the doorstep of common cause of being man in the journey of Life, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sri Ekadasi of Kanagat

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

     Planet is hosting only Sri Ekadasi of Kanagat, a disperated reality yet is a meaningful chapter beyond words which relates to cavity of self to experienced in cult of eternity, 

     Indeed, a saintly day that embodiment of sagacious truth to the mysticism of self through mild practice of self with respective discipline in available conditions of Life,

     Adoration of the day in spirit which may represent the essence of all Yogas available to life on the planet,

     Not just a day for Sri Vishnu Pad Puja, it is much more on each and every aspect of life as man, at the threshold of Liberation, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Friday, September 27, 2024

The sanctification of self

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The sanctification of self is most concerned chapter for man,

Those who remain engaged in process of self sanctifying reality, protect themselves from evil rediations that resultant from Tuna and Totka by peoples around that embodied with envy, 

Sanctify self create a aura around self to safeguard self from delusion of deluded on the board of life, 

Sanctifying self also safeguard self from evil restorations from one's own past karmic baggage, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

self introspection

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know for sure, self introspection is also an aspect of worship, 

In this Kali age attachment to sensual pleasure and wealth is inevitable, 

Worship along through prescribed syllabus may not be enough to comprehend those higher ideals meant for the life of men,

Time and again, men have to recollect self to assess its true worth in truth with spirituality on traits of Karma and self introspection may help as a great tool,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

May I ever feel obliged

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Aspirants pray in truth with self at eternal temple of heart, May the divinity manifest in embodiment of Shabd Om, that all pervasive and essence of the all Vedic culture, strengthen my intellect at its fair pitch, 

May I be a fit recipient of Atman Jnana which may lead me to the truth of beatitude,

May my body responds favorably to acquire what is ultimate good for me,

May I ever feel obliged for the gracious help of Adi Purusha in my endeavor of task as journey on the planet,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

There are infinite abilities in dormant mode in human, mostly men are unaware unto truth of this reality,

Moreover, they lack the skill to know it to make an effort to reach and address self suitably,

Many ignorants in over enthusiasm may create havoc for themselves, rather than attaining anything from that dorant chapter, they further add in that lot,

Better be realized than before being so late, awake at its first, and indulge in conviction genuinely through an fair introspecting self that to make it at its most, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, September 23, 2024

This is common to all beings

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man breathes in process of inhaling and exhaling the air to partake the oxygen from at its most to activate the live cells of composite mass known in the name of body, 

This is common to all beings including vegetations, trees and other allied,

Man needs to inhale the truth and exhale the falsehood in process of breathing which counts around twenty thousand or so in a day, 

Burst the fetter which hold you down, adopt a fair approach to amalgamate breath in truth with truth to enliven the region of eternity, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

His life

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Time has related truth of Sri Baba Lal Ji with time and again with respective conditions eternally, 

His life was an embodied truth of continence to relate the thing active around,

His silence was a great speaker for his disciples and followers,

His smile was truth of his blessing, people experienced in many aspects of Life,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, September 21, 2024


 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Secret of the life lies within the life itself, 

Secret of the God lies in the truth of his creation, 

Secret of soul ever exists in reality of soul, 

Man needs to learn the secret of his inner self through practice of inner cult which lies in morality of living,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, September 20, 2024

misappropriation is the social cult of life in manhood,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Life is a battlefield, a battle that struggle to survive, social fabric is a necessary evil like friction, 

Battle to survive is common to all, irrespective of cast, creed and color, king and pauper also struggle to survive in their own reality, 

Two primary aspect are bare minimum to make that attain to survival, the very first is safe shelter and second is minimum requisite to feed belly, 

It is true that providence provides the requisite to all among eighty four lakhs species but when it comes to man, dignity and self respect falls pray to man to make it, which create the difference, haves and not have is broad truth of friction, misappropriation is the social cult of life in manhood, be at home before the sunset, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

No holy saint demands a blind acceptance of his teachings

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

No holy saint demands a blind acceptance of his teachings, neither he try to impose his own experience on those in refuge in him,

He emphasises devotees and disciples to gain conviction unto truth of teachings they learn from, 

Traits of logic and science may help to a limit, thereafter, it is truth of one's own intellect to to reach the mind of holy Saint about his philosophical thinking in conjunct with reality of life,

Imperfection of one;s intellect can not be addressed at once by the narratives of a holy saints, it takes time to revamp and accommodate self in truth with inherent cult to make it, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

love someone

 Jai Sri Baba ji,

If you truly love someone, it keeps manifesting in some form or the other.

If that love is an aspect of Bhagwat love, then it becomes a life companion in the form of devotion.

While attachment to visible objects in life is easy, attachment to invisible truth is a difficult subject.

But if a person overcomes this difficulty, then crossing the ocean of life becomes easy.

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji 

Monday, September 16, 2024

never let this precious boat drown

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Baba Lal ji revealed the truth from the laps of his austere penance that a person who has realized his true inherent self, mostly rise above the horizon of fear resulted from the delusion of Maya, 

Even in the old age, they never indulge in delusive practices of body cult, mostly remains far apart from the sick truth of age factor, 

A person who has experienced his own inherent truth, can easily separate self himself from the body consciousness, thereby discard the relative karmic baggage resulted from,

Know for sure, body itself is a worst reality for Soul in an aspect, but in another aspect, body with a human touch is gracious truth of supreme personality, that to sail safely the ocean of mundane existence, realizing very self never let this precious boat drown,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Kanagat is at the threshold

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Mystic chapter of Kanagat is at the threshold, souls from that sphere visit the planet on a mystic visit just to bless those in lineage to, 

The chapter is not related to this aspect only, in this spn holy saints who have already discarded their mortal frame will visit their devotees and aspirants to bless them,

Devotees and aspirants may encash this opportunity through adoring the restive discipline to make it to the truth of favor,

Prominancy among the discipline is Brahman Seva, genuinely serving the genuine brahman could really be a great milestone to make it,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Ekadasi today, a day to address eternal self through respective discipline of the day, 

Indeed a day up update eternal inherent religion in truth with present scenario of celestial cult,

In Sanatan Sanskriti, Sri Ekadasi is a legendary chapter which relates to the light of self, to visualise the perspective truth in its defined meridian, 

Time and ages have under went everything to preserve this precious gem from its lap while counting of transit truth of moon in its both faces that to facilitate the spirit in journey of life,

JAi Baba Lal Dayal ji, 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Hare Rama

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

Man expects a lot from the God, is gross ignorance of men,

Man may expect reasonable from the truth of a holy saint But God,

Doings of God are mystics in itself, hard for individuals to reach, 

Holy saints are taken as refined form of God, hence it could be an reliable source of help in friction of journey,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday wisdom

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Mostly two kind of people exist in society, one with hidden aim to prove supremacy among the fellow beings that to deceive them for their personal gains, 

Another class resort  in truth silent service to the truthful cause in disinterested ways with no hidden agenda of name and game of money,

Exceptionally few stack the truth of inherent reality to make it to the truth of beatitude at that shore of journey, and they are not only appreciated by holy saints but holy saints helps them even out of proportion to reach,

Last one belong to elight club of human that resorted on the bed rock of faith in holy saints and their truth to reach the wisdom of being human on journey of the planet,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Sanatan Sanskriti

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Time to wake up, dawn of the day is approaching fast, time to recognize the personification of self, time to align and realigned self in truth with sole cause, for we are being in transit reality which changing every moment,

A true human personality can alone salvage the truth of great civilization meant fo life on the planet and Sanatan Sanskriti is the defined chapter to adore to reach,

Spiritual growth is a must chapter for man for self evolution, for spiritual growth, Sanatan Sanskriti which has its roots in celestial cult is the only hope, secular education can never graduate the mind to the pitch of its inherent reality, spiritual education in truth with cult of sanctity alone is the path,

There are so many religions with edifice of their own favors for material expansion but Sanatan Sanskriti is the truth to relate the inherent self with true cause of being man, based on the truth of sanctity and non violence,

Jai Baba Lal dayal Ji,  

Monday, September 9, 2024

The moment man forsake its pristine inherent truth

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,

The sins of all the world are incurred by trio of lust, greed and vanity, 

The moment man forsake its pristine inherent truth, this trio takes over the charge of his journey,

It paves the path for negative energy to pounce upon time and again, to derail the truth of journey as human,

Delusion of the dark chapters of life, cannot be dispelled by any mundane correction, it needs fair alignment at eternal truth of self, holy saints may helps suitably,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

reaffirm the self

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man has to reaffirm himself that he is here on a lease, and that is not perpetual in any case, This world, or the universe we exists in belongs to God alone, is sole master, sole doer or could be a sole dictator to spirit especially in its embodied truth, body of embodied soul is nothing but a dress code to relate the things, 

We are here for a hidden cause that differ from person to person, and region to region, in truth with self that to upgrade self for fair evolution to reach the truth of beatitude,

Claiming undue ownership is nothing but an gross ignorance, which dilute the sublime truth of self, all beings playing to the tune of Maya that delusive potency of God, Maya makes the spirit tilt in joy and sorrow, 

Better be late than never, better be wake up to reach that state of consciousness inherent to all individuals to safeguard self to a limit, the much one may make it,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Light and sound show

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Individual soul is taken as Brahman by the ancient scripture to relate the self in its inherent cult,

This Brahman when indulge in truth of Karma or from the lineage in truth with cast and creed, create the difference, which could to detrimental the truth of spirit,

Mirror gives the reflected image, in majority of cases, mind relates the respective truth but with lateral inversion, 

Light and sound show is on, on the stage of life, individual spirit dancing to the truth of Maya, in passion with Maya to charm self in love with Maya, could the cause for firm bondage which takes number of births to untie this knot,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Extremities and the extravaganzas

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Extremities and the extravaganzas dilute the truth of life and supersede the truth of Yoga whichever be the aspect that belongs to it,

Man needs to be wakeful and watchful unto truth of these wicked chapter of journey, they trap the spirit badly in turmoils of birth and rebirth and takes the spirit down beyond description,

Extremities unto truth of austere penance must be avoided in any case, be at the truth of optimize pitch to yield best from, 

Make a fair note on eternity of note pad that try to be with one's own self and indulge in Manasa puja, it  could be a most appropriate preposition to make it,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

wants to be happy and enjoy the journey

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Every individual wants to be happy and enjoy the journey of life to experience the unique reality of being self in cult with self,

But rarely few know the way to make it, indeed life is meant to enjoy but not at the cost of others sorrow, 

Manage the essentials to sustain life in truth with dignity is one aspect and to reach the lasting inherent joy is completely different altogether,

The highest object and ordeal for man is very simple that is attain to self to enjoy the sublime bliss irrespective of being in mortal reality and communion with holy saint may yield favorably,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Body of the man

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Body of the man is not just a carrier for spirit but a truth of inherent religion spirit hold with to make it to the truth of self,

Daily invocation unto truth of rituals in lineage with sanctity act as holy stream that heading to the ocean for its amalgamation, 

Maintaining the sanctity of this body cult is a prime chapter for man, external sanctity through maintaining cleanliness and internal sanctity through the morality of inherent self in truth with deeds of daily life,

Visiting the holy saints impart both at an instance without much extension, through all the three modes that known for being transfer of heat, the conduction, convection and radiation, from the hidden ether truth of the holy saint,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Sri Somvati Amavasya today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Somvati Amavasya today, a sacred day in truth with celestial cult for the cause eternal,

This day itself is a manifest form of a Celestial Yajna, that to participate to reach the eternal gain,

Indeed, a day with an ether reality of progressive truth for fair evolution of soul heading for its final goal, 

Celestialism and the inherent religion of men aligned in fair orientation of self in vicinity of the day, and man may make best out of this unique opportunity,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sublime truth visit and revisit the soul

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Those who take refuge in holy saints and enjoy communion with pious souls, knew no bounds unto truth of their eternal celebration, 

God is the soul of entire cosmos, and holy saints represents him in their person to help spirit in regaining its pristine truth, 

In the association of holy Saints splendour of eternal festival manifest time and again to oblige the soul, and this phenomena of eternal unity superseded even the joy of heavens, 

Sublime truth visit and revisit the soul to charm it beyond words, is a phenomenon that cannot be described in mundane language,

Jai Sri Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Know for sure

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know for sure, consciousness in man is the subject that most concerned as human to cross the channel of transmigration, 

Conciousessness at its optimize pitch could a tool to reach the state of blissful unison with self, even while within the body, 

As the man failed to distinguish self from its real state of consciousness, lost the truth of inner path, a must for lasting peace,

Unconsciousness may also be classified as intoxicated state of self, which makes it impossible for self reach the horizon of eternity of self to make it for the sole cause of being man, better be late than never,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, August 30, 2024

love and the life

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The whole universe is the gross truth of supreme personality known in the name of God,

Either it is good or the bad, it belongs to the various aspects of God, either in direct reality or in depth illusion that hard to perceive,

Indeed, God has created this world from his own truth of Sankalp, vibrant and perceptible through respective application of intellect in conjunct with mind,

It is a bare truth to believe eternally that his world is incomplete without love and the life, his sports define these two through his infinite aspects, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji, 


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji, 

Sri Ekadasi today, a day to make it to the truth of indwelling self through fair and earnest participation in cult of the day, 

Every embodied being needs freedom, bur ways to reach are totally unknown for them but the man,

As the man reaches to its pristine truth within self feels relieved and liberated from the karmic baggage, a truth of sorted freedom, 

Sri Ekadasi is the day with ether code that compatible to the inner self to sooth it to the truth of requisite freedom here and lasting beatitude that,

Jai Sri Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Religion should not be confused with rituals

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Religion should not be confused with rituals that obtained in organized societies, all societies have their pros and cons with hidden motives to trap individuals,

Eternal religion is universal all the way for man, is a truth of being human in cult of life, which emphasizes on love one another that disinterested love but in truth with service,  

Renunciation and disinterested service are two defined faces of the same coin, meant to learn from to act and react in truth with life as human,

In this truth of renunciation lies the sufficient solution to most problems of life,  especially in the last quarter of life, man must need to realize this reality of life to escape undue hardship through the age factor,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hare Krishna

 Jai Sri Baba Lal ji


Jai Baba Lal Dayal ji 

Man is potentially divine but

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Man is potentially divine but not ethically in reality of its very self, cosmic law follows the life hence man needs God to react favorable, 

The life of the man is the threshold to ascend and its needs extra help, being is in direct flux from cosmic force,

This Makes man to look for God, first to reach the truth at its first milestone then to make it to the tune of that ascention, man meant for, 

Man is prone to turn toward divine with need, though divine transcends all temporal limitations, man needs to temporal set up to realign self in truth with referral as well as sole cause, eteer be late than never, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Monday, August 26, 2024

Sri Krishna Janmashtami today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Krishna Janmashtami today, day to rejoice eternally in truth with sports of Lord Krishna and his pastime, either it is his message for the Mankind, or his call to his devotees in the format of gopis for conjugal experience of Atman and Parmatman, 

Either it is a truth of his reality in love with his soul mate Radha or his passionate truth of Maharas to charm the life in cult of blissful unison at the bank of a celestial stream,

A defined day to enlighten self with truth of his light divine in the name of Jnana that helps spirit to untie the unwanted knots, a day to visit him eternally or a day to recall him in the temple of heart, 

A day to adore and revere the pollen like dust from his lotus feet to oblige self to make it to the truth of eternity, spirit belongs to, science and logic have limited truth in themselves to help devotees but spirituality is a comprehensive chapter may lead self to Krishna, and the day support this truth,

Jai Sri Radhey Krishna 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sri Krishna janmashtami

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Krishna janmashtami is here to introspect in truth with Karma and doership in journey of life, and Lord Krishna is a statesman to relate this chapter it is optimize pitch,

Surrender to God is the highest sign of wisdom for men, being life and karma is nothing but sports of universal reality in context with it Maya, 

Indeed, sole doer is God alone, not even a leaf can ever move without his will, question of death and the birth is far broad to perceive in its real engagement than a biological reality,

Take Refuge in God is the best way to safeguard self but means to reach this truth is not clearly defined in the sphere of life, yet man has to pitch self in truth with hope and dawn of day must reach for,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

protect the cows from slaughter houses and butchers

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Time to reach out the truth of Cow in context with Sri Krishna Bhakti and the light of wisdom for the soul in dark of delusion of the Kali age,

Krishna is also known as a cowherd, that tending cows in Brij Bhumi with its epicenter of Sri Govardhan, Cow an fair entity of Dharma In Sanatan Sanskriti,   

Feeding the cow with truth and dignity is the pathway to prosperity worldly as well as eternal, but truth of the time is indifferent in presence scenario, needs fair introspection unto reality that millions of cows are being disappearing every years for indifferent reasons,

If followers of Hindu cult and reality do not wake up unto the truth of chapter, it would be tough time ahead to face, protect the cows from slaughter houses and butchers, if to protect the mankind and humanity, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,   

Friday, August 23, 2024

Life is a battlefield

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Life is a battlefield and everyone is engaged in one or another aspect to conquer the life, irrespective of being fighting with one's own mates, and blood relatives at its most,

Life of all beings ever remains in self mode hence a blind drive to reach a unknown destination which may differ the set goal by individuals, 

Religion and relative culture direct and redirect the truth of approach unto the battle being fought on daily basis, 

Mostly people lack the true knowledge and respective goal to reach the winning note, and it its foremost, man needs a true preceptor that to guide suitable to recover at its first, and help to differentiate between right and wrong in their true perspective, than make it to the truth of victory, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,  

Thursday, August 22, 2024

conjunct of the two

Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji 

On the auspicious occasion of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, ether code is active beyond words to influencing the charm the truth of Bhakti that manifest in cult of devotees and aspirants. 

Krisna Love in truth of divinity is here along with life, philosophy of Krishna cult is available to earnest enquirer with purified mind and optimize truth of intellect,

Truth of man's intellect fluctuate very often in truth with condition, mostly remains tained with worldly passion to achieve beyond reach, though by nature intellect of man is filled with truth of this universe but in passion with Maya, it goes limited to the sphere and truth of Maya alone,

A highly precised truth of intellect in perfect harmony with mind, may reach the sensitive reality of self and truth of ultimate reality, within self itself, Know Krishna to be a fairly known heart master that help his followers beyond words with occasion and time, conjunct of the two is here right now in the name of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, 

Jai Sri Baba Lal Dayal ji 

Thursday wisdom

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Know for sure that truth of Spiritual reality is available to all including the poorest and the greatest among riches, 

Spirituality is a light which may enlighten even the most obscure region within the self, for right conduct and meaningful living,

Saints and sages of the era and ages have propagated this truth in many forms and make it accessible even to the weakest among human reality, 

It could be a great milestone to fulfilling eternal desires in truth with sole cause of being man on the planet, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Life is a complex chapter,

 Jai Sri Baba lal Ji,

Life is a complex chapter, based on the truth of span of time that awarded by the Kaal for different and indifferent reasons to spirit in varying forms that embodied with, 

At Physical level all have their limitations to react and make it to the truth of their format, vegetable kingdom have roots in earth like mountains, not compatible to motion, beings that animate survive on water and air primarily, in vicinity of air, earth and water, few exist in both format, earth and water, such as tortoise and few birds,  

Indeed life constitute the spirit in direct reality without being embodied culture of gross body, subtle truth act their in to pitch the fate and destiny but indifferent on majority of aspects,

Mobile manifestation of life for human is truly different, it is meant for the liberation of soul, a stage at the threshold of beatitude, but in no case an easy access, it is a task that tougher than anything, first to sustain in truth with righteousness midst of falsehood of Maya all around, finally to maintain the dignity of self in truth with sanctity, men is the worst enemy of men in illusion of Maya, beware and be warn, wake up before the sunset,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

not that easy for mind to comprehend the introvert reality,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

It is not that easy for mind to comprehend the introvert reality, being mind mostly found self in extrovert truth,

External world is more transitory than eternal reality,

External is like the pitch and pace of moon but inner truth more than the truth of Sun both ways,

Refuge in lotus feet of Holy Saint may make it compatible for mind to stalk the inner reality to reach the horizon of eternity,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji 

Monday, August 19, 2024

be the flagship of Hinduism,

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Message of time, be the flagship of Hinduism, not just a religion but an embodiment of inherent cult of self in truth with celestial reality,

Indeed, a society that stand on the solid base of truth with requisite truth to sustain in journey as human to make it to the tune of beatitude, 

Know the truth of Hinduism which has survived the vicissitudes of history and onslaughts of time, not that easy to understand at a glance but possesses the light of wisdom, a must chapter for inherent self,

Hinduism is not just a religion to adore but an inherent culture that facilitate the Atman to make it to the truth of being cause, being in embodied reality of self,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

True knowledge

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

True knowledge is a must subject for men,

It is a most relevant chapter to make it to the truth of self realization at its optimize pitch,

To realize the true self, no other action is needed except the truth of that knowledge and relative perceptive skill to imbibe the best,

Indeed, proximity of holy saints may make the subject easy, blessings of holy saints may help spirit to make it to the truth of self realization, a must but not that easy chapter,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Suppressing desire

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Suppressing desire could never be a truth of renunciation, 

Renunciation is to overpower the truth of indulging in extra involvement of desire, to stay apart from,

Fulfilment of desire gives birth to new desire, a never ending process, which ultimately binds the mind and cause to cycle of transmigration,

Self restraint in truth with self that in proximity of self may create content truth of self that far above the horizon of worldly desires,

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Sri Ekadasi today, day to invoke self in truth with sole cause of being human on the planet,

Sri Vishnu Pad Puja is a defined milestone to make it to the truth of the cause,

Sri Ekadasi truly support the inner cult to enjoin this truth of divinity,

There are infinite chapters with infinite aspects to make it easy for self to adore the day to make it for spirit eternally, and man may achieve the best from, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Before the sunset

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

Before the sunset, man needs to relocate self in truth with cause eternal, 

Life as a man is a truth to invoke self to indulge in traits of spirituality to make it to the truth of wisdom and prudence, 

Invocation may be carried out in numerous ways available to man in the sphere of life with prevailing reality and referral conditions, 

In beginning rituals may help to ward off undue interferences of prevailing ignorance around which causes undue distracts to reach the goal, be wise and beware to rescue self at an earliest to reach home safely before the dark truth of following night, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji, 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

first step

 Jai Sri Baba Lal Ji,

The very first step in eternal cult of self is purification of body and mind through adoration of respective chapters which makes it easy to sanctify the eternal self,

Afflicted mind with relative body may cause unrest to soul and may further create chaos in peace process, 

Quest for peace is a never ending process which cease to exist with beatitude, five sense organs and their leader Manasa  could be the root cause of differed state of mind and unrest to spirit,

Best preposition is to eternally renounce the world through a peculiar state of mind and resort to self to make it to the requisite truth unto sole cause of being man, 

Jai Baba Lal Dayal Ji,